Mylohyoid can refer to:
  • Mylohyoid muscle
    Mylohyoid muscle
    The mylohyoid muscle is a muscle running from the mandible to the hyoid bone, forming the floor of the oral cavity. It is named for its two attachments, with the prefix "mylo" coming from the Greek word for "molar". These muscles are mesodermal in origin...

  • Mylohyoid line
    Mylohyoid line
    Extending upward and backward on either side from the lower part of the symphysis of the mandible is the mylohyoid line, which is the origin of the mylohyoid muscle; the posterior part of this line, near the alveolar margin, gives attachment to a small part of the Constrictor pharyngis superior,...

  • Mylohyoid nerve
    Mylohyoid nerve
    The mylohyoid nerve is a nerve that innervates the mylohyoid muscle and the anterior belly of the digastric muscle.-Structure:...

  • Mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar artery
    Mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar artery
    As the inferior alveolar artery enters the mandibular foramen, it gives off a mylohyoid branch which runs in the mylohyoid groove, and supplies the mylohyoid muscle....

  • Mylohyoid groove
    Mylohyoid groove
    The margin of the mandibular foramen is irregular; it presents in front a prominent ridge, surmounted by a sharp spine, the lingula mandibulæ, which gives attachment to the sphenomandibular ligament; at its lower and back part is a notch from which the mylohyoid groove runs obliquely downward and...

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