Nahnu Jund Allah Jund Al-watan
As-salam Al-jamhuri:Nahnu Jund Allah Jund Al-Watan , The Republican Anthem: We are the soldiers of God and of our home-land, is the national anthem of Sudan
نتحدى الموت عند المحن *** نشتري المجد بأغلى ثمن
هذه الأرض لنا فليعش *** سوداننا علماً بين الأمم
يابني السودان هذا رمزكم *** يحمل العبء ويحمى أرضكم
In Da'a Da'ie al-Fida Lan Nakhun.
Natahadd'l Mawt Indal Mihan.
Nashtari'l Madjd Bi Aghla Thaman.
Hazihi'l Ardu Lana!
Falya'ish Sudanuna,
Alaman Bayna'l Umam.
Ya Benil'sudan, Haza ramzukum;
Yahmli'l, ib'aa Wa Yahmi Ardakum.
We never betray the call for sacrifice.
Death we defy at adversity.
Glory we buy with the highest price.
This land is ours.
So let our Sudan, live long, higher,
showing the way among the nations, like a banner.
O sons of the Sudan this is your standard,
shoulders the burden and shields ye land.
was originally the anthem of the Sudan Defence Force prior to independence.
Sudan , officially the Republic of the Sudan , is a country in North Africa, sometimes considered part of the Middle East politically. It is bordered by Egypt to the north, the Red Sea to the northeast, Eritrea and Ethiopia to the east, South Sudan to the south, the Central African Republic to the...
Original Arabic
نحن جند الله جند الوطن *** إن دعا داعي الفداء لن نخــننتحدى الموت عند المحن *** نشتري المجد بأغلى ثمن
هذه الأرض لنا فليعش *** سوداننا علماً بين الأمم
يابني السودان هذا رمزكم *** يحمل العبء ويحمى أرضكم
Latin transliteration
Nahnu Jundu'llah Jundul'watan.In Da'a Da'ie al-Fida Lan Nakhun.
Natahadd'l Mawt Indal Mihan.
Nashtari'l Madjd Bi Aghla Thaman.
Hazihi'l Ardu Lana!
Falya'ish Sudanuna,
Alaman Bayna'l Umam.
Ya Benil'sudan, Haza ramzukum;
Yahmli'l, ib'aa Wa Yahmi Ardakum.
English translation
We are the soldiers of God, the soldiers of our homeland,We never betray the call for sacrifice.
Death we defy at adversity.
Glory we buy with the highest price.
This land is ours.
So let our Sudan, live long, higher,
showing the way among the nations, like a banner.
O sons of the Sudan this is your standard,
shoulders the burden and shields ye land.
The current national anthem of the Republic of the SudanSudan
Sudan , officially the Republic of the Sudan , is a country in North Africa, sometimes considered part of the Middle East politically. It is bordered by Egypt to the north, the Red Sea to the northeast, Eritrea and Ethiopia to the east, South Sudan to the south, the Central African Republic to the...
was originally the anthem of the Sudan Defence Force prior to independence.