Mygdon (son of Ares)
- For other uses, see MygdonMygdonMygdon may refer to:* Mygdon of Phrygia, in Greek mythology, king who was an ally of King Priam of Troy* Mygdon of Bebryces, in Greek mythology, killed by Heracles, son of Poseidon...
In Greek mythology
Greek mythology
Greek mythology is the body of myths and legends belonging to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. They were a part of religion in ancient Greece...
, Mygdon was the son of Ares
Ares is the Greek god of war. He is one of the Twelve Olympians, and the son of Zeus and Hera. In Greek literature, he often represents the physical or violent aspect of war, in contrast to the armored Athena, whose functions as a goddess of intelligence include military strategy and...
and muse Calliope
In Greek mythology, Calliope was the muse of epic poetry, daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, and is now best known as Homer's muse, the inspiration for the Odyssey and the Iliad....
. He had three brothers named Edonus
Edonus was the mythical ancestor of the Edonians in Thrace and Thracian Macedonia. The names Edonus, Edonian, Edonic is therefore used also in the sense of "Thracian," and as Thrace was one of the principal seats of the worship of Dionysus, it further signifies "Dionysiac" or " Bacchantic."...
, Odomantus and Biston
In Greek mythology, Biston was the son of Ares and Callirrhoe, daughter of Nestus; his two brothers were Odomas and Edonus . Alternately, he was called son of Paeon and grandson of Ares, or son of Terpsichorus.Biston built the city of Bistonia on the shores of Lake Bistonis in Thrace...
and was the father of Crousis and Grastus
Grastus son of Mygdon was considered founder of Crestonia region and father of Tirse. The town Tirsae, was named after her, and of other girls, who gave rise to the name of a Macedonian city, Parthenopolis .-References:...
. He is considered the eponymous hero of the Thracian
The ancient Thracians were a group of Indo-European tribes inhabiting areas including Thrace in Southeastern Europe. They spoke the Thracian language – a scarcely attested branch of the Indo-European language family...
tribe Mygdones and founder of the Mygdonia region in ancient Macedon.