Mosaic in Green
Mosaic in Green is a photographic encyclopedia project which attempts to portray a colourful illustration of the history, natural landscape
Natural landscape
A natural landscape is a landscape that is unaffected by human activity. A natural landscape is intact when all living and nonliving elements are free to move and change. The nonliving elements distinguish a natural landscape from a wilderness. A wilderness includes areas within which natural...

, culture and people of Bangladesh
Bangladesh , officially the People's Republic of Bangladesh is a sovereign state located in South Asia. It is bordered by India on all sides except for a small border with Burma to the far southeast and by the Bay of Bengal to the south...

. It is a collection of over 300 photographs and illustrations provided by the country's top photographers. It spans 160 pages and has been revised and republished three times by the Ministry of Information, Bangladesh
Bangladesh , officially the People's Republic of Bangladesh is a sovereign state located in South Asia. It is bordered by India on all sides except for a small border with Burma to the far southeast and by the Bay of Bengal to the south...


Revisions of the book

Mosaic in Green was first published in 1966 by the Ministry of Information and edited by M Muhaddes. It was revised in October 1996 and republished by same editor. The latest revision (current as at February 2007) was edited by Zahirul Haque and published by the External Publicity Wing of the Ministry of Information, in 2004.

Television documentary project 'Mosaic in Green - Bangladesh'

Based upon the theme of the same book, the Ministry of Information, External Publicity Wing along with the Bangladesh Embassy in Bangkok launched the production of a television documentary in 2007.

This project involves filming of multiple locations in Bangladesh and will showcase, in video, the major attractions, natural landscape
Natural landscape
A natural landscape is a landscape that is unaffected by human activity. A natural landscape is intact when all living and nonliving elements are free to move and change. The nonliving elements distinguish a natural landscape from a wilderness. A wilderness includes areas within which natural...

, culture and people of Bangladesh. Some footage will be used from the 2006 Thai television documentary made by Thai TV channel 3 but most footage will be newly shot and edited to match the theme of the book. It will be dubbed in five different languages. Thai independent filmmaker Manik Sethisuwan is currently commissioned by the Bangladesh Embassy in Bangkok to film and direct this project within Bangladesh.

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.