Nanan Electronics
Nanan Electronics Inc. is a Canadian semiconductor
A semiconductor is a material with electrical conductivity due to electron flow intermediate in magnitude between that of a conductor and an insulator. This means a conductivity roughly in the range of 103 to 10−8 siemens per centimeter...

 company. The company's primary business is to design and manufacture embedded systems. The company's niche market is the education system. It serves engineering faculties at the universities and colleges locally and internationally. Its product line includes student development boards and semiconductor devices.


The base of operation is in Regina,Saskatchewan
Regina, Saskatchewan
Regina is the capital city of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. The city is the second-largest in the province and a cultural and commercial centre for southern Saskatchewan. It is governed by Regina City Council. Regina is the cathedral city of the Roman Catholic and Romanian Orthodox...

, Canada. The private company was founded by students at the University of Regina while they were completing their final semester in the Electronic Systems Engineering program. The services and products provided were laboratory equipment and free delivery within Regina and Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Their goal was to cut the expenses of engineering project students as much as possible.
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