Morphological psychology
Morphological psychology is one of the most recent full psychology theories. It was developed in the 1960s by Professor Wilhelm Salber at the University of Cologne. Morphology is the science of the structure of living things. "Morphing" describes the seamless transition from one state or appearance into another. Like the morphing technique used in films, morphological psychology studies the structures of our psyche and aims to understand the transitions, the metamorphosis of our mind.Morphological psychology recognises that our mind is in a constant state of flux, being shaped and shaping at the same time. It is the only psychology theory that considers our mental workings as a dynamic system. Morphology asserts that we are in a constant state of change throughout our life. In every millisecond we experience entire psychological worlds. The only constant in life is change, and Salber has taken this principle to morphological psychology.
Morphological psychology identifies six motivations (Kerngestalten) which provide a natural framework for the mind, and defines their relationship to each other to explain the mind's holistic workings. It is within these six motivations that we literally "make up our mind".
Each of these motivations is a gestalt
Gestalt psychology
Gestalt psychology or gestaltism is a theory of mind and brain of the Berlin School; the operational principle of gestalt psychology is that the brain is holistic, parallel, and analog, with self-organizing tendencies...
in itself that influences the whole. Salber calls these the Wirkungseinheiten or "impact units". According to morphological thinking, it is these Gestalten that are the rich building material for our mind's mental productions. The entire motivational framework can be visualised in a hexagon shape to allow analysis and understanding of how each of the six motivations influence and often battle each other (Ziems, 2004).
The six motivations can also be viewed as three interrelated pairs:
- Acquisition and Transformation
- Impact and Structure
- Expansion and Resources
Because of its emphasis on psychological "tensions", morphology is also often called the "psychology of force interplay" (Psychologie des Kraftspiels).
As with other new psychological theories, morphology has taken some time to be developed and accepted outside of Germany. Over the last 40 years morphological psychology has entered various applications of psychology including psychoanalysis and therapy, workplace and HR and marketing (Gesellschaft fuer Morphologische Psychologie).
However, since the turn of this century, the theory of morphological psychology has found greater international acceptance through the use of its principles in market research and marketing strategy. Morphological psychology increases the effectiveness of research and marketing strategy because of its understanding of human behaviour.
Morphological psychology is a living science in continued development. The Gesellschaft fuer Psychologische Morphologie in conjunction with Professor Salber, his wife, Linde Salber, and students including Barbara Grohsgart, continue to conduct further research into morphological psychology by exploring its application in psychoanalysis and therapy, art and media applications, as well as for commercial utilisation.
When Professor Salber, a scholar of Anna Freud, researched human motivations ("why do people think and do what they do"), he analysed everyday lives and activities (Grauer Alltag) including behaviour like shaving, eating, cleaning and dressing. From this research, Professor Salber was able to develop a new, comprehensive theory of the workings of our mind.
Morphological psychology has its roots in Goethe's morphology of plant life, the French moralists, and humanists like Nietzsche.
Its conceptual framework builds on Freud's concept of Gestalt psychology: finding the systems and logic that impact creation and re-creation. Morphological methodology is the "reconstruction of the art of the mind". In order to understand the logic of our psyche, we need to understand how these worlds form and diminish and transition into the next world. Salber called these Stundenwelten (Hour worlds – meaning "being fully immersed in one 'world', like reading a book, and the next hour transitioning into the next 'world', like doing the finances"). In analysing these "psychological worlds", description seeks to grasp the movement of the phenomenal forms, which then have to be transformed into explanatory reconstructions through several intermediary steps. This means that morphology uses rich descriptions to grasp the dynamics of our mind. These descriptions are then transformed into explanations through analytical steps.
Professor Salber (March 9, 1928) has published over 50 books and a further 150 publications (bibliography). For over 30 years he was the Director of the Psychological Institute at the University of Cologne.
Morphological psychology is applied in clinical application of psychoanalysis and therapy, as well as more alternative applications like music therapy. Through the understanding of the motivational framework, which is individually developed since early childhood, a person's often conflicting motivations can be revealed and analysed. Through this process, registered psychologists can help clients understand themselves and develop solutions in the change and negotiation of these motivations.Social, arts and media
Morphological psychology has been used widely to understand social issues and to develop strategies for behaviour change. Morphological psychology recognises social behaviour in the context of ancient motivations, the cultural ebb and current motivations. Through that context, current behaviours can be explained as well as future tendencies predicted. Based on this knowledge, government and philanthropic agencies like Bundesinstitut fuer Risikobewertung, British Columbia Dairy Foundation & BC Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport (Concertomarketing), Singapore Health Promotion Board (mext), Worldvision (mext), Red Cross (ifm Europe) and St Vincent's Health (mext) have developed their understanding and strategies for behaviour change. In arts and media, morphological psychology is widely applied in the analysis of art and visual/verbal concepts. In media, it is used for analysis as well as in advisory for the development of storylines and components for movies, TV and other media.Market research
Dr. Christoph Melchers is credited with the establishment of morphological psychology in market research with the formation of Institut fur Marktpsychology (ifm), Freiburg in 1979. Ifm grew into the first international morphological market research company, operating in Europe, North America and AsiaPacific.In 2009 ifm in Europe was dissolved, while ifm AsiaPacific merged with Mext market management company. The key international morphological market research companies include Concept m, Rheingold, Mext and Psyma
Psyma Group
PSYMA GROUP AG is a holding company for a network of market research companies. Currently, the PSYMA GROUP is the fifth largest market research company and the largest owner-run company in Germany...
, working with clients from many categories including Bayer, General Motors, Vodafone, Telstra, Sara Lee, RTL and Wrigley. Morphological psychology is now used in many commercial areas in marketing and brand management, employee engagement
Employee engagement
Employee engagement, also called worker engagement, is a business management concept. An "engaged employee" is one who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about their work, and thus will act in a way that furthers their organization's interests...
and employer branding, OH&S and media.
Morphology asserts that each market has its own psycho-logic and motivations. Morphological market research has been shown to be very effective in understanding the psycho-logic of markets and making the findings actionable.
A fundamental part of morphological psychology application is the inclusion of in-depth, one on one interviews of 90–120 minutes. Through the use of an evolving, topical discussion guide and psychoanalytical tools, the motivational system around the topic, be it a brand, safety, work or advertising, is explored. With up to 95% of our motivations being unconscious, this process is considered critical in uncovering what is at work deep down in our minds. Tapping into this in-depth understanding of what moves us, allows organisations to develop effective organisational strategies and applications.
According to ifm training material, "morphology describes the harmonious and seamless transformation between mental states". These transformations happen continuously every second in our daily lives. Our minds utilise strategies to help us move from one state to the next. For these transformations we use actions, rituals, products and brands to help us achieve the state
we want to be in, or want to get into. Morphology is therefore particularly well-suited for the understanding of the "why" and "how" of symptoms/behaviours. While morphological psychology has been used extensively internationally in market research with companies like Bayer, Wrigley and Sara Lee, its international acceptance has only accelerated since the early 2000s with the founding of ifm AsiaPacific (now merged with mext) and ifm and Rheingold entering the North American market.