Mondial (language)
Mondial is an international auxiliary language
created by Dr. Helge Heimer, a Swede, in the 1940s. A well-developed project, it received favourable reviews from several academic linguists but achieved little practical success. Grammars and dictionaries were published in Swedish, French, English, Italian, and German.
amico, idea, il amara, amicos, ideas, doctores.
on the last syllable in nouns that end with a consonant other than s:
doctor, general, american.
A diphthong counts as one syllable:
patria, vidua, patrias, viduas, il amaria.
Exceptions to this show the placing of the tonic accent with an accent:
veritá, café.
Infinitive: -ar (savar, to know)
Present participle: -ante (savante, knowing)
Past participle: -ate (savate, knew)
Present: -a (yo sava, I know)
Imperfect: -avi (yo savavi, I knew)
Simple future: -ara (yo savara, I will know)
Present conditional: -aria (yo savaria, I would know)
Imperative: -a (sava!, know!)
Imperative plural: -amo (savamo!, let us know!)
Verbs do not conjugate by person: yo, tu, il, nu, vu, li sava (I, you, he, we, you, they know)
Mondial has a single irregular verb, the verb to be:
Infinitive: ser (to be)
Present participle: sente (being)
Past participle: sete (been)
Present: e (is/am/are)
Imperfect: evi (was)
Simple future: sera (will be)
Present conditional: seria (would be)
Imperative: se! (be!)
Imperative plural: semo! (let us be!)
The auxiliary verb har (have) is used in much the same way as English, conjugating in the same way as the above plus the past participle of the main verb:
har savate (to have known)
hante savate (having known)
yo ha savate (I have known)
yo havi savate (I had known)
yo hara savate (I will have known)
yo haria savate (I would have known)
Passive voice is formed with the auxiliary verb var and the past participle of the main verb:
yo va savate (I am known)
yo vavi savate (I was known)
yo ha vate savate (I have been known)
yo havi vate savate (I had been known)
yo vara savate (I will be known)
yo hara vate savate (I will have been known)
yo varia savate (I would be known)
yo haria vate savate (I would have been known)
va savate! (be known!)
vamo savate! (let us be known!)
var savate (to be known)
har vate savate (to have been known)
vante savate (being known)
hante vate savate (having been known)
The verb to be (ser) can be used in the same way as var when no ambiguity arises:
Il e / va savate da tutes (he is known by all)
An example of where var and ser cannot be used interchangeably:
Le porte va uvrate a tri hores (The door is opened at three o'clock - passive)
Le porte e uvrate a tri hores (The door is open at three o'clock - state of being)
, le autor humoristique, havi un dia prendate place con un amico in un vagon de primer clase por andar a Versailles. Il alumavi imediatemente un bon cigar, que il comenzavi da fumar con visible satisfacion. Alor un senior entravi i dicavi in un ton iritante a Tristan Bernard da gectar le cigar o da andar in un altere compartimente. Nul response. le senior inconsosate repeta su demanda, ma in van. Fuor se de indignacion, il precipita se fuor del compartimente i returna algue momentes dopo con le conductor. "Cel senior ha nulo da dicar ci", dicavi alor Tristan Bernard, "il ha un biliete de secunde clase, i cil e le primer clase." Confuse i furiose, le pasagero devavi presentar su biliete al conductor i acompaniar lui imediatemente a un compartimente de secunde clase. Cuando li havi andate se, le amico de Tristan Bernard questionavi lui come il havi povate savar que lo evi un biliete de secunde clase. "Il saliavi del poche de sui gilete", respondavia Tristan Bernard, "i yo vidavi que il evi del mem color que le mie."
"This gentleman has nothing to say here," said Tristan Bernard then; "he has a second-class ticket, and this is first class." Confused and angry, the passenger had to present his ticket to the conductor and accompany him immediately to a second-class compartment. When they had gone, Tristan Bernard's friend asked him how he could have known that the other passenger had a second-class ticket.
"It came out of his vest pocket," answered Tristan Bernard, "and I saw that it was the same color as mine."
International auxiliary language
An international auxiliary language or interlanguage is a language meant for communication between people from different nations who do not share a common native language...
created by Dr. Helge Heimer, a Swede, in the 1940s. A well-developed project, it received favourable reviews from several academic linguists but achieved little practical success. Grammars and dictionaries were published in Swedish, French, English, Italian, and German.
Tonic accent
The tonic accent in Mondial in general falls on the penultimate syllable in words that end in a vowel or s:amico, idea, il amara, amicos, ideas, doctores.
on the last syllable in nouns that end with a consonant other than s:
doctor, general, american.
A diphthong counts as one syllable:
patria, vidua, patrias, viduas, il amaria.
Exceptions to this show the placing of the tonic accent with an accent:
veritá, café.
Verbs conjugate as follows, using savar (to know) as an example:Infinitive: -ar (savar, to know)
Present participle: -ante (savante, knowing)
Past participle: -ate (savate, knew)
Present: -a (yo sava, I know)
Imperfect: -avi (yo savavi, I knew)
Simple future: -ara (yo savara, I will know)
Present conditional: -aria (yo savaria, I would know)
Imperative: -a (sava!, know!)
Imperative plural: -amo (savamo!, let us know!)
Verbs do not conjugate by person: yo, tu, il, nu, vu, li sava (I, you, he, we, you, they know)
Mondial has a single irregular verb, the verb to be:
Infinitive: ser (to be)
Present participle: sente (being)
Past participle: sete (been)
Present: e (is/am/are)
Imperfect: evi (was)
Simple future: sera (will be)
Present conditional: seria (would be)
Imperative: se! (be!)
Imperative plural: semo! (let us be!)
The auxiliary verb har (have) is used in much the same way as English, conjugating in the same way as the above plus the past participle of the main verb:
har savate (to have known)
hante savate (having known)
yo ha savate (I have known)
yo havi savate (I had known)
yo hara savate (I will have known)
yo haria savate (I would have known)
Passive voice is formed with the auxiliary verb var and the past participle of the main verb:
yo va savate (I am known)
yo vavi savate (I was known)
yo ha vate savate (I have been known)
yo havi vate savate (I had been known)
yo vara savate (I will be known)
yo hara vate savate (I will have been known)
yo varia savate (I would be known)
yo haria vate savate (I would have been known)
va savate! (be known!)
vamo savate! (let us be known!)
var savate (to be known)
har vate savate (to have been known)
vante savate (being known)
hante vate savate (having been known)
The verb to be (ser) can be used in the same way as var when no ambiguity arises:
Il e / va savate da tutes (he is known by all)
An example of where var and ser cannot be used interchangeably:
Le porte va uvrate a tri hores (The door is opened at three o'clock - passive)
Le porte e uvrate a tri hores (The door is open at three o'clock - state of being)
"Tristan BernardTristan Bernard
Tristan Bernard was a French playwright, novelist, journalist and lawyer.-Life:Born Paul Bernard into a Jewish family in Besançon, Doubs, Franche-Comté, France, he was the son of an architect...
, le autor humoristique, havi un dia prendate place con un amico in un vagon de primer clase por andar a Versailles. Il alumavi imediatemente un bon cigar, que il comenzavi da fumar con visible satisfacion. Alor un senior entravi i dicavi in un ton iritante a Tristan Bernard da gectar le cigar o da andar in un altere compartimente. Nul response. le senior inconsosate repeta su demanda, ma in van. Fuor se de indignacion, il precipita se fuor del compartimente i returna algue momentes dopo con le conductor. "Cel senior ha nulo da dicar ci", dicavi alor Tristan Bernard, "il ha un biliete de secunde clase, i cil e le primer clase." Confuse i furiose, le pasagero devavi presentar su biliete al conductor i acompaniar lui imediatemente a un compartimente de secunde clase. Cuando li havi andate se, le amico de Tristan Bernard questionavi lui come il havi povate savar que lo evi un biliete de secunde clase. "Il saliavi del poche de sui gilete", respondavia Tristan Bernard, "i yo vidavi que il evi del mem color que le mie."
Tristan Bernard, the humorist, one day sat with a friend in a first-class carriage to Versailles. He immediately lit a good cigar, which he began to smoke with visible satisfaction. Then, a gentleman entered and told Tristan Bernard, in an irritating tone, to put out his cigar or to go to another compartment. No response. The gentleman, becoming angry, repeated his request, but in vain. Beside himself with indignation, he quickly left the compartment and returned several moments later with the conductor."This gentleman has nothing to say here," said Tristan Bernard then; "he has a second-class ticket, and this is first class." Confused and angry, the passenger had to present his ticket to the conductor and accompany him immediately to a second-class compartment. When they had gone, Tristan Bernard's friend asked him how he could have known that the other passenger had a second-class ticket.
"It came out of his vest pocket," answered Tristan Bernard, "and I saw that it was the same color as mine."