My army
My Army is a Russian marching song performed by the Alexandrov Ensemble
Cyrillic/Russian | Transliteration Romanization of Russian Romanization of the Russian alphabet is the process of transliterating the Russian language from the Cyrillic alphabet into the Latin alphabet... |
English English language English is a West Germanic language that arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and spread into what was to become south-east Scotland under the influence of the Anglian medieval kingdom of Northumbria... |
1. Если на Отчизну нагрянет беда, Позовёт солдата труба. Армия моя, ты на страже всегда! Ты - моя любовь и судьба! Припев: Обыкновенная, судьба нелёгкая военная. Любовь суровая, но верная. Готовы мы на ратный труд. Мы все испытаны ни раз, ни два боями-маршами. Мы от солдата и до маршала - одна семья! 2. Наш Октябрь с нами в походном строю! С нами песни красных бойцов, Первый день войны, и победный салют, И судьба погибших оцов... Припев 3. Мчатся наши годы, Но жизнь молода! И поёт как прежде труба. Армия моя, ты на страже всегда! Ты - моя любовь и судьба! Припев |
1. Yesli na Otchiznu nagryanet beda, Pozovyot soldata truba, Armiya moya, ty na strazhe vsegda! Ty - moya lyubov' i sud'ba Pripev: Obyknovennaya, sud'ba nelyogkaya voyennaya. Lyubov' surovaya, no vernaya. Gotovy my na ratnyj trud., My vse ispitany ni raz, ni dva boyami-marshami. My ot soldata i do marshala - odna sem'ya! 2. Nash Oktyabr' s nami v pohodnom stroyu! S nami pesni kracnikh boitsov. Pervij den' voiny, i pobednyj salyut, I sud'ba pogibshikh otsov... Pripev 3. Mchatsya nashi gody, No zhizn' moloda! I poyot prezhde truba. Armiya moya, ty na strazhe vsedga! Ty - moya lyubov' i sud'ba! Pripev |
1. If trouble suddenly breaks out in the Motherland, A soldier will sound the trumpet My army — you're always on guard! You're my love and destiny! Refrain: Ordinary army fate isn't easy Love is harsh but true We're all ready for military service We're all tested by not just one or two Marsh battles We, from the soldier to the marshal, are all one family 2. Our October with us in marching formation! With our songs about Red soldiers The first day of the war and the victory fireworks And the fate of our dead fathers... Refrain 3. Rushing through our years, But life is still young! And the trumpet keeps playing My army — you're always on guard! You're my love and destiny! Refrain |