Nam Na-young
Nam Na-young is a female South Korea
South Korea
The Republic of Korea , , is a sovereign state in East Asia, located on the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. It is neighbored by the People's Republic of China to the west, Japan to the east, North Korea to the north, and the East China Sea and Republic of China to the south...

n film editor and negative cutter. She won an Asian Film Award
Asian Film Awards
The Asian Film Awards are presented annually by the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society to recognize excellence of film professionals in the film industries of Asian cinema.-History:...

 for her work on I Saw the Devil
I Saw the Devil
I Saw the Devil is a 2010 South Korean thriller film directed by Kim Ji-woon, written by Park Hoon-jung and starring Lee Byung-hun and Choi Min-sik. The film premiered at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival and had a limited U.S theatrical release. The film was Choi Min-sik's first major role since...

. She was born in 1971 in Busan
Busan , formerly spelled Pusan is South Korea's second largest metropolis after Seoul, with a population of around 3.6 million. The Metropolitan area population is 4,399,515 as of 2010. It is the largest port city in South Korea and the fifth largest port in the world...

 and graduated from Kyungsung University
Kyungsung University
Kyungsung University is a private university in Busan, South Korea. It is situated in the district of Nam-gu, southwest of the famous Haeundae beach...

's Department of Theater and Film.


English Title
Korean Title
2011 Sunny
Sunny (2011 film)
Sunny is a 2011 South Korean film about a group of female high school friends who gradually drift apart and then seek each other out again. It is the second film by director - screenwriter Kang Hyeong-cheol and is one of the highest grossing Korean films of 2011.-Plot:Na-mi is the new girl at...

미스 고 프로젝트
2010 Petty Romance 쩨쩨한 로맨스
Foxy Festival 페스티발
Desire To Kill 죽이고 싶은
I Saw the Devil
I Saw the Devil
I Saw the Devil is a 2010 South Korean thriller film directed by Kim Ji-woon, written by Park Hoon-jung and starring Lee Byung-hun and Choi Min-sik. The film premiered at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival and had a limited U.S theatrical release. The film was Choi Min-sik's first major role since...

악마를 보았다
Secret Reunion
Secret Reunion
Secret Reunion is one of the highest grossing Korean films of 2010. The story follows Song Kang-ho as Agent Lee Han-gyu of the National Intelligence Service who falls from grace after failing to stop the assassination of a North Korean dissident...

2009 Just Friends? 친구 사이?
Mother (2009 film)
Mother is a 2009 South Korean drama film directed by Bong Joon-ho, starring Kim Hye-ja and Won Bin.-Plot:Kim Hye-ja, a veteran Korean actress, plays an unnamed widow living alone with her only son, selling medicinal herbs in a small town in southern South Korea while doing unlicensed acupuncture...

마더 Negative cutter
Castaway on the Moon 김씨 표류기
Insadong Scandal
Insadong Scandal
Insadong Scandal is a 2009 South Korean film is about a cold-hearted mogul hired art restoration expert and his group to steal the Joseon dynasty masterpiece.-Cast:*Kim Rae-won ... Lee Kang-Jun*Uhm Jung-hwa ... Bae Tae-Jin...

인사동 스캔들
Private Eye
Private Eye (film)
Private Eye is a 2009 South Korean film directed by Park Dae-min and its original title in Korean, Geurimja sarin literally means "Shadow Murder". Alternative titles Mr. Vertigo and Shadow Murder.- Plot :...

그림자 살인
2008 Speedy Scandal
Speedy Scandal
Speedy Scandal is a 2008 South Korean film written and directed by Kang Hyeong-cheol and starring Cha Tae-hyun in the lead role. This was Director Kang's first film before Sunny and the highest grossing Korean film of the year.- Plot :...

Dachimawa Lee
Dachimawa Lee
- Plot :Legendary Korean spy Dachimawa Lee is assigned to recover the fabled Golden Buddha statue, but his mission ends in failure. Lee discovers that his mission was sabotaged, and must face off against the shadowy figure behind the plot.- Cast :...

다찌마와 리 - 악인이여 지옥행 급행열차를 타라!
The Good, the Bad, the Weird
The Good, the Bad, the Weird
The Good, the Bad, the Weird is a 2008 South Korean western film directed by Kim Ji-woon, starring Song Kang-ho, Lee Byung-hun, and Jung Woo-sung...

좋은 놈, 나쁜 놈, 이상한 놈
His Last Gift
His Last Gift
His Last Gift is a 2008 South Korean film.- Plot :Tae-ju, a murderer serving a life sentence in prison, is given a temporary release to save the life of a seriously ill young girl, Se-hee, who suffers from Wilson's disease and desperately needs a liver transplant. Se-hee is the daughter of...

마지막 선물
2007 2 Faces of My Girlfriend 두 얼굴의 여친
The Houseguest and My Mother 사랑방 선수와 어머니 Not to be confused with the 1961 film of the same name.
Black House
Black House (film)
Black House is a 2007 South Korean film directed by Shin Tae-ra. The story centers around an insurance agent that suspects a family murdered their son to receive his insurance policy....

검은 집
Hwang Jin Yi
Hwang Jin Yi (film)
Hwang Jin Yi is a 2007 South Korean film based on the life of Joseon-era kisaeng Hwang Jin-i, starring Song Hye-kyo in the title role.- Plot summary :The story follows Hwang Jin Yi, a gisaeng who lived in 16th century Korea...

2006 The Restless
The Restless (2006 film)
The Restless is a 2006 fantasy South Korean film directed by Jo Dong-oh, starring Kim Tae-hee and Jeong Woo-seong. The film's Korean title, Joongchun, is literally translated as "Midheaven".-Plot summary:...

중천 (中天)
Marrying the Mafia III
Marrying the Mafia III
Marrying the Mafia III is a 2006 South Korean film.-Synopsis:This gangster comedy chronicles the White Tiger Family of Jeolla Province. Hong Deok-ja, head of the crime family, quits the syndicate to open a kimchi business after her son marries a prosecutor...

가문의 부활 - 가문의 영광 3
Like a Virgin
Like a Virgin (film)
Like a Virgin is a 2006 South Korean film, written and directed by Lee Hae-joon and Lee Hae-yeong. Ryu Deok-hwan stars in the lead role as transgendered teenager Oh Dong-ku, and was nominated for the Asia Pacific Screen Award Best Performance by an Actor...

천하장사 마돈나
The City of Violence
The City of Violence
The City of Violence is a 2006 South Korean action film co-written and directed by Ryu Seung-wan. The story re-unites three old friends for a fourth one's funeral, where they vow to find his murderer.-Plot:...

Oh! My God
Oh! My God (2006 film)
- Plot :Eun-joo develops a crush on playboy Jung-hwan after he rescues her from drowning, and vows to make him her man. One thing leads to another, and they end up having a one night stand. Several years later, Jung-hwan is still living the high life whil Eun-joo is working as a prosecutor...

2005 Shadowless Sword
Shadowless Sword
Shadowless Sword is a 2005 South Korean film. A martial arts epic filmed in China, the film follows the exploits of the last prince of the Balhae Kingdom, who hides his identity in a small village until he is called to battle invaders from Khitan...

무영검 - 無影劍
Love in Magic
Love in Magic
Love in Magic is a 2005 South Korean romantic comedy film.- Plot :The movie tells of a womanizing performing magician Woo Ji-hoon who one day discovers a hidden camera film on the Internet that shows him having sex with one of his former girlfriends, Koo Hee-won in a motel. Ji-hoon first tracks...

Crying Fist
Crying Fist
Crying Fist is a 2005 South Korean film written and directed by Ryu Seung-wan.- Synopsis :Jobless, besieged by creditors, and abandoned by his wife, the once silver medalist Tae-shik has sunk to street hustling, becoming a human punching bag. Meanwhile, young Sang-hwan's delinquent ways land him...

주먹이 운다
Wet Dreams 2
Wet Dreams 2
Wet Dreams 2 is a 2005 South Korean film. Comedic but more serious than its predecessor Wet Dreams, it follows four girls in high school as they become curious about sex and compete for the affection of their new teacher....

몽정기 2
2004 Shinsukki Blues
Shinsukki Blues
Shinsukki Blues is a 2004 South Korean film about a smarmy corporate lawyer who magically switches bodies with a pro bono defense attorney with the same name. It was the last Korean film released to theaters in 2004....

신석기 블루스
A Family 가족
R-Point is a 2004 Korean horror film written and directed by Su-chang Kong and starring Gam Wu-seong and Son Byung-ho. It is set in 1972 Vietnam, during the Vietnam War. However, most of the movie was shot in Cambodia...

알 포인트
Doll Master
Doll Master
-Plot:The Doll Master begins 60 years ago in a countryside during the Japanese occupation of Korea. A narrator tells the tale of a doll maker who fell in love with a woman in a red kimono. He makes a doll as a gesture of his love. It works and the woman falls in love with him as well. Later in a...

Arahan is a 2004 South Korean film. The film was the third feature film directed by Ryu Seung-wan and stars the director's brother Ryu Seung-beom along with Yoon So-Yi...

아라한-장풍 대작전
2003 Please Teach Me English
Please Teach Me English
Please Teach Me English is a 2003 South Korean comedy about a young woman who begins English lessons after she is unable to help a foreigner at her government office.-Synopsis:...

Mr. Butterfly
Mr. Butterfly
Mr. Butterfly is a 2003 South Korean action film. The film is the writing and directorial debut film of Kim Hyeon-seong, sometimes credited outside Korea as Marc Kim....

2002 Wet Dreams 몽정기
2001 My Boss, My Hero
My Boss, My Hero
My Boss, My Hero is a 2001 South Korean film. It is the first of a trilogy with My Boss, My Teacher in 2006 and The Mafia, The Salesman in 2007.-Synopsis:...

두사부일체 (頭師父一體)
1997 No. 3
No. 3
No. 3 is a South Korean gangster comedy film starring Han Suk-kyu as the titular no. 3 man of a gangster organization who's aspiring to rise up the ranks and become the leader of his own gang. It was writer-director Song Nung-han's debut film....

넘버 3

External links

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