Net volatility
Net volatility refers to the volatility
Volatility (finance)
In finance, volatility is a measure for variation of price of a financial instrument over time. Historic volatility is derived from time series of past market prices...

 implied by the price of an option spread trade involving two or more options. Essentially, it is the volatility at which the theoretical value of the spread trade matches the price quoted in the market, or, in other words, the implied volatility
Implied volatility
In financial mathematics, the implied volatility of an option contract is the volatility of the price of the underlying security that is implied by the market price of the option based on an option pricing model. In other words, it is the volatility that, when used in a particular pricing model,...

 of the spread.
The net volatility for a two-legged spread (with one long leg, and one short) can be estimated, to a first order approximation, by the formula:

is the net volatility for the spread and are the implied volatility
Implied volatility
In financial mathematics, the implied volatility of an option contract is the volatility of the price of the underlying security that is implied by the market price of the option based on an option pricing model. In other words, it is the volatility that, when used in a particular pricing model,...

 and vega
Greeks (finance)
In mathematical finance, the Greeks are the quantities representing the sensitivities of the price of derivatives such as options to a change in underlying parameters on which the value of an instrument or portfolio of financial instruments is dependent. The name is used because the most common of...

 for the long leg and are the implied volatility and vega for the short leg
It is now mid-April 2007, and you are considering going long a Sep07/May07 100 call spread, i.e.

...not as much as I am in the metamorphic or sedimentary rock categories. I mean I can take your igneous rocks or leave them. I relate primarily to micas, quartz, feldspar. You can keep your pyroxenes, magnetites and coarse-grained plutonics as far as I'm concerned...

Eunice!? That's a person named Eunice?

I love those old Ventegums.

It so happens, Mr. Simon, that Howard has had discussions with Leonard Bernstein about the possibility of conducting an avalanche ... in E flat. are not Burnsy. Burnsy is Burnsy, I mean Eunice is Burnsy, I mean she isn't Burnsy. Nobody is Burnsy.

It's the television set, Eunice. There's a movie on--a war movie. They're getting dressed for the big battle.

Well, there's not much to see actually, we're inside a Chinese dragon.

Why, those are Howard's. What on Earth are you doing with Howard Bannister's rocks?

Don't kick those rocks, you Philistine!

There is an old Croatian saying, Bollixter, which goes...
