The Nibelungids were a Frankish
The Franks were a confederation of Germanic tribes first attested in the third century AD as living north and east of the Lower Rhine River. From the third to fifth centuries some Franks raided Roman territory while other Franks joined the Roman troops in Gaul. Only the Salian Franks formed a...

 noble family descended from Childebrand
Childebrand was a Frankish duke , son of Pepin of Heristal and Alpaida, brother of Charles Martel. He married Emma of Austrasia and was given Burgundy by his father...

, the younger full brother of Charles Martel
Charles Martel
Charles Martel , also known as Charles the Hammer, was a Frankish military and political leader, who served as Mayor of the Palace under the Merovingian kings and ruled de facto during an interregnum at the end of his life, using the title Duke and Prince of the Franks. In 739 he was offered the...

. They formed a cadet branch, alongside the Carolingians, of the Arnulfing (or Pippinid) house. The dynasty got its name from Childebrand's heir, Nibelung I.

Childebrand's immediate descendants held the County of the Vexin in the ninth century. The relationships between the various Childebrands and Nibelungs of the period are rarely attested in primary sources, leaving it to genealogists, prosopographers, and onomasticists to piece together possible lines of descent. It has been suggested that they were related to the family of William of Gellone
William of Gellone
Saint William of Gellone was the second Count of Toulouse from 790 until his replacement in 811. His Occitan name is Guilhem, and he is known in French as Guillaume d'Orange, Guillaume Fierabrace, and the Marquis au court nez.He is the hero of the Chanson de Guillaume, an early chanson de geste,...

 and to the Counts of Autun, from which may have descended Ringard, the wife of Pepin II of Aquitaine
Pepin II of Aquitaine
Pepin II, called the Younger , was King of Aquitaine from 838 as the successor upon the death of his father, Pepin I. Pepin II was eldest son of Pepin I and Ingeltrude, daughter of Theodobert, count of Madrie...


The early Nibelungids were patrons of the continuation of the Chronicle of Fredegar
Chronicle of Fredegar
The Chronicle of Fredegar is a chronicle that is a primary source of events in Frankish Gaul from 584 to around 641. Later authors continued the history to the coronation of Charlemagne and his brother Carloman on 9 October 768....

, which is indicated in the Austrasian and Arnulfing emphasis in the continuation, as distinct from the Burgundian outlook of the original chronicle.


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