Misconceptions is an American sitcom television series for The WB Network for the 2005-2006 season that never aired. It featured Jane Leeves
Jane Leeves
Jane Leeves is an English film, stage, and television actress, comedienne and dancer.Leeves made her screen debut with a small role in the 1983 popular British comedy television show The Benny Hill Show. Leeves moved to the United States, where she performed in small roles until she secured a...

 and French Stewart
French Stewart
Milton French Stewart , better known by his stage name French Stewart, is an American actor, best known for his role as Harry Solomon on the 1990s sitcom 3rd Rock from the Sun.-Early life:...

. Six episodes were ordered at the time of the show's announcement. The show was not included on The CW's schedule, and it is very unlikely that the episodes that were produced will ever air at all.

Cast / Characters

  • Jane Leeves
    Jane Leeves
    Jane Leeves is an English film, stage, and television actress, comedienne and dancer.Leeves made her screen debut with a small role in the 1983 popular British comedy television show The Benny Hill Show. Leeves moved to the United States, where she performed in small roles until she secured a...

     as Amanda Watson
  • French Stewart
    French Stewart
    Milton French Stewart , better known by his stage name French Stewart, is an American actor, best known for his role as Harry Solomon on the 1990s sitcom 3rd Rock from the Sun.-Early life:...

     as Horace
  • Adam Rothenberg
    Adam Rothenberg
    Adam Rothenberg is an American film and television actor.-Early life:Rothenberg was born in Tenafly, New Jersey. He is of Jewish ancestry on his father's side and has six siblings.-Career:...

    as Eddie Caprio


  1. 1x01 "Got To Get You Out Of My Life"
  2. 1x02 "Dial E For Eddie"
  3. 1x03 "Family Outing"
  4. 1x04 "Bad Guy's Day Off"
  5. 1x05 "Amanda Gone Wild"
  6. 1x06 "The Courtship of Eddie's Daughter"
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