Military ranks of East Timor
The following are the Military ranks of the Timor Leste Defence Force (F-FDTL). The Timor Leste Defence Force's rank structure appears similar to that of the Portuguese Armed Forces
, East Timor's former colonial power.
Portuguese Armed Forces
The armed forces of Portugal, commonly known as the Portuguese Armed Forces encompasses a Navy , an Army and an Air Force...
, East Timor's former colonial power.
- General-de-Divisão - Major General (F-FDTL Chief-of-Defence-Force) (WEF 2009)
- Brigadeiro - Brigadier General (F-FDTL Vice Chief-of-Defence-Force)
- Coronel - Colonel
- Tenente-Coronel – Lieutenant-colonel
- Major
- Capitão - Captain
- Tenente - Lieutenant
- Alferes – 2nd lieutenant
- Aspirante – Officer student candidate
Non-commissioned officers
- Sargento-mor – Sergeant major
- Sargento-chefe - Master sergeant
- Sargento-ajudante - Sergeant 1st class
- Primeiro-Sargento – Staff sergeant
- Segundo-Sargento – First sergeant
- Furriel – Sergeant
- Segundo-Furriel – Corporal-specialist
Enlisted personnel
- Cabo-Ajunto – Lance-corporal
- Primeiro-Cabo – Corporal
- Segundo-Cabo – Private 1st class
- Soldado - Private
- Capitão-tenente – Lieutenant-commander
- Primeiro-tenente – Lieutenant
- Segundo-tenente - Lieutenant junior grade
- Guarda-marinha/Subtenente - Ensign or Second lieutenant
- Aspirante – Midshipman or cadet (officer student candidate)
Non-commissioned officers
- Sargento-mor – Warrant officer I
- Sargento-chefe – Warrant officer II
- Sargento-ajudante - Warrant officer III
- Primeiro-sargento - Master chief petty officer
- Segundo-sargento – Chief petty officer
- Primeiro-subsargento – Petty officer 1st class
- Segundo-subsargento – Petty officer 2nd class
Enlisted personnel
- Cabo – Petty officer 3rd class
- Primeiro-marinheiro – Senior seaman
- Segundo-marinheiro – Apprentice seaman
- Grumete – Seaman