National Weather Service Training Center
Located in Kansas City, Missouri
Kansas City, Missouri
Kansas City, Missouri is the largest city in the U.S. state of Missouri and is the anchor city of the Kansas City Metropolitan Area, the second largest metropolitan area in Missouri. It encompasses in parts of Jackson, Clay, Cass, and Platte counties...

, the National Weather Service Training Center (NWSTC) is an integral component of the National Weather Service
National Weather Service
The National Weather Service , once known as the Weather Bureau, is one of the six scientific agencies that make up the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States government...

 Mission by providing training to NOAA/NWS employees in the areas of equipment (operations, maintenance and repair), management, meteorology, hydrology, systems support, and related activities. NWSTC's staff develop and deliver courses in a number of formats including residence classes and workshops, web-based
World Wide Web
The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet...

 and computer-based self-study
Autodidacticism is self-education or self-directed learning. In a sense, autodidacticism is "learning on your own" or "by yourself", and an autodidact is a person who teaches him or herself something. The term has its roots in the Ancient Greek words αὐτός and διδακτικός...

 tutorials, teletraining (interactive web delivery), and work aides.

In addition, NWSTC staff provides consulting services, research and development
Research and development
The phrase research and development , according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, refers to "creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of...

, technical and operational documentation assistance, and system deployment
System deployment
The deployment of a mechanical device, electrical system, computer program, etc., is its assembly or transformation from a packaged form to an operational working state....

support.Also, the NWSTC Leadership Academy offers leadership training to all federal agencies.

NWSTC's goal is to teach job-specific and practical skills; integrate systems so the whole, instead of individual parts of the problem can be recognized; emulate the NWS working field environment; and provide students the ability to work and experiment with concepts or equipment as part of learning.

NWSTC's Mission is to align the training of NOAA/NWS employees with the advancement of science and technology for NOAA to earn the public's trust and perform with service-based excellence.
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