Mobile speed camera
A mobile speed camera is speed limit enforcement
Speed limit enforcement
Speed limit enforcement is the action taken by appropriately empowered authorities to check that road vehicles are complying with the speed limit in force on roads and highways. Methods used include roadside speed traps set up and operated by the police and automated roadside 'speed camera'...

 device used in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 to refer to a road vehicle fitted with speed camera equipment which can park at the side of the road, or on overbridges to monitor the speed of passing traffic.

Mobile speed cameras come in many shapes, sizes, and colour schemes. Generally there are two types, a white van with the camera equipment poking out of the rear (for layby based vans) or out of the sliding side panel (for overbridge based vans) They are not required by law to carry a 'speed camera warning' logo, (although government guidelines state they should) although by the time motorist has seen it, their speed has been recorded anyway. Often they also show the THINK!!! road safety logo. They may be operated by uniformed police officers, but more often than not by 'civilian' police employees.

Introduced over the last year or so are mobile speed traps based on motorbikes to allow speed monitoring in areas where it is impossible to park a van.
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