Neoschizomers are restriction enzymes that recognize the same nucleotide sequence as their prototype but cleave at a different site. In some special applications this is a very helpful feature.
For example:Prototype MaeII A^CGT produces DNA fragments with a 2-base 5' extension
Neoschizomer TaiI ACGT^ produces DNA fragments with a 4-base 3' extension

Prototype ApaI GGGCC^C produces DNA fragments with a 4-base 3' extension
Neoschizomer Bsp120I G^GGCCC produces DNA fragments with a 4-base 5' extension

There are also other pairs of neoschizomers.

The special class of neoschizomers that cleave at the same site are known as isoschizomer
Isoschizomers are pairs of restriction enzymes specific to the same recognition sequence. For example, Sph I and Bbu I are isoschizomers of each other. The first enzyme to recognize and cut a given sequence is known as the prototype, all subsequent enzymes that recognize and cut that sequence...

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