New York Landmarks Conservancy
The New York Landmarks Conservancy is a non-profit organization "dedicated to preserving, revitalizing, and reusing New York’s architecturally significant buildings." It provides technical assistance, project management services, grants, and loans, to owners of historic properties in New York State. Since its founding, the Conservancy has provided more than $30 million in grants and loans.

The Conservancy runs three main programs:
  • Its Technical Services Center provides "expert architectural and preservation advice to property owners, developers, and contractors."
  • Its Sacred Sites Program "provides financial and technical assistance for the maintenance, repair, and restoration of religious properties of all denominations throughout New York State." Started in 1986, it has provided almost $5 million in matching funds, affecting over 600 properties.
  • Its Historic Properties Fund provides project management assistance and loans ranging between $20,000 and $300,000 for exterior work or structural repairs on historic properties, at generally below-market interest rates. Started in 1982, it has provided loans to over 200 properties.

The Conservancy publishes a journal, Common Bond, specifically for those responsible for the care of religious buildings.

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