Naka Tatsuya
is a Japanese martial artist. He is a full time instructor of Japan Karate Association
Japan Karate Association
Japan Karate Association is one of the most influential Shotokan karate organizations in the world...

. He holds a 6th dan from JKA. He has also acted in films such as Kuro Obi
Black Belt (film)
Black Belt, known as Kuro-obi in Japan, is a 2007 film directed by Shunichi Nagasaki. It focuses mainly on the martial art of Karate, insofar that it doesn't contain any of the usual exaggerations of the genre...

and High Kick Girl!
High Kick Girl!
-Plot:A brown belt girl who desperately wants to get a black belt and believes she can qualify for it by facing a group of black belt holders.-Cast:* Rina Takeda as Kei Tsuchiya* Tatsuya Naka as Yoshiaki Matsumura* Hisae Watanabe as Shurei* Yuka Kobayashi...



Naka started karate in his first year of junior high school. He attended Takushoku University
Takushoku University
Takushoku University is a private university in Japan. It was founded in 1900 by Prince Taro Katsura . The university is located in Tokyo and has two campuses: the main campus in the Bunkyō district, and a satellite campus in the Hachiōji district...


Major tournament wins

  • 35th JKA All Japan Karate Championship (1992)
1st place kumite
  • 4th Shoto World Cup Karate Championship Tournament (Tokyo, 1992)
3rd place kumite
  • 43rd JKA All Japan Karate Championship (2000)
3rd place kumite
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