Nexus file
Nexus file format is widely used in Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics is the application of computer science and information technology to the field of biology and medicine. Bioinformatics deals with algorithms, databases and information systems, web technologies, artificial intelligence and soft computing, information and computation theory, software...

. Several popular phylogenetic programs such as Paup*, MrBayes, Mesquite, and MacClade use this format.


Command inside square brackets [ and ] are ignored (comment). Each block starts with BEGIN block_name; and finishes with END;

An example for a simple DNA alignment would be:
Begin data;
Dimensions ntax=4 nchar=15;
Format datatype=dna symbols="ACTG" missing=? gap=-;
Species1 atgctagctagctcg
Species2 atgcta??tag-tag
Species3 atgttagctag-tgg
Species4 atgttagctag-tag

Basic blocks

TAXA block : The TAXA block contains information about taxa.
CHARACTER block : The CHARACTER block contains information about the data matrix.
DATA block : The DATA block contains the data matrix (e.g. sequence alignment).
TREES block : The TREES block contains phylogenetic trees described using the Newick format
Newick format
In mathematics, Newick tree format is a way to represent graph-theoretical trees with edge lengths using parentheses and commas. It was adopted by James Archie, William H. E. Day, Joseph Felsenstein, Wayne Maddison, Christopher Meacham, F...

, e.g. ((A,B),C);


SETS block;
TREES block
CODONS block
PAUP block : This block contains all the commands used by Paup*. (refer to Command Reference Document - Second Draft for detail describtion of each command.)

External links

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