National Youth Council of Ireland
The National Youth Council of Ireland also known as the NYCI is a representative body for Irish youth organisations, a role that is recognised in the 2001 Youth Work Act. Currently there are 43 national youth organisations who are full member of the NYCI, another 10 organisations have corresponding or observer status.

The member organisations include a wide variety of youth organisations active at a national level and include youth club organisations, Scouting and Guiding or similar uniformed youth organisations, youth wings of political parties, Irish language youth organisations, and various other single issue and specialist youth groups.

NYCI is a member of the European apex organisation for youth organisations and councils called the European Youth Forum
European Youth Forum
The European Youth Forum is the platform of the national youth councils and international non-governmental youth organisations in Europe...


The NYCI publish a newsletter called Clár na nÓg on a monthly basis.


The board consists of a president, vice president, treasurer and 15 ordinary board members. They are:
  • James O'Leary - National Association of Traveller Centres - President
  • Eddie D'Arcy - Catholic Youth Care - Vice President
  • David Owens
    David Owens
    David John Owens APM is the Deputy Commissioner of the New South Wales Police Force in Australia and was appointed to the position in December 2007.- Personal :Owens was born in 1962 and grew up in the Eastern Suburbs in Sydney...

     - An Óige
    An Óige
    An Óige , or the Irish Youth Hostel Association is the Hostelling International's association for the Republic Of Ireland....

     - Treasurer
  • Jennifer Cummins - National Association for Youth Drama
  • Karen Cunningham - Foroige & IAC Chairperson
  • Diarmuid Kearney - National Youth Federation
  • Colm Markey - Macra na Feirme
    Macra na feirme
    Macra na Feirme , abbreviated MnaF, is an Irish, voluntary, rural youth organisation. It was founded in 1944 by Stephen Cullinan, a rural science teacher....

  • Elaine Nevin - Environmental Conservation Organisation
  • John Cahill - Foroige
  • Vicky Rattigan - Young Christian Workers
    Young Christian Workers
    The Young Christian Workers is an international organization founded by Rev. Joseph Cardijn in Belgium as the Young Trade Unionists; the organization adopted its present name in 1924. Its French acronym, JOC, gave rise to the then widely-used terms Jocism and Jocist...

  • Maeliosa de Buitlear - Scouting Ireland
    Scouting Ireland
    Scouting Ireland is the World Organization of the Scout Movement-recognised Scouting association in the Republic of Ireland, although it also has Scout Groups in Northern Ireland. Scouting Ireland is a voluntary, non-formal educational movement for young people...

  • Jennifer Dowling - Irish Girl Guides
    Irish Girl Guides
    The Irish Girl Guides is a Girl Guides organisation in the Republic of Ireland.Together with the Catholic Guides of Ireland, it forms the Council of Irish Guiding Associations...

  • William Lavelle - Young Fine Gael
    Young Fine Gael
    Young Fine Gael is the autonomous youth wing of the major Irish political party Fine Gael. It offers its members scope to assist in formulation of political policy, and the day to day running of the senior party...

  • Cathal Lee - Ógra Fianna Fáil
    Fianna Fáil
    Fianna Fáil – The Republican Party , more commonly known as Fianna Fáil is a centrist political party in the Republic of Ireland, founded on 23 March 1926. Fianna Fáil's name is traditionally translated into English as Soldiers of Destiny, although a more accurate rendition would be Warriors of Fál...

  • Eithne Kilty - Scouting Ireland
    Scouting Ireland
    Scouting Ireland is the World Organization of the Scout Movement-recognised Scouting association in the Republic of Ireland, although it also has Scout Groups in Northern Ireland. Scouting Ireland is a voluntary, non-formal educational movement for young people...

  • Denis Ryan - Ógra Fianna Fáil
    Fianna Fáil
    Fianna Fáil – The Republican Party , more commonly known as Fianna Fáil is a centrist political party in the Republic of Ireland, founded on 23 March 1926. Fianna Fáil's name is traditionally translated into English as Soldiers of Destiny, although a more accurate rendition would be Warriors of Fál...

  • Simon Harris - Young Fine Gael
    Young Fine Gael
    Young Fine Gael is the autonomous youth wing of the major Irish political party Fine Gael. It offers its members scope to assist in formulation of political policy, and the day to day running of the senior party...

Organisations in Membership

    AIESEC is a global youth organisation that develops leadership capabilities through their internal leadership programmes and engaging students and graduates in international student exchange and internship programmes for profit and non-profit organisations. Its international office is in...

  • An Óige
    An Óige
    An Óige , or the Irish Youth Hostel Association is the Hostelling International's association for the Republic Of Ireland....

  • Catholic Guides of Ireland
    Catholic Guides of Ireland
    The Catholic Guides of Ireland is one of the two Guiding organisations in the Republic of Ireland. It has members in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Catholic Guides of Ireland began in 1928 and thus in 2003 celebrated 75 years of Guiding in Ireland...

  • Catholic Youth Care
  • Church of Ireland Youth Department
  • Comhchoiste Náisiúnta na gColáistí Samhraidh
  • Confederation of Peace Corps
  • DYCW - The Methodist Church in Ireland
  • EIL - Intercultural Learning
  • Environmental Conservation Organisation
  • ESB Community Games
  • Exchange House
  • Feachtas
  • Foróige
  • Gael Linn
    Gael Linn
    Gael Linn is an organization devoted to the Irish language and arts.It is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, founded in 1953 to foster the Irish language and promote artistic events. On the business side, they run the Gael-Linn Records record label, which is partly funded by the Irish...

  • Girls' Brigade Ireland
  • Girls' Friendly Society
  • ICTU Youth Committee
  • Irish Girl Guides
    Irish Girl Guides
    The Irish Girl Guides is a Girl Guides organisation in the Republic of Ireland.Together with the Catholic Guides of Ireland, it forms the Council of Irish Guiding Associations...

  • Irish Red Cross Youth
  • Junior Chamber Ireland
  • Labour Youth
    Labour Youth
    Labour Youth is the youth wing of the Labour Party of Ireland. Anyone under the age of 27 is eligible to join Labour Youth....

  • Macra na Feirme
    Macra na feirme
    Macra na Feirme , abbreviated MnaF, is an Irish, voluntary, rural youth organisation. It was founded in 1944 by Stephen Cullinan, a rural science teacher....

  • National Association for Traveller Centres
  • National Association for Youth Drama
  • National Committee for Diocesan Youth Directors
  • National Forum for Local Voluntary Youth Councils
  • National Youth Federation
  • No Name Clubs
  • Ógra Chorcaí
  • Ógra Fianna Fáil
    Fianna Fáil
    Fianna Fáil – The Republican Party , more commonly known as Fianna Fáil is a centrist political party in the Republic of Ireland, founded on 23 March 1926. Fianna Fáil's name is traditionally translated into English as Soldiers of Destiny, although a more accurate rendition would be Warriors of Fál...

  • Ógra Shinn Féin
    Ógra Shinn Féin
    Ógra Shinn Féin is the youth wing of the Irish political party Sinn Féin. ÓSF is active and organised throughout Ireland. It is often considered the most prominent incarnation of Fianna Éireann. Upon its establishment in 1997 it was originally known as Sinn Féin Youth, it changed to Ógra Shinn...

  • Ógras
  • Order of Malta Cadets
  • Pavee Point
    Pavee Point
    Pavee Point is a government-funded non-governmental organization based in Dublin, Ireland that was formed to improve the human rights of Irish Travellers and to bridge the economic and social inequalities between Travellers and settled people...

  • Presbyterian Youth Board
  • Scouting Ireland
    Scouting Ireland
    Scouting Ireland is the World Organization of the Scout Movement-recognised Scouting association in the Republic of Ireland, although it also has Scout Groups in Northern Ireland. Scouting Ireland is a voluntary, non-formal educational movement for young people...

  • SVP Youth Clubs Council
  • Union of Students in Ireland
    Union of Students in Ireland
    The Union of Students in Ireland is the national representative body for third-level students' unions in Ireland. The Union of Students in Ireland is the sole national representative body for students in Ireland but does not represent students from two of the seven Irish Universities, namely...

  • Voluntary Service International
  • YMCA Ireland
  • Young Christian Workers
    Young Christian Workers
    The Young Christian Workers is an international organization founded by Rev. Joseph Cardijn in Belgium as the Young Trade Unionists; the organization adopted its present name in 1924. Its French acronym, JOC, gave rise to the then widely-used terms Jocism and Jocist...

  • Young Fine Gael
    Young Fine Gael
    Young Fine Gael is the autonomous youth wing of the major Irish political party Fine Gael. It offers its members scope to assist in formulation of political policy, and the day to day running of the senior party...

  • YWCA of Ireland

Organisations with Observer Status

  • Coiste na nIarchimí
  • Muintearas na nOilean
    Muintearas [in full: Muintearas: An Togra Oideachas Gaeltachta] is an Irish-language based community project, situated in Lettermore, Co Galway, Ireland...

  • Union of Secondary Students
    Union of Secondary Students
    The Union of Secondary Students was founded in January 2001 by Shane O'Donnell, Lorcan Fox, Graham Barry, Carly-Anne Gannon and Lyndsey O Connell. With the help of the Union of Students in Ireland, the founders set up a meeting, which took place in University College Dublin on 28 March 2001...

  • Young Greens (Ireland)
    Young Greens (Ireland)
    The Young Greens is the youth organisation of the Irish Green Party, incorporating the Green Party in Northern Ireland.-History:The Young Greens were formed in March 2002, as a group of students from the four main college campuses, which focused on the environment and social justice...

Organisations with Corresponding Status

  • Blakestown and Mountview Youth Inititiative
  • Enable Ireland
  • Glencree Youth Group
  • IntroArt
  • Irish Family Planning Association
  • Irish Wheelchair Association
    Irish Wheelchair Association
    The Irish Wheelchair Association is a voluntary organisation in the Republic of Ireland, founded in 1960. The IWA is a charity organisation with over 1000 volunteers aiding the disabled. Although broadly a disability group they are set up to aid mobility impaired people....

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