More Songs for Dreamsleepers and the Very Awake
More Songs for Dreamsleepers and The Very Awake is a studio album by Christians & Lions
Christians & Lions
Christians & Lions is a band based out of Jamaica Plain and has been a notable part of the Boston DIY scene.They released one record, More Songs for Dreamsleepers and the Very Awake, on ECA Records in 2005...

. It was recorded by Jack Younger at Basement 247 in Allston, MA. Mastered by Nick Zampiello at New Alliance East in Boston, MA. Art by Michael Washburn. Design by Matt Sisto. Originally released on ECA Records
ECA Records
ECA Records is a record label based in New York. Its most notable artists are The Number 12 Looks Like You and its alumni artist Senses Fail, of whom they released the debut EP.- Active artists :* Christians & Lions* Ramona Cordova* Denver in Dallas...

, thanks to Dave Conway.

It is available to download for free on the band's website for a suggested donation.

Track listing

  1. Longboy
  2. Stay Warm
  3. Bones
  4. Sexton Under Glass
  5. Gimme Diction
  6. A Root’s Grave is Above Ground
  7. Skinny Fists
  8. Tender Sparks (October and Over)
  9. Some Trees
  10. Landing


  • Ben Potrykus - vocals, guitar, singing saw.
  • Sam Potrykus - bass, vocals.
  • Matt Sisto - guitar, organ, piano.
  • Chris Mara - drums, aux percussion.
  • Chris Barrett - trumpet.
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