Model Farms High School
Model Farms High School is a public high school in Baulkham Hills, a suburb in the northwest Sydney, New South Wales. The school is named so because the area was set up to demonstrate farming practices to convicts and others who wished to start a farm when the first settlers arrived. The school was built and established in 1975 and still continues to be using its primary facilities.
A number of academic opportunities are also offered, such as the 'Gifted & Talented' project. It allows several students from grades 8 to 10 to research a subject that they are gifted in. In 2009, the students researched projects of topics such as making a film, how maths is used in paintings, and the theories of time travel.
In 2007, over 1000 people saw the longest show ever put on by the school.
Beginning in 2010, IPT students also began to run behind the scenes work, including lighting & audio, creating the logo for the year, tickets, programs, advertising material and participation certificates for each performer.
In 2007, much hard work was placed into the production of 'The Forbidden Planet'.
In 2009, the students wowed audiences with the production 'Back To The 80's'.
This year, students are preparing to put on a production of 'The Great Australian Rock Musical'.
In 2006 a prefect system was introduced. 16 people, 8 boys and 8 girls, were selected in Year 10 to perform prefect duties from Term 4 Year 10 to Term 3 Year 11. This often involves many activities such as taking surveys, going to nursing homes and School, Parent and community meetings.
The current senior leadership formation consists of School Captain (Male and Female), School Vice- Captain (Male and Female), SRC Presidents(2) and SRC Executives(2).
In 2011, the swimming carnival allowed a change to raise money for the Queensland floods, and students entered a raffle to spend time in an inflated pool with their friends. The SRC also undertook a newer initiative parallel to Clean Up Australia Day. Students were involved in games, activities, and events which helped them to have fun, learn and understand more about the importance of clean environment. The year 12 SRC coordinators are now continuing to build school spirit by introducing more lunchtime games in the quadrangle, with entry donations going to the chosen charity.
Student opportunities
With over 1000 students enrolled at the school, there is always an opportunity for students to become involved. One event that is held each year is Fame at the Farms, a variety show that is presented in the format of a talent show, with acts including drama, dance, comedy, and singing.A number of academic opportunities are also offered, such as the 'Gifted & Talented' project. It allows several students from grades 8 to 10 to research a subject that they are gifted in. In 2009, the students researched projects of topics such as making a film, how maths is used in paintings, and the theories of time travel.
Fame at the Farms
Fame at the Farms is an annual performance put on by the school. Generally performed over two nights, it features over three hours of bands, dance and drama put on by students of the school.In 2007, over 1000 people saw the longest show ever put on by the school.
Beginning in 2010, IPT students also began to run behind the scenes work, including lighting & audio, creating the logo for the year, tickets, programs, advertising material and participation certificates for each performer.
The Musical
A school musical production is also held once every two years. It is always a huge production with a cast of many school students.In 2007, much hard work was placed into the production of 'The Forbidden Planet'.
In 2009, the students wowed audiences with the production 'Back To The 80's'.
This year, students are preparing to put on a production of 'The Great Australian Rock Musical'.
Student Representative Council
The 'Student Representative Council' (SRC) is a chance for 4 representatives from each grade to become a part of organizing events and having a say on issues around the school. The representatives are nominated at the end of term 3 and start work in term 4. Each term the school SRC holds a mufti day where students are allowed to wear non-school uniform, in exchange for a gold coin donation to charity. This has been proven very popular with over $2000 raised on some occasions.In 2006 a prefect system was introduced. 16 people, 8 boys and 8 girls, were selected in Year 10 to perform prefect duties from Term 4 Year 10 to Term 3 Year 11. This often involves many activities such as taking surveys, going to nursing homes and School, Parent and community meetings.
The current senior leadership formation consists of School Captain (Male and Female), School Vice- Captain (Male and Female), SRC Presidents(2) and SRC Executives(2).
In 2011, the swimming carnival allowed a change to raise money for the Queensland floods, and students entered a raffle to spend time in an inflated pool with their friends. The SRC also undertook a newer initiative parallel to Clean Up Australia Day. Students were involved in games, activities, and events which helped them to have fun, learn and understand more about the importance of clean environment. The year 12 SRC coordinators are now continuing to build school spirit by introducing more lunchtime games in the quadrangle, with entry donations going to the chosen charity.