Nephele (genus)
Nephele is an Old World genus of moths in the Sphingidae
Sphingidae is a family of moths , commonly known as hawk moths, sphinx moths and hornworms, that includes about 1,200 species . It is best represented in the tropics but there are species in every region . They are moderate to large in size and are distinguished among moths for their rapid,...
- Nephele accentiferaNephele accentiferaNephele accentifera is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is common in most habitats throughout the Ethiopian Region, excluding Madagascar and the Cape Peninsula....
- (Palisot de Beauvois 1821) - Nephele aequivalensNephele aequivalensNephele aequivalens is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from forests up to 5,000 feet and heavy woodland throughout tropical Africa....
- (Walker 1856) - Nephele argentiferaNephele argentiferaNephele argentifera is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from coastal bush and savanna from Somalia to northern South Africa.The length of the forewings is 32-35 mm and the wingspan is 78-85 mm. The black lateral spots of the abdomen are large and well defined. The ground colour of the...
- (Walker 1856) - Nephele bipartitaNephele bipartitaNephele bipartita is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from lowland forest and heavy woodland from West Africa to the coast of Kenya and Tanzania and to Malawi and Mozambique.The length of the forewings is 34-38 mm...
- Butler 1878 - Nephele commaNephele commaNephele comma is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is very common throughout the Ethiopian Region, including Madagascar.The length of the forewings is 32-39 mm and the wingspan is 76-86 mm. It is a very variable species. The body and forewings are dark olive green to reddish-brown and to light...
- Hopffer 1857 - Nephele comoroanaNephele comoroanaNephele comoroana is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from the Comoro Islands.The wingspan is 50-70 mm for males and 74-78 mm for females. It is similar to Nephele accentifera and Nephele densoi but smaller. The forewing upperside is more uniformly brown...
- Clark 1923 - Nephele densoiNephele densoiNephele densoi is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from Madagascar and the Comoro Islands.The wingspan is 70–82 mm for males and 77–86 mm for females. The abdomen upperside has black patches. The forewing upperside has bands that are more conspicuous than in similar Nephele oenopion...
- (Keferstein 1870) - Nephele disciferaNephele disciferaNephele discifera is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from forests from Liberia and Ghana to Congo and Uganda.The length of the forewings is 32-36 mm. It is very similar to Nephele comma, but always very dark olive brown, all abdominal segments are marked laterally with a minute black...
- Karsch 1891 - Nephele funebrisNephele funebrisNephele funebris is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is very common throughout most of the Ethiopian Region, excluding Madagascar and the Congo-Cameroonequatorial forest belt, where it is replaced by Nephele maculosa....
- (Fabricius 1793) - Nephele hesperaNephele hesperaNephele hespera is a sphingid moth found in the tropical and subtropical forests of Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Burma Myanmar, southern China, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia....
- (Fabricius 1775) - Nephele joiceyiNephele joiceyiNephele joiceyi is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from Indonesia .The length of the forewings is 44 mm. It is very similar to Nephele hespera but much larger. The abdomen upperside has lateral black patches. The forewing underside has postmedian and submarginal lines converging. The...
- Clark 1923 - Nephele lanniniNephele lanniniNephele lannini is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from highland forests in Zimbabwe, Malawi and southern Tanzania.The length of the forewings is 31-33 mm. The head, thorax and forewings are very dark olive brown...
- Jordan 1926 - Nephele leighiNephele leighiNephele leighi is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from the Seychelles.The length of the forewings is about 41 mm. The upperside ground colour of the body and wings is ochre-brown. The forewing upperside is basally greenish-ochre posteriorly. The transverse bands are conspicuous and the...
- Joicey & Talbot 1921 - Nephele maculosaNephele maculosaNephele maculosa is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is only known from the Congo-Cameroon equatorial forest belt.It is a very similar to Nephele funebris, but larger and more variegated....
- Rothschild & Jordan 1903 - Nephele monostigmaNephele monostigmaNephele monostigma is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from highland forests in the Cameroon, Uganda and Kenya.The length of the forewings is 30-32 mm. It is very similar to Nephele lannini, but slightly smaller, the wings are narrower and the forewings are more mottled with ochreous...
- Clark 1925 - Nephele oenopionNephele oenopionNephele oenopion is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from Africa.The length of the forewings is 38-40 mm. The abdomen upperside has black patches. The forewing upperside has a small white basal dot. The basal band is irregular, olive-green to mid-green, edged with white basally and...
- (Hubner 1824) - Nephele peneusNephele peneusNephele peneus is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from forests and woodland from Senegal to East Africa, Angola and Delagoa Bay....
- (Cramer 1776) - Nephele rectangulataNephele rectangulataNephele rectangulata is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from forests from Sierra Leone to Congo and Uganda.The length of the forewings is 36-40 mm. There is a complete series of large lateral black spots on the abdomen. The ground colour of the thorax and forewings is rich olive-brown...
- Rothschild 1895 - Nephele rosaeNephele rosaeNephele rosae is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from Africa.The length of the forewings is 40-45 mm. It is very similar to Nephele oenopion, but larger and the subbasal band is wider and without white edges. The stigma is present in the form of a small white comma. The postmedial band...
- Butler 1875 - Nephele subvariaNephele subvariaNephele subvaria is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from Queensland and Western Australia.The wingspan is about 60 mm. The forewings are brown and the hindwings may be either brown or red. The forewings of the females have white spots which are lacking in the males.The larvae feed on...
- (Walker 1856) - Nephele vauNephele vauNephele vau is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is common throughout most of Africa south of the Sahara, but rarer in southern Africa....
- (Walker 1856) - Nephele xylinaNephele xylinaNephele xylina is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from semi-deserts from Kenya to Ethiopia and Somalia.The length of the forewings is 30-33 mm. The antennae of the male are thicker than in other species of the Nephele genus. The body and forewings are pale greyish olive to pale...
- Rothschild & Jordan 1910