Mysore City lakes

- Kukkarahalli lake
- Lingambudhi LakeLingambudhi LakeLingambudhi Lake is a lake in the city of Mysore, India.Mysore city has three healthy and surviving water bodies-Kukkarahalli, Karanji & Lingambudhi, supporting moderate bio-diversity. Among them, Lingambudhi stands first in terms of richness entirely due to its location bordering growing...
- Karanji lakeKaranji LakeKaranji Lake is a lake located in the city of Mysore in the state of Karnataka, India. The lake is surrounded by a nature park consisting of a butterfly park and a walk-through aviary. This aviary is the biggest 'walk-through aviary' in India. There is also a museum, the Regional Museum of Natural...
- Devanoor Lake
- Dalavai Lake