My Royal Story
My Royal Story is a series for older girls that are some re prints of the Royal Diaries and some of the girls My Story
My Story (Scholastic UK)
My Story is a series of historical novels for children published by Scholastic UK. They are similar to the Dear America series, each book is written in the form of the diary of a fictional young woman or man living during an important event in history...

. They are written in diary forms of real and fictional characters in different parts of the world and in different time periods.
  • Egyptian Princess, Egypt, 1490 BC by Vince Cross (2009)
  • Cleopatra: An Egyptian Princess Diary, Egypt BC 57 by Kristiana Gregory (2010)
  • Catherine of Aragon, London, 1501 by Alison Prince (2010)
  • Anne Bolyen and Me:A Tudor Girl's Diary, London, 1525 by Alison Prince (2010)
  • Elizabeth: A Tudor Princess Diary, England, 1544 by Kathryn Lasky (2010)
  • Mary Queen of Scots: A Scottish Queen's Diary, France, 1553 by Kathryn Lasky (2010)
  • Marie Antoinette: An Austrian Princess Diary, Vienna, 1769 by Kathryn Lasky (2010)
  • Victoria: An English Princess' Diary, London, 1829 by Anna Kirwan (2010)
  • Anastasia: A Russian Grand Duchess' Diary, Russia, 1914 by Carolyn Meyer (2010)
  • Bloody Tower: A Tudor Girl's Dairy, England, 1553-1559 by Valerie Wilding (2009)
  • Henry VIII's Wives by Alison Prince (2011)
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