NGC 2541
NGC 2541 is an unbarred spiral galaxy
Unbarred spiral galaxy
An unbarred spiral galaxy is a type of spiral galaxy without a central bar, or one that is not a barred spiral galaxy. It is designated with an SA in the galaxy morphological classification scheme.The Sombrero Galaxy is an unbarred spiral galaxy....

 located about 40 million light-year
A light-year, also light year or lightyear is a unit of length, equal to just under 10 trillion kilometres...

s away. It is in NGC 2841 group
NGC 2841 group
The NGC 2841 group is a group of galaxies about 19.6 million light-years away from Earth.- References :* G. De Vaucouleurs, 1975. Nearby Groups of Galaxies, ch. 5. the nearer groups within 10 megaparsecs. Published in "Galaxies and the Universe," ed. by A. Sandage, M. Sandage and J. Kristian....

 with NGC 2500
NGC 2500
NGC 2500 is a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Cancer which was discovered by Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel in 1788. Much like the local group in which our own Milky Way galaxy is situated, NGC 2500 is part of NGC 2841 group of galaxies which also includes NGC 2541, NGC 2537 and NGC 2552. It...

, NGC 2537
NGC 2537
NGC 2537 is a blue compact dwarf galaxy in the constellation Lynx. This is also known as Bear's Paw Galaxy, Arp 6, and Mrk 86. It belongs to the iE class of Blue Compact Dwarf classification, which is described as galactic spectra with an underlying smooth elliptical Low Surface Brightness...

, and NGC 2552 galaxies.

External links

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