and Thomistic traditions. He lived for the longest stretches in New York City
, Chicago
, San Francisco, and San Mateo, California
. He worked for Columbia University
, the University of Chicago
, Encyclopædia Britannica
, and Adler's own Institute for Philosophical Research. Adler was married twice and had four children.
Adler was born in New York City on December 28, 1902, to Jewish immigrants.
...money-making and other external indices of social success must become subordinate to the inner attainments of moral and intellectual virtue.
...an adequate reform of public education in our school system cannot be accomplished by anything like a quick fix. We suspect that anyone who thinks otherwise cannot fully understand the shape of an adequate reform or all the obstacles to be overcome in achieving it.
...it is only by struggling with difficult books, books over one's head, that anyone learns to read.
The books to be read should not be limited to those written in English.... Instead it should be devoted to the great works of history, biography, philosophy, theology, natural science, social science, and mathematics, as well as the... tradition of Western literature -- in English translation... Its aim should not be a survey of Western civilization, but an effort to understand the basic ideas and issues in Western thought.
Every seminar should involve at its conclusion the assignment of a short composition in which students would attempt to state how their understanding of the book discussed in the seminar was increased by their participation in the discussion.
[I]f local civil government is necessary for local civil peace, then world civil government is necessary for world peace.