National Peace Corps Association
Founded in 1979 and headquartered in Washington, DC, the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) is the nation’s leading 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization supporting Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) and the Peace CorpsPeace Corps
The Peace Corps is an American volunteer program run by the United States Government, as well as a government agency of the same name. The mission of the Peace Corps includes three goals: providing technical assistance, helping people outside the United States to understand US culture, and helping...
community through networking and mentoring to help guide former Volunteers through their continued service back home. It is also the longest-standing advocate for an independent and robust Peace Corps and its values.
NPCA encompasses a network of over 30,000 RPCVs and more than 140 member groups. NPCA and its affiliates produce global education programs and advocacy campaigns, and provide community, national, and international services. It is governed by a board of directors and managed by a professional staff. NPCA is separate from the United States Peace Corps, which is a federal agency.
The National Peace Corps Association strives for a world in peace, shaped by understanding and tolerance.Mission
The mission of the National Peace Corps Association is to lead the Peace Corps community and others to foster peace by working together in service, education and advocacy.History
At conferences of global educators in the Midwest in the mid-1970s, a handful of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers discovered one another and began meeting regularly to discuss how to promote at home the values and lessons they had learned as Peace Corps Volunteers in the developing world. They adopted as their mission one of the three goals articulated by President John F. Kennedy when he created the Peace Corps in 1961: come home and teach your neighbors about the communities where you served. They gave the growing numbers of returning Peace Corps Volunteers in America a continuing mission and a communal identity as Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs).In 1979, these global educators joined with leaders of communities of RPCVs in New York and Washington, D.C. to create the National Council of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (incorporated 1981). In 1993, we changed our name to the more inclusive National Peace Corps Association (NPCA).
Upon their return from overseas, RPCVs continue to receive recognition from several organizations. 120,000 RPCVs accepted the Beyond War Award in 1987 in honor of their commitment to nonviolence. Through their participation in volunteer projects or other endeavors, many RPCVs remain active in the Peace Corps community today. NPCA has encouraged and recognized outstanding service by members of the Peace Corps community by awarding over 20 Sargent Shriver awards for distinguished humanitarian service. We also recognize achievements with the Loret Miller Ruppe Awards that honor outstanding community service in the US and Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia.
In response to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, NPCA created the Emergency Response Network (ERN) of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers willing to respond to crises when needed. Peace Corps Director Mark Gearan subsequently modeled the Crisis Corps (later renamed Peace Corps Response) after this successful program.
In 2002, NPCA was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, along with the Peace Corps.
Members of our organization continue to testify on Peace Corps legislation and key issues like safety and security, and our 2003 advocacy campaign helped garner the largest appropriation ever in Peace Corps history: $308 million for FY2004, plus another $15 million for Peace Corps HIV/ AIDS activities.
In 2005 NPCA scored a crucial and significant victory for the independence of the Peace Corps and safety of Volunteers when it successfully coordinated the removal of Peace Corps references from military recruitment legislation.
In coordination with the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Washington, D.C., NPCA organized 200 Returned Peace Corps Volunteers to march in President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Parade on January 20, 2009.
NPCA has played an important advisory role to Returned Peace Corps Volunteers seeking the return of Peace Corps programsto their countries of service, as in the recent cases of Sierra Leone and Indonesia.
In 2009, the National Peace Corps Association launched Peace Corps Connect, a website and online social networking platform to help current and Returned Peace Corps Volunteers connect with each other and share ideas about projects, events, careers, and advocacy issues.
The same year, NPCA launched Africa Rural Connect, its online collaboration space that brings together those who have lived and worked in Africa – including the African Diaspora, rural farmers and Peace Corps volunteers – to discuss solutions to agricultural challenges in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Promote the vitality of the Peace Corps and the application of its values
- Establish the NPCA as the essential resource for and about the Peace Corps community
- Enable NPCA members to build upon and extend the Peace Corps experience and values by facilitating their engagement in global issues
Worldview, a magazine of news and comments about the Peace Corps world, is published four times a year by NPCA. The 23-year-old magazine is dedicated to bringing the events and people of the less-developed places in this world to U.S. readers. Each issue provides a Peace Corps perspective to global issues by featuring articles by and about Peace Corps Volunteers, Returned Peace Corps volunteers and people who share the global values of the Peace Corps experience.Programs
Peace Corps Connect engages those who served in the Peace Corps or share the Peace Corps' values. Its purpose is to build communities that inform, inspire and integrate experiences that promote understanding and appreciation of other countries and cultures, and sustainable development across the globe. One component of PCC is Connected Peace Corps, a social networking website that enables members of the Peace Corps community to share knowledge and connect with one another.MorePeaceCorps is a grassroots legislative outreach campaign launched in January 2008 to build a bigger, better, bolder Peace Corps. The campaign led the way in securing an increase in funding for the Peace Corps beyond the amount requested by the President, which has only happened three times in its history. Bigger: The campaign strives to robustly expand the Peace Corps in size and budget over the next few years in an effort to move towards President Kennedy’s original vision of 100,000 volunteers working to affect desired change, create goodwill, and enrich the U.S. by returning to it group of people familiar with foreign cultures and dedicated to service. Better: The campaign works towards new partnerships with other innovative organizations, major investments in public health, agriculture and education, robust training programs, a stronger Peace Corps Response Team (formerly Crisis Corps), and much more. It’s about giving an edge to an esteemed institution and trying new things—changing with the times. Bolder: More volunteers and resources along with better programs and initiatives will empower the Peace Corps to make a difference around the world and call to action a new generation of leaders in the United States.
Africa Rural Connect
Africa rural connect
Africa Rural Connect is a program of the National Peace Corps Association. The website was launched on July 15, 2009 as an online collaboration tool for users to share and build upon ideas to solve some of the challenges facing rural African communities. The ARC community features ideas and...
is an online global collaboration project to solve rural Africa's greatest challenges. It enables Africans, Peace Corps Volunteers, and anyone else with a connection to Sub-Saharan Africa to add their voice and build upon the ideas of others. The ARC Project introduces and encourages a new form of collaboration in order to identify creative, new plans to deal with the fundamental problems of agricultural development and rural poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. With the technology, motivation and experience, the more people that get involved, the more creative the plans will become, and the greater exposure of the best ideas to improve development. The online contest will jump-start ideas which will form practical plans that, in turn, may gain public exposure, influence public policy and perhaps win financial support for implementation. The project aims to face the real needs, identify problems and take action with practical, timely, cost-effective local solutions. The best action plan wins a grand prize, including opportunities to meet with leaders in the development community to discuss bringing those ideas to life.
RPCV Mentoring Program assists returning volunteers with their transition from Peace Corps service. The program's fundamental goal is to connect recently returned Peace Corps Volunteers with RPCV mentors one year after close of service. These mentors help ease the difficult transition and provide a connection to the RPCV community at large, adding a level of comfort. They supply advice, key networking contacts, share experiences and adjustment issues, offer guidance on further education, review resumes, assist with career planning and promote the many resources available to RPCVs in an effort to transition them from serving abroad to serving at home.
The National Peace Corps Association produces a number of electronic newsletters to connect, inform and engage the Peace Corps community. All three are open to the public to subscribe.NPCA News is sent on the third Thursday of each month (except August) to all those interested in learning how today's Peace Corps community is applying the lessons learned through our Peace Corps experience.
GlobalEdNews is sent one to three times a month (except during the summer) to anyone interested in bringing global issues into classrooms and communities
NPCA Advocacy is sent periodically with action alerts and the latest news on legislation affecting the Peace Corps community.
Member Groups
Over 140 Peace Corps alumni groups are affiliated with the NPCA. Most of the groups are based in local communities, and others are based on the country of Peace Corps service (called "Friends of" groups). In addition, some networks are based on shared interests. Groups promote global education, provide services in their communities and work with Peace Corps recruiting offices to support recently returned Peace Corps volunteers. Many support development projects overseas, and they sponsor forums and publications for information and issue discussions.Country of Service Groups
International Friends of Belize
International Friends of Belize is a US-registered, 501 tax-exempt non-profit organization with two functions: 1. to provide a forum of communication for those interested in the social development of Belize, and 2. to provide an effective conduit of support to community-based development projects...
Burkina Faso
Congo (Zaire)
Costa Rica
Cote D'Ivoire
Dominican Republic
Eastern Caribbean
El Salvador
Sierra Leone
Friends of Sierra Leone
Friends of Sierra Leone is a non-profit organization dedicated to "serving Sierra Leone". They have over 500 members, the majority who are former Peace Corps volunteers.Founded in 1991, Friends of Sierra Leone is dedicated to Aiding the development and well-being of Sierra Leone and its people,...
Geographic Groups
-A-Anchorage AK
Fairbanks AK
Birmingham AL
Phoenix AZ
Tucson AZ
Boston MA
Los Angeles CA
Northern CA
Orange County CA
Sacramento CA
San Diego CA
Santa Barbara CA
Southern CA Inland
Ventura County CA
Denver CO
District of Columbia
First Coast FL
North FL
South FL
Atlanta GA
Honolulu HI
Chicago IL
Northeastern IL
Central Indiana
Kansas City Area
South KS
Kentucky - Statewide
Boston MA
Central MO
Kansas City MO
Southeastern MI
West MI
Saint Louis MO
Big Sky MT
Western MT
New Jersey
Southern Nevada
New Mexico
Charlotte NC
North Carolina
Western NC
Wilmington NC
Winston-Salem NC
Long Island NY
New York NY
Northeast NY
Rochester NY
Western NY
Athens OH
Central OH
Cincinnati OH
Northern OH
Southwestern OH
Eugene OR
Portland OR
Bethlehem PA
Philadelphia PA
Rhode Island
Austin TX
Dallas/Fort Worth TX
Houston TX
San Antonio TX
Hampton Roads VA
Inland Northwest (ID/WA)
Seattle WA
Madison WI
Milwaukee WI
External links
- National Peace Corps Association
- NPCA Membership
- Africa Rural Connect NPCA's online collaborative tool for the development of rural Africa
- MorePeaceCorps Campaign for a Bigger, Better, Bolder Peace Corps
- RPCV.info RPCV.info | A website for Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
- RPCV Mentor Program Assisting RPCVs to transition after Peace Corps service
- Peace Corps Journals Collection of 7,000+ online journals and blogs from Volunteers around the world
- Google Answers: After Peace Corps Summary of the three studies done of Returned Peace Corps volunteers in 1969, 1977 and 1996
- Peace Corps Online Library
- Third Goal Peace Corps Stories and Photos
- Peace Corps Writers
- Peace Corps Writers Blogs about the Peace Corps Experience
- Photos for Peace Uncommon Travel Photography by Peace Corps Volunteers
- Peace Corps Online The Independent News Forum serving Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
- PeaceCorps2 An Online Peace Corps Yahoo Community
- International Friends of Belize (IFOB) NPCA affiliate group
- Peace Corps Volunteers Papers Numerical List, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution