Mokhtarnameh is a dramatic action television series producing by Sima film based on the life of Mokhtar Abou Obeid Saghafi. Over 140 actors were cast in it.


He is a Shia Muslim leader who set up a movement in 686 A.D in the town of Kufa
Kufa is a city in Iraq, about south of Baghdad, and northeast of Najaf. It is located on the banks of the Euphrates River. The estimated population in 2003 was 110,000....

 to avenge the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS).
Starring: Fariborz Arabnia, Reza Ruygari, Reza Kianian and Rahman Baqerian, ’Mokhtarnameh’ is the sixth TV series directed by Mirbaqeri.
The series, which took five years to complete, includes 42 episodes and is produced by Sima Films. The story reviews the events leading to the martyrdom of the Imams and ends with the adolescence of Mokhtar.
The film also deals with 16 years of Mokhtar’s life and includes the death of Mo’awiyah, the succession of Yazid ibn-Mo’awiyah, and the events leading to Ashura
Ashura may refer to:* Ashura, meaning "tenth" in Arabic** The Day of Ashura, , day of mourning in Shi'a Islam* King Ashura, character from the manga series Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle...

and whatever related to the uprising of Mokhtar until his and his companions’ martyrdom.

External links

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