Mohammed ibn Kiran
Abu Abd Allah Mohammed al-Tayyib ibn Abd al-Majid ibn Abd as-Salam Ibn Kiran al-Fasi (1172/1758-1227/1812) was a Moroccan, religious scholar from Fes
Fes or Fez is the second largest city of Morocco, after Casablanca, with a population of approximately 1 million . It is the capital of the Fès-Boulemane region....

. He also played an active political role.

Ibn Kiran is the author of Risala bn Saud, a response, written at the request of the sultan mulay Slimane
Slimane of Morocco
Mulay Slimane or Suleiman was the Sultan of Morocco from 1792 to 1822. Slimane was one of five sons of Mohammed III who fought a civil war for control of the kingdom. Slimane emerged victorious in 1795, and the country remained largely passive for the subsequent decades of his rule...

, to the manifesto of the Wahhabis. He has written several commentaries, including one on al-Ghazali
Abu Hāmed Mohammad ibn Mohammad al-Ghazzālī , known as Algazel to the western medieval world, born and died in Tus, in the Khorasan province of Persia was a Persian Muslim theologian, jurist, philosopher, and mystic....

's Ihya and another on the Alfiyya of Ibn Malik
Ibn Malik
Ibn Mālik, Abū ʻAbd Allāh Djamāl Al-Dīn Muhammad was an Arab grammarian born in Jaén, Spain. After leaving Spain for the Near East, he became a Shāfi‘ī, and taught Arabic language and literature in Aleppo and Hamāt, before eventually settled in Damascus, where he began the most productive period...

. He also wrote Iqd nafais alla-ali fi tahrik al-himam al-awali, a popular religious work. Ibn Kiran was a teacher at Al-Qarawiyyin University and the teacher of Ahmad Ibn Idris Al-Fasi
Ahmad Ibn Idris al-Fasi
Ahmad Ibn Idris al-Laraishi al-Yamlahi al-Alami al-Idrisi al-Hasani was a mystic and a theologian, active in Morocco, North Africa, and Yemen. He had opposed the Ulema and tried to preach a vigorous form of Islam that is close to ordinary people....

 and Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi
Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi
Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi was the founder of the Senussi order. The order was founded in 1837.Al-Senussi was born in al-Wasita near Mostaganem, Algeria, and was named al-Senussi after a venerated Muslim teacher. He was a member of the Walad Sidi Abdalla tribe, and was a sharif tracing his...

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