Muhsin Muhammad Musheen Moqbill
Administrative Review Board hearing

Administrative Review Board
The Administrative Review Board is a United States military body that conducts an annual review of the suspects held by the United States in Camp Delta in the United States Navy base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba....
hearings. The Administrative Review Boards weren't authorized to review whether a detainee qualified for POW status, and they weren't authorized to review whether a detainee should have been classified as an "enemy combatant".
They were authorized to consider whether a detainee should continue to be detained by the United States, because they continued to pose a threat—or whether they could safely be repatriated to the custody of their home country, or whether they could be set free.
Summary of Evidence memo
A Summary of Evidence memoSummary of Evidence (ARB)
Counter-terrorism analysts prepared a Summary of Evidence memo for the Administrative Review Board hearings of approximately 460 captives in the Guantanamo Bay detention camps, in Cuba from December 2004 to December 2005.-Release of the memos:...
was prepared for Muhsin Muhammad Musheen Moqbill's Administrative Review Board, on 2 May 2005.
The memo listed factors for and against his continued detention.
The following primary factors favor continued detention
The following primary factors favor release or transfer
Moqbill chose to participate in his Administrative Review Board hearing.A 9 page summarized transcript of the unclassified session of his hearing was released.
Muhsin Muhammad Musheen Moqbill's Assisting Military Officer read a statement he had prepared, on his behalf. Muhsin Muhammad Musheen Moqbill's statement was not recorded in his transcript.
Board recommendations
In early September 2007 the Department of Defense released two heavily redacted memos, from his Board, to Gordon England, the Designated Civilian Official.The Board's recommendation was unanimous
The Board's recommendation was redacted.
England authorized his transfer on August 16, 2005.
Yemen's President, Ali Abdullah SalehAli Abdullah Saleh
Field Marshal Ali Abdullah Saleh is the first President of the Republic of Yemen. Saleh previously served as President of the Yemen Arab Republic from 1978 until 1990, at which time he assumed the office of chairman of the Presidential Council of a post-unification Yemen. He is the...
, demanded the release of the remaining Yemenis held in Guantanamo on December 23, 2006.
The Yemen Observer
Yemen Observer
The Yemen Observer is an English-language, triweekly newspaper published in the Republic of Yemen. It was founded in 1996 by Faris Sanabani, aide and press secretary of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Its editors include Editor-in-Chief, Mohammed al-Kibsi...
identified Mohammed Ahmed al-Asadi, Esam Hamid al-Jaefi and Ali Hussain al-Tais as three of the six Yemeni who had been repatriated the previous week.
Al Asadi, the first of the six men to be released, on December 29, 2006, was asked to sign an undertaking promising to refrain from armed activity.
On January 7, 2007 the Yemen Times
Yemen Times
The Yemen Times is unified Yemen's first and most widely-read independent English-language newspaper. The paper is published twice-weekly and has its own printing press, advertising associates and news service....
identified two of the three remaining men as
Tawfiq Al-Murwai and Muhassen Al-Asskari.
Yemen's President, Ali Abdullah Saleh
Ali Abdullah Saleh
Field Marshal Ali Abdullah Saleh is the first President of the Republic of Yemen. Saleh previously served as President of the Yemen Arab Republic from 1978 until 1990, at which time he assumed the office of chairman of the Presidential Council of a post-unification Yemen. He is the...
, said the men would be released as soon as Yemeni authorities had cleared them.
On November 26, 2008 the Department of Defense published a list of the dates when captives had left Guantanamo.
Muhsin Muhammad Musheen Moqbill was identified as "Muhassen Al-Asskari" by the Yemeni press.