Mqabba is a town in the south of Malta
. Situated at the heart of a soft limestone area, the surrounding of the village is barren and stripped with quarries. Mqabba is renowned for the construction industry, and holds more than a quarter of the quarries in Malta
. With around 3,700 residents, Mqabba still carries the characteristics of a typical Maltese village, with stillness prevailing in the small streets of the village. Mqabba was built around the Parish Church, being the predominant landmark of the village. The Parish Church is dedicated to the Assumption, with its feast being held every 15th August. Another feast is that of Our Lady of Lilies (Madonna tal-Gilju), celebrated in the third Sunday of June.
The two band clubs of the village are situated in the pjazza. The village feasts are very popular with the residents. In fact, particular attention is constantly made year after year on the fireworks displays. This is very crowd catching, not only for the Maltese, but also for the tourists who visit the island during the summer season. Other feasts celebrated are the feast of the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Sorrows, Corpus Domini and Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.
Other landmarks in the village include several chapels dedicated to the Lady of Sorrows, Saint Basil, Saint Michael, Saint Catherine and Saint John. Mqabba also boasts of a stretch of around 139 cubic metres of catacombs which were discovered in the 1860s. The motto of this particular village reads 'Non Nisi Per Ardua' which translates into 'Only with Ability', and reflects the strong character of the inhabitants.
The importance of Mqabba is even shown in the archaeological remains found in the vicinity of Mqabba. Extinct animals were found in quarries at "Ta` Kandja" and "Tax-Xantin". A sign that Neolithic people lived here, was evident with the discovery of a nearby cave found in a site known as "Bur Meghez". However one of the most important discoveries in Mqabba are the Paleo Christian "Mintna Catacombs" found in Diamond Jubilee Square in 1860 by Dr. A. A. Caruana and Capt Strickland. In fact this is a complex of catacombs. The ritual table known as the "Agape" table dominates the whole structure of tombs. Archaeological details were studied by Mayr. Becker, Zammit and Bellanti.
Mqabba presents a collage of the old and the new, the traditional and the innovative. This collage gives a particular identity to this small village in the South Eastern part of Malta.
Amongst other important structures, one can find Vincenti Tower, and various chapels such as the Chapel of St. Basil, Our Lady of Sorrows
, St. John
and St.Catherine of Alexendria
The main church is dedicated to Assumption of Our Lady
. Santa Marija feast in celebrated on the 15th of August. Other feasts celebrated - the feast of Our Lady of Lilies (Madonna tal-Gilju)is a secondary fesat and is celebrated the week ending in the third Sunday of June, The feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrated the nearest Sunday for 8 December, other secondary feasts include Our Lady of Sorrows, Corpus Domini and Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.
The titular statue found in the church, that of the Assumption of the blessed Mother of God, was made by Alessandro Farrugia in 1836 and was made similar to the statue of the Assumption which is found in Ghaxaq, made out of wood. The photograph shows the statue in its original form, as it was prior to 1928, when a new sarcophagus made of silver replaced the original wooden one seen in the picture. Apart from the sarcophagus, the statue itself has lost none of its characteristics.
The Assumption of Mary
is celebrated on 15 August, and is also celebrated in Qrendi, Gudja, Ghaxaq, Mosta, Attard and Victoria (Gozo). It is all celebrated in the same day, as a tradition.
The secondary feast fireworks displays take place on the 3rd week of June of each year, the Feast in Honour of Our Lady of Lilies. Ground and Aerial Fireworks display are held on each day of the Feast. The main fireworks event is held on Saturday, eve of the Feast starting at 9:45 pm.
Fireworks world record
The current Guinness World Record for the Largest Catherine wheel
A self-propelled vertical firework wheel was designed by The Lily Fireworks Factory and fired for at least one revolution on the eve of the village feast of our Lady of Lilies The Lily Fireworks Factory, Mqabba, Malta currently possess this record, burning a Catherine Wheel with a diameter of 32 metres, on June 18th, 2011. http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/Search/Details/Firework---largestCatherinewheel/48123.htm http://community.guinnessworldrecords.com/_World39s-biggest-Catherine-Wheel-is-fired-in-Malta/blog/4275972/7691.html?fb_comment_id=fbc_10150216998546220_16898701_10150217188316220#f364eef7dc
The foundation of the Society dates back to the 1910, with the establishment of the King George V Club. The main aim of the club was that of organizing the feast of Saint Mary (traditionally known in Malta as Santa Marija) in Mqabba during the month of August.
The reputation gained along these years shows that the Society of Saint Mary and King George V Band have succeeded in this intent rendering the feast of Saint Mary as one of the most popular festas on the islands.
In 1939, the Society began introducing the art of music when Giuseppe Galea, a talented musician member of the club, started giving lessons of music. In 1945, soon after the World War II, he founded the Orkestra Santa Marija. The first concert was eventually held on 12 August 1945 and was directed by Mro. Espedito Deguara. On the 20th October 1946, during a general meeting, the members of the club decided to shift from the concept of an Orchestra to that of a Band. In a small period of time, approximately 3 months, the members of the Orchestra changed their Orchestral Instruments to Band Instruments so that on Sunday 29 March 1947, the King George V Band performed its first concert, directed by Mro. Joseph M. Barbara. During these years of history the band had another four Band Conductors namely: Mro. Leonard Spiteri (1951–1956), Mro. George Martin (1956–1991), Mro. Anthony Camilleri (1991–1997) and Mro. David Aguis, the Conductor of the Band at present , appointed on March 1997.
Highlights from the history of the Society include: The Proclamation of the Dogma of Our Lady Assumpta (1950); the 50th and 75th anniversary celebrations (1960 and 1985 respectively); the 50th anniversary from the ‘Convoy of Saint Mary’ (1942–1992); the 50th Anniversary from the foundation of the Orchestra and eventually the Band (1996 and 1997); the 400 years from the foundation of Mqabba Parish (1998); the award of the Etoile d'Or du Jumelage (1998); the 50th anniversary from the proclamation of the 'dogma'; and the winning of the First Malta International Fireworks Festival (2006). In 1996 the Society began developing international relations by establishing contacts and exchange programs with bands coming from around Europe. These relations led to the development of twinning programme with the Band from Santa Vittoria in Matenano, Italy and a visit of the King George V Band to Italy (1996). These relations were also the reason why different bands from around Europe have recently visited Malta and Mqabba for the feast of Saint Mary.
In June 2007, the King George V Band has visited Italy for the second time as guests during a Musical Festival known as La Festa del Socio. In August 2007, the Saint Mary Fireworks Factory was invited to participate in Caput Lucis, an International Fireworks Festival held in Rome, Italy where this factory classified in the first place and was crowned as Champions.
In April 2010 the Ground Fireworks Section with in the St. Mary Fireworks Factory Mqabba won the IV Malta Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival held at the granadies Floriana, winning the categories for Best Mechanism, Best Products and Originality as well as the Overall price.
*Our Lady of Lily Band Club - Lily Band (Is-Soċjetà Mużikali Madonna Tal-Ġilju - Banda Madonna tal-Gilju)
The Lily Band Club of Mqabba was established in 1911, originally under the name of Circolo Pio X The initial aim of this club was the organisation of the feast of Our Lady of the Lilies, held annually in Mqabba. The first President of this club was Mr Paul Caruana, a local businessman.
Nowadays the Lily Band Club developed into an organisation which has its own premises, a fireworks factory and an organisational set-up consisting of a Youth Section, a Women's Section, Pyrotechnic Section, Band Commission, Bandstand Commission, Sport’s Commission and the support of the Confratemity of the Immaculate Conception. The club organises single handedly the feast of Our Lady of the Lilies every June and the feast of the Immaculate Conception in December.
During the 1920s the club under the leadership of Mr Raymond Ellul moved to new premises at 15, Church Square, Mqabba. It was also during these years that Mr Baskal Xuereb began his work on the street decorations for the feast of Our Lady of the Lilies. The Second World War meant a severe set-back to both feast and club on 9 April 1942 an aerial attack destroyed part of the parish church and several houses in the village. It also caused some damage to the statue of Our Lady of the Lilies. The statue is the workmanship of Mr Giovanni Darmanin and was inaugurated on 21 May 1876.
On December 9th, 1945, the Lily Band performed its first musical programme. Thus the band became the first band of the village. The founder and bandmaster was Mro Joseph Darmanin. Later on the Lily Band Club became a member of the Malta Band Clubs' Association.
Due to mass emigration following World War II, the team lost several key players and was struggling to stay afloat until 1950 when the Mqabba Ramblers team was set up, consisting mainly of players from the village itself.
During the season 1956/57, the team entered the Malta Amateur Football Association (MAFA).
In 1957 another football club under the name of Mqabba Hajduks was set up. This name was proposed by the President Gulio Farrugia and seconded by Joseph Farrugia during the new team’s first General Annual Meeting in June 1957. For the next three years there was fierce rivalry between these two clubs in Mqabba, particularly when they competed head-to-head in the Inter Amateur Soccer Competition.
To some, the rivalry within the same village seemed unproductive for either club, hence the proposal for both clubs to be united into one team was put forward by the Mqabba Hayduks secretary of the time, Richard Spiteri; in a meeting on the 12th February 1961 with the Mqabba Ramblers secretary Joseph Ellul. This proposal was accepted and the two team were united under the name Mqabba Hayduks FC for the 1960/61 season in the MAFA second division.
in the 1962/1963 season, the M.F.A. finally accepted their application; following in the fottsteps of other small village football clubs such as Dingli Swallows, Qrendi, Kirkop and Ghaxaq.
In 1969, the Hajduks found themselves out of the M.F.A., and had to be contented playing in friendly matches and as a guest in the Amateur Cup of that year as organized by the M.A.F.A. The Mqabba Hajduks were not allowed to re-enter the M.F.A. Third Division until the 1972/73 season.
1957 • Mqabba FC is Founded
1975/76 • 1st Honour, Minors Section B Winners (Coach: Pawlu Farrugia)
1975/76 • Runners Up 3rd Division
1977/78 • 1st Promotion, Section A Winners from 3rd to 2nd Division, (Coach: Alfred Lapira)
1979/80 • Runners Up in 3rd Division Knock out, vs. St. Patrick’s (Coach: Jimmy Brifa)
1981/82 • Winners of Section A 3rdDivision
1983/84 • Winners of 2nd Division (Coach: Jimmy Briffa)
1984/85 • Runners Up 1st Division and promoted to Premier (Coach: Marcell Scicluna)
1985/86 • 1st time in Premier (Coach: Marcell Scicluna)
1990/91 • Winners of 1st Division (Coach: Sascha Burisof)
1991/92 • 2nd time in Premier (Coach: George Busuttil)
1992/93 • Runners Up in 1st Division (Coach: Tarcisio Azzopardi)
2000/01 • Winners of 2nd Division (Coach: Anthony Grech)
2003-06 • 3rd in 1st Division, seeking promotion to Premier
2006/07 • Runners Up in 1st Division (Coach: Joey Falzon)
Mqabba FC Youth Nursery Est.2000
The first attempts to establish the Mqabba F.C. Youth Nursery date back to 1993, when the never forgotten Joe Bugeja (id-Demsey), gathered children from the village and gave them the opportunity to acquire basic football training. For some reason or another, the Nursery soon came to an end.
In the year 2000 Mr Joe Farrugia shared his thoughts with Mr. Mark Bondin about establishing a football nursery. A group of 20 trainees all aged under 12 attended training with Mr Bondin, who is today the Nursery’s Head Coach. This season coincided with the promotion of the Mqabba F.C. senior team to the 1st Dvision.
The following season (2001/2002), the number of children doubled and the U/10 section was introduced, with training being held twice a week. The U/12’s had an impressive year, having good runs in YFA Tournaments and finishing Runners Up in another two tournaments organized at Zebbug and Zurrieq.
The 2002/2003 saw the Nursery growing considerably with the increase of both, children and coaches. The trainees attending for regular training rose up to 70. The coaches were Omar Caruana and Joe Borg (U/8), Alan Friggieri (U/10), Paul Calleja (U/12) and Mark Bondin (U/14), under voluntary basis. Tracksuits and kits were also introduced for training sessions and matches. During the following year (2003/2004), the situation remained practically the same, with a slight rise in trainees. However, during this season, the Nursery started investing in the coaching staff with coaches beginning to attend courses organized by MFA, so as to have higher quality training.
A new 5-a-side synthetic adjacent to the renovated sandy pitch enable the Nursery to improve the quality of the training. Apart from these, new premises were erected for the Nursery to have its own facilities. During this season, the squads were divided in U/6, U/8, U/10, U/12, U/14, U/16 and U/19. The number of trainees attending training rose to 160 with 15 coaches organizing 16 training sessions per week. Training sessions were coordinated by two Head Coaches with UEFA “B” License, Mr. Mark Bondin and Mr. Darren Micallef.
The 2008 - 2009 season saw the installation of synthetic turf on the Nurseries main ground together with the building of adjacent dressing rooms, equipment room and an administration office. These added and renovated facilities gave more opportunities for better improvement of both the technical and personal aspects of the trainees.
For the 2009 - 2010 seasons, given that the facilities were in place, the Nursery invested in an experienced and qualified coaching team with the aim to improve on the continuous personal development of the trainees.
In 2010, Mqabba FC Youth Nursery has celebrated its 10th Anniversary. The logo chosen for this celebration was "FOR THE GOOD OF THE YOUNG". Several activities were organized with the main one being a reception organized at the nursery premises in the presence of Onor. Clyde Puli, Parliamentary Secretary for Youths and Sports.
Malta , officially known as the Republic of Malta , is a Southern European country consisting of an archipelago situated in the centre of the Mediterranean, south of Sicily, east of Tunisia and north of Libya, with Gibraltar to the west and Alexandria to the east.Malta covers just over in...
. Situated at the heart of a soft limestone area, the surrounding of the village is barren and stripped with quarries. Mqabba is renowned for the construction industry, and holds more than a quarter of the quarries in Malta
Malta , officially known as the Republic of Malta , is a Southern European country consisting of an archipelago situated in the centre of the Mediterranean, south of Sicily, east of Tunisia and north of Libya, with Gibraltar to the west and Alexandria to the east.Malta covers just over in...
. With around 3,700 residents, Mqabba still carries the characteristics of a typical Maltese village, with stillness prevailing in the small streets of the village. Mqabba was built around the Parish Church, being the predominant landmark of the village. The Parish Church is dedicated to the Assumption, with its feast being held every 15th August. Another feast is that of Our Lady of Lilies (Madonna tal-Gilju), celebrated in the third Sunday of June.
The two band clubs of the village are situated in the pjazza. The village feasts are very popular with the residents. In fact, particular attention is constantly made year after year on the fireworks displays. This is very crowd catching, not only for the Maltese, but also for the tourists who visit the island during the summer season. Other feasts celebrated are the feast of the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Sorrows, Corpus Domini and Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.
Other landmarks in the village include several chapels dedicated to the Lady of Sorrows, Saint Basil, Saint Michael, Saint Catherine and Saint John. Mqabba also boasts of a stretch of around 139 cubic metres of catacombs which were discovered in the 1860s. The motto of this particular village reads 'Non Nisi Per Ardua' which translates into 'Only with Ability', and reflects the strong character of the inhabitants.
The importance of Mqabba is even shown in the archaeological remains found in the vicinity of Mqabba. Extinct animals were found in quarries at "Ta` Kandja" and "Tax-Xantin". A sign that Neolithic people lived here, was evident with the discovery of a nearby cave found in a site known as "Bur Meghez". However one of the most important discoveries in Mqabba are the Paleo Christian "Mintna Catacombs" found in Diamond Jubilee Square in 1860 by Dr. A. A. Caruana and Capt Strickland. In fact this is a complex of catacombs. The ritual table known as the "Agape" table dominates the whole structure of tombs. Archaeological details were studied by Mayr. Becker, Zammit and Bellanti.
Mqabba presents a collage of the old and the new, the traditional and the innovative. This collage gives a particular identity to this small village in the South Eastern part of Malta.
Amongst other important structures, one can find Vincenti Tower, and various chapels such as the Chapel of St. Basil, Our Lady of Sorrows
Our Lady of Sorrows
Our Lady of Sorrows , the Sorrowful Mother or Mother of Sorrows , and Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows or Our Lady of the Seven Dolours are names by which the Blessed Virgin Mary is referred to in relation to sorrows in her life...
, St. John
John the Apostle
John the Apostle, John the Apostle, John the Apostle, (Aramaic Yoħanna, (c. 6 - c. 100) was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. He was the son of Zebedee and Salome, and brother of James, another of the Twelve Apostles...
and St.Catherine of Alexendria
Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Catherine of Alexandria, also known as Saint Catherine of the Wheel and The Great Martyr Saint Catherine is, according to tradition, a Christian saint and virgin, who was martyred in the early 4th century at the hands of the pagan emperor Maxentius...
The main church is dedicated to Assumption of Our Lady
Assumption of Mary
According to the belief of Christians of the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, and parts of the Anglican Communion and Continuing Anglicanism, the Assumption of Mary was the bodily taking up of the Virgin Mary into Heaven at the end of her life...
. Santa Marija feast in celebrated on the 15th of August. Other feasts celebrated - the feast of Our Lady of Lilies (Madonna tal-Gilju)is a secondary fesat and is celebrated the week ending in the third Sunday of June, The feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrated the nearest Sunday for 8 December, other secondary feasts include Our Lady of Sorrows, Corpus Domini and Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.
The titular statue found in the church, that of the Assumption of the blessed Mother of God, was made by Alessandro Farrugia in 1836 and was made similar to the statue of the Assumption which is found in Ghaxaq, made out of wood. The photograph shows the statue in its original form, as it was prior to 1928, when a new sarcophagus made of silver replaced the original wooden one seen in the picture. Apart from the sarcophagus, the statue itself has lost none of its characteristics.

Assumption of Mary
According to the belief of Christians of the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, and parts of the Anglican Communion and Continuing Anglicanism, the Assumption of Mary was the bodily taking up of the Virgin Mary into Heaven at the end of her life...
is celebrated on 15 August, and is also celebrated in Qrendi, Gudja, Ghaxaq, Mosta, Attard and Victoria (Gozo). It is all celebrated in the same day, as a tradition.
Fireworks displays
The parish feast which is organised between the 8 and 15 August, brings to Mqabba a great number of Fireworks enthusiasts as the St. Mary Fireworks Factory is a world renowned Fireworks group who has brought honours on both national and the international stage. The group won the 1st edition of the Malta International Fireworks Festival in 2006 and brought the most important honour in the villages history when it won the Caput Lucis Fireworks World Championships in 2007 in Valmontone a province of Rome in Italy after competing with 7 of the world's most successful firework companies.The secondary feast fireworks displays take place on the 3rd week of June of each year, the Feast in Honour of Our Lady of Lilies. Ground and Aerial Fireworks display are held on each day of the Feast. The main fireworks event is held on Saturday, eve of the Feast starting at 9:45 pm.
International Awards
- Les Etoile d'Or du Jumelage in 1998 (European Union award for twinning) = Achieved by the King George V Band within the Society of St. Mary and King George V Band Club Mqabba for a twinning with the Corpo Bandistico Santa Vittoria in Matenano a province of Ascoli-Piceni in Italy.
- The Malta International Fireworks Festival in 2006 won by the St. Mary Fireworks Factory Mqabba
- Caput Lucis - 'Campionato Mondiale di Fuochi d'Artificio d'Autore' in 2007 won by the St. Mary Fireworks Factory Mqabba
National Awards
- Winning the National Competition for the decoration of the Band Clubs fascade during Christmas
- National Live Crib Competition in 2007 won by the Youth Section within the Society of St. Mary and King George V Band Club Mqabba
- II National Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival in 2008 won by the Lilly Fireworks Factory Mqabba
- IV National Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival in 2010 won by the St. Mary Fireworks Factory Mqabba
Fireworks world record
The current Guinness World Record for the Largest Catherine wheel
A self-propelled vertical firework wheel was designed by The Lily Fireworks Factory and fired for at least one revolution on the eve of the village feast of our Lady of Lilies The Lily Fireworks Factory, Mqabba, Malta currently possess this record, burning a Catherine Wheel with a diameter of 32 metres, on June 18th, 2011. http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/Search/Details/Firework---largestCatherinewheel/48123.htm http://community.guinnessworldrecords.com/_World39s-biggest-Catherine-Wheel-is-fired-in-Malta/blog/4275972/7691.html?fb_comment_id=fbc_10150216998546220_16898701_10150217188316220#f364eef7dc
Band Clubs
'*Society of St. Mary and King George V Band Club (Socjeta' Santa Marija u Banda Re Ġorġ V) - www.santamarija.com'The foundation of the Society dates back to the 1910, with the establishment of the King George V Club. The main aim of the club was that of organizing the feast of Saint Mary (traditionally known in Malta as Santa Marija) in Mqabba during the month of August.
The reputation gained along these years shows that the Society of Saint Mary and King George V Band have succeeded in this intent rendering the feast of Saint Mary as one of the most popular festas on the islands.
In 1939, the Society began introducing the art of music when Giuseppe Galea, a talented musician member of the club, started giving lessons of music. In 1945, soon after the World War II, he founded the Orkestra Santa Marija. The first concert was eventually held on 12 August 1945 and was directed by Mro. Espedito Deguara. On the 20th October 1946, during a general meeting, the members of the club decided to shift from the concept of an Orchestra to that of a Band. In a small period of time, approximately 3 months, the members of the Orchestra changed their Orchestral Instruments to Band Instruments so that on Sunday 29 March 1947, the King George V Band performed its first concert, directed by Mro. Joseph M. Barbara. During these years of history the band had another four Band Conductors namely: Mro. Leonard Spiteri (1951–1956), Mro. George Martin (1956–1991), Mro. Anthony Camilleri (1991–1997) and Mro. David Aguis, the Conductor of the Band at present , appointed on March 1997.
Highlights from the history of the Society include: The Proclamation of the Dogma of Our Lady Assumpta (1950); the 50th and 75th anniversary celebrations (1960 and 1985 respectively); the 50th anniversary from the ‘Convoy of Saint Mary’ (1942–1992); the 50th Anniversary from the foundation of the Orchestra and eventually the Band (1996 and 1997); the 400 years from the foundation of Mqabba Parish (1998); the award of the Etoile d'Or du Jumelage (1998); the 50th anniversary from the proclamation of the 'dogma'; and the winning of the First Malta International Fireworks Festival (2006). In 1996 the Society began developing international relations by establishing contacts and exchange programs with bands coming from around Europe. These relations led to the development of twinning programme with the Band from Santa Vittoria in Matenano, Italy and a visit of the King George V Band to Italy (1996). These relations were also the reason why different bands from around Europe have recently visited Malta and Mqabba for the feast of Saint Mary.
In June 2007, the King George V Band has visited Italy for the second time as guests during a Musical Festival known as La Festa del Socio. In August 2007, the Saint Mary Fireworks Factory was invited to participate in Caput Lucis, an International Fireworks Festival held in Rome, Italy where this factory classified in the first place and was crowned as Champions.
In April 2010 the Ground Fireworks Section with in the St. Mary Fireworks Factory Mqabba won the IV Malta Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival held at the granadies Floriana, winning the categories for Best Mechanism, Best Products and Originality as well as the Overall price.
*Our Lady of Lily Band Club - Lily Band (Is-Soċjetà Mużikali Madonna Tal-Ġilju - Banda Madonna tal-Gilju)
The Lily Band Club of Mqabba was established in 1911, originally under the name of Circolo Pio X The initial aim of this club was the organisation of the feast of Our Lady of the Lilies, held annually in Mqabba. The first President of this club was Mr Paul Caruana, a local businessman.
Nowadays the Lily Band Club developed into an organisation which has its own premises, a fireworks factory and an organisational set-up consisting of a Youth Section, a Women's Section, Pyrotechnic Section, Band Commission, Bandstand Commission, Sport’s Commission and the support of the Confratemity of the Immaculate Conception. The club organises single handedly the feast of Our Lady of the Lilies every June and the feast of the Immaculate Conception in December.
During the 1920s the club under the leadership of Mr Raymond Ellul moved to new premises at 15, Church Square, Mqabba. It was also during these years that Mr Baskal Xuereb began his work on the street decorations for the feast of Our Lady of the Lilies. The Second World War meant a severe set-back to both feast and club on 9 April 1942 an aerial attack destroyed part of the parish church and several houses in the village. It also caused some damage to the statue of Our Lady of the Lilies. The statue is the workmanship of Mr Giovanni Darmanin and was inaugurated on 21 May 1876.
On December 9th, 1945, the Lily Band performed its first musical programme. Thus the band became the first band of the village. The founder and bandmaster was Mro Joseph Darmanin. Later on the Lily Band Club became a member of the Malta Band Clubs' Association.
Mqabba FC
The history of football in Mqabba goes back to 1915/1916 during World War I, when a team used to play in an area of the village known as “il-Mentna”. However, following the end of the War, the interest in football in Mqabba disappeared for a long while. It was in 1944 at the end of World War II when a new team was formed in the village by Maltese soldiers stationed nearby. This early team had to be content to play with other Armed Forces teams and teams from neighbouring villages in friendly matches on a pitch whose land is now taken over by the Luqa Airport runway.Due to mass emigration following World War II, the team lost several key players and was struggling to stay afloat until 1950 when the Mqabba Ramblers team was set up, consisting mainly of players from the village itself.
During the season 1956/57, the team entered the Malta Amateur Football Association (MAFA).
In 1957 another football club under the name of Mqabba Hajduks was set up. This name was proposed by the President Gulio Farrugia and seconded by Joseph Farrugia during the new team’s first General Annual Meeting in June 1957. For the next three years there was fierce rivalry between these two clubs in Mqabba, particularly when they competed head-to-head in the Inter Amateur Soccer Competition.
To some, the rivalry within the same village seemed unproductive for either club, hence the proposal for both clubs to be united into one team was put forward by the Mqabba Hayduks secretary of the time, Richard Spiteri; in a meeting on the 12th February 1961 with the Mqabba Ramblers secretary Joseph Ellul. This proposal was accepted and the two team were united under the name Mqabba Hayduks FC for the 1960/61 season in the MAFA second division.
in the 1962/1963 season, the M.F.A. finally accepted their application; following in the fottsteps of other small village football clubs such as Dingli Swallows, Qrendi, Kirkop and Ghaxaq.
In 1969, the Hajduks found themselves out of the M.F.A., and had to be contented playing in friendly matches and as a guest in the Amateur Cup of that year as organized by the M.A.F.A. The Mqabba Hajduks were not allowed to re-enter the M.F.A. Third Division until the 1972/73 season.
1957 • Mqabba FC is Founded
1975/76 • 1st Honour, Minors Section B Winners (Coach: Pawlu Farrugia)
1975/76 • Runners Up 3rd Division
1977/78 • 1st Promotion, Section A Winners from 3rd to 2nd Division, (Coach: Alfred Lapira)
1979/80 • Runners Up in 3rd Division Knock out, vs. St. Patrick’s (Coach: Jimmy Brifa)
1981/82 • Winners of Section A 3rdDivision
1983/84 • Winners of 2nd Division (Coach: Jimmy Briffa)
1984/85 • Runners Up 1st Division and promoted to Premier (Coach: Marcell Scicluna)
1985/86 • 1st time in Premier (Coach: Marcell Scicluna)
1990/91 • Winners of 1st Division (Coach: Sascha Burisof)
1991/92 • 2nd time in Premier (Coach: George Busuttil)
1992/93 • Runners Up in 1st Division (Coach: Tarcisio Azzopardi)
2000/01 • Winners of 2nd Division (Coach: Anthony Grech)
2003-06 • 3rd in 1st Division, seeking promotion to Premier
2006/07 • Runners Up in 1st Division (Coach: Joey Falzon)
Mqabba Albions AFC
In 1997 Richard Spiteri, Pierre Micallef and Arthur Pisani set up Mqabba Albions Amateur Football Club, with the aim to give youths within the same locality the opportunity to play and enjoy the football game at a competitive level, and to create a social and friendly atmosphere amongst the players/members. The club was subsequently affiliated in the Malta Amateur Football Association and participated in the league organised by the same association for ten consecutive years. The club's greatest achievement during these ten years was the promotion to the First Division in 2004/05. For the season 2008/09 the Club joined the Swan Football League, and in 2009/10 joined the Inter Amateur Soccer Competition.Mqabba FC Youth Nursery Est.2000
The first attempts to establish the Mqabba F.C. Youth Nursery date back to 1993, when the never forgotten Joe Bugeja (id-Demsey), gathered children from the village and gave them the opportunity to acquire basic football training. For some reason or another, the Nursery soon came to an end.
In the year 2000 Mr Joe Farrugia shared his thoughts with Mr. Mark Bondin about establishing a football nursery. A group of 20 trainees all aged under 12 attended training with Mr Bondin, who is today the Nursery’s Head Coach. This season coincided with the promotion of the Mqabba F.C. senior team to the 1st Dvision.
The following season (2001/2002), the number of children doubled and the U/10 section was introduced, with training being held twice a week. The U/12’s had an impressive year, having good runs in YFA Tournaments and finishing Runners Up in another two tournaments organized at Zebbug and Zurrieq.
The 2002/2003 saw the Nursery growing considerably with the increase of both, children and coaches. The trainees attending for regular training rose up to 70. The coaches were Omar Caruana and Joe Borg (U/8), Alan Friggieri (U/10), Paul Calleja (U/12) and Mark Bondin (U/14), under voluntary basis. Tracksuits and kits were also introduced for training sessions and matches. During the following year (2003/2004), the situation remained practically the same, with a slight rise in trainees. However, during this season, the Nursery started investing in the coaching staff with coaches beginning to attend courses organized by MFA, so as to have higher quality training.
A new 5-a-side synthetic adjacent to the renovated sandy pitch enable the Nursery to improve the quality of the training. Apart from these, new premises were erected for the Nursery to have its own facilities. During this season, the squads were divided in U/6, U/8, U/10, U/12, U/14, U/16 and U/19. The number of trainees attending training rose to 160 with 15 coaches organizing 16 training sessions per week. Training sessions were coordinated by two Head Coaches with UEFA “B” License, Mr. Mark Bondin and Mr. Darren Micallef.
The 2008 - 2009 season saw the installation of synthetic turf on the Nurseries main ground together with the building of adjacent dressing rooms, equipment room and an administration office. These added and renovated facilities gave more opportunities for better improvement of both the technical and personal aspects of the trainees.
For the 2009 - 2010 seasons, given that the facilities were in place, the Nursery invested in an experienced and qualified coaching team with the aim to improve on the continuous personal development of the trainees.
In 2010, Mqabba FC Youth Nursery has celebrated its 10th Anniversary. The logo chosen for this celebration was "FOR THE GOOD OF THE YOUNG". Several activities were organized with the main one being a reception organized at the nursery premises in the presence of Onor. Clyde Puli, Parliamentary Secretary for Youths and Sports.
Zones in Mqabba
- Ħajt tal-Matla
- Ħal Millieri
- Mintna
- Ta' KandjaTa' KandjaTa' Kandja is a location in Malta.Ta' Kandja is a small area situated between Ħal Farruġ and Siġġiewi. The area, which is mainly composed of limestone quarries, comprises a small number of facilities, such as the Detention Centre housed by the Armed Forces of Malta and the Water Services...
- Tal-Ħaġra
- Tal-Landier
- Tal-Wilġa
- Tas-Sejba
- Tax-Xantin
- Tax-Xatba l-Ħamra