Minhota Cattle


SKELETON - Strong and well covered with muscles.
SKIN - Thick, inelastic, covered with hair straight, short, thick and rough.
COAT - More or less reddish, marbled with natural openings.
HEAD - A bit long under the eyes, usually more right than on the convex bevel, wide forehead and slightly convex.
CORNER - Medium size, elliptical section, white, flushed with the tips, going out almost horizontally to the sides, turning from a little behind, then turned forward and with the tips up and turned inside out at the last third of its length.
BROW - Little salient.
EYES - Surface expression and vaguely sad.
EARS - High insertion, regular size and labeled on the inside with thick hair and long.
FACES - Long and triangular.
CHAMFER - usually straight, long, welded to the nose in circular dome.
MUZZLE - Short and slightly convex on the outer edges.
NECK - Short, thick, slightly drooping, some dewlap, slightly on top, but rather on the breastplate;
WITHERS - Slightly protruding.
RIBCAGE - high, but slightly arched.
BACK - Almost straight and long.
CHEST - Largo.
SHOULDERS - Broad and muscular.
BELLY - A little bulky.
CROUP - High, the protruding hips and muscular.
BUTTOCKS - Almost straight and regularly developed.
TAIL - Long, set high and regularly hairy.
UDDER - Regularly shaped and developed,
PROFILE - Rectilinear the convex
MEMBERS - Tall, slightly protruding from joints, terminated by large claws and strong.


The breed is almost exclusive to northern Portugal in Viana do Castelo district in Minho.
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