Nikolas Tsakos
Nikolas Tsakos has been President, Chief Executive Officer and a director of Tsakos Energy Navigation since its inception. Mr Tsakos is the sole shareholder of Tsakos Energy Management. He has been involved in ship management since 1981 and his seafaring experience began in 2004

Nikolas Tsakos is graduated from the Cass Business School (City University of London), one of the leading business schools for shipping; he is as well a member of the Costas Grammenos shipping Foundation.

Tsakos Energy Navigation

The scramble for capital has intensified in the wake of environmental catastrophes such as the Exxon Valdez and Erika oil spills. "After the Exxon Valdez disaster, we could see that old ships would be phased out," says Tsakos. His company unloaded the last of its old, single-hulled vessels last year and has used the proceeds from the sale of its shares to buy a fleet of 25 vessels with an average age of just seven years—all double-hulled, as required by European and U.S. regulators.

As of April, 2007 Tsakos Energy Navigation’s proforma fleet consists of 53 vessels of . Today, TEN operates a fleet of 40 vessels all double-hull. Additionally, its newbuilding program of 13 vessels includes seven Aframax crude carriers, one Suezmax, two Panamax tankers and three Handysize product carriers representing .

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