Mimas (data centre)
Mimas is a nationally designated academic data centre based at The University of Manchester in the United Kingdom
. Its role is to support the advancement of knowledge, powering world-class research and teaching.
Mimas hosts a significant number of the UK's research information assets – and builds applications to help people make the most of this rich resource. The organisation has a longstanding relationship with JISC, developing services that support teaching, learning and research, and strong connections with research councils, especially the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
Mission Statement: Mimas' mission is to power world-class research and teaching
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...
. Its role is to support the advancement of knowledge, powering world-class research and teaching.
Mimas hosts a significant number of the UK's research information assets – and builds applications to help people make the most of this rich resource. The organisation has a longstanding relationship with JISC, developing services that support teaching, learning and research, and strong connections with research councils, especially the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
Mission Statement: Mimas' mission is to power world-class research and teaching
See also
- Archives HubArchives HubThe Archives Hub is a gateway to descriptions of archives for education and research. It represents archives held in UK universities, colleges and other institutions. It holds over 20,000 collection level descriptions of archives on all manner of subjects, and also has thousands of descriptions of...
- CopacCopacCopac is a union catalogue which provides free access to the merged online catalogues of many major university research libraries in the United Kingdom and Ireland, plus an increasing number of specialist libraries and the British Library, the National Library of Scotland and the National Library...
(union catalogue for UK and Irish research libraries) - ESDS InternationalESDS InternationalESDS International is a JISC/ESRC funded service which provides the UK academic community with free online access to the major databanks produced by international governmental organisations such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the United Nations...
(for international datasets) - IESRIESRThe JISC Information Environment Service Registry provides a registry of all "significant research collections in the UK" and supports "teaching, learning and research". It is funded by the JISC under its Shared Infrastructure Services programme....
(JISC Information Environment Service Registry) - IntuteIntuteIntute is a free Web service aimed at students, teachers, and researchers in UK further education and higher education. Intute provides access to online resources, via a large database of resources...
- UK PubMed CentralUK PubMed Central' is an on-line database that offers free access to a vast and growing collection of biomedical and health research information.-Service:...
(Free archive of life sciences journals)