Minnesota IMPLAN Group
Using classic input-output analysis in combination with regional specific Social Accounting Matrices and Multiplier Models, IMPLAN provides a highly accurate and adaptable model for its users. The IMPLAN database contains county, state, zip code, and federal economic statistics
Economic statistics
Economic statistics is a topic in applied statistics that concerns the collection, processing, compilation, dissemination, and analysis of economic data. It is also common to call the data themselves 'economic statistics', but for this usage see economic data. The data of concern to economic ...
which are specialized by region, not estimated from national averages and can be used to measure the effect on a regional or local economy of a given change or event in the economy's activity.
Donna: How can Tiffany get sick just when I need her to the most!!! Why does this happen to me?!
Raven: (upon entering the Tipton) Ooh swaaanky! Moseby: Thank you. We take pride in our "swank."
Raven: (Upon finding out that her Secretech messed up the the shoot) I ruined everything. EVERYTHING!!!
Raven: [To Zack and Cody] You're Juan, and you're Kveld. Cody: Actually he's Juan and I'm Keveld.
Raven: Oh snap.