Most Excellent Majesty
Most Excellent Majesty is a form of address in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

. It is mainly used in Acts of Parliament, where the phrase "the Queen's [King's] most Excellent Majesty" is used in the enacting clause.

The standard is as follows:

See also

  • Forms of address in the United Kingdom
    Forms of Address in the United Kingdom
    Forms of address used in the United Kingdom are given below.Several terms have been abbreviated in the table below. The forms used in the table are given first, followed by alternative acceptable abbreviations in parentheses.-Abbreviations:*His/Her Majesty: HM...

  • List of enacting clauses
  • Style of the British Sovereign
    Style of the British Sovereign
    The precise style of British Sovereigns has varied over the years. style is officially proclaimed in two languages:* in English: * in Latin: -Highness, Grace and Majesty:From about the 12th century onwards, English Sovereigns used the style "Highness"...

  • Bill and Ted's Most Excellent Adventure
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