Milia Fallyna Jenius
is a fictional character in the Macross
is a series of science fiction mecha anime, directed by Shōji Kawamori of Studio Nue in 1982. The franchise features a fictional history of Earth/Humanity after the year 1999. It consists of three TV series, four movies, six OVAs, one light novel and five manga series, all sponsored by Big West...

Japanese animated science fiction series, voiced by Eri Takeda. In the 2006 English adaptation by ADV Films she is voiced by Luci Christian
Luci Christian
Louisa Michelle Christian is an American voice actress and ADR Script Writer who is affiliated with Funimation Entertainment, ADV Films, Seraphim Digital, and OkraTron 5000...



Milia is an ace Quimeliquola Queadluun-Rau power armor
Powered exoskeleton
A powered exoskeleton, also known as powered armor, or exoframe, is a powered mobile machine consisting primarily of an exoskeleton-like framework worn by a person and a power supply that supplies at least part of the activation-energy for limb movement.Powered exoskeletons are designed to assist...

 pilot, a female of the giant race of warriors known as the Zentradi
The are a fictional, militastic race of alien, humanoid giants and often the main antagonist in The Super Dimension Fortress Macross anime series and its Robotech adaptation....

In the fictional Macross setting, Meltlandi or Meltlan is the term for female Zentradi, a giant humanoid alien warrior race segregated by gender....

 in The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love?
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love?
, also known as The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love? or Super Spacefortress Macross , is a 1984 Japanese animated movie based around the Macross television series.The movie is a film adaptation of the original Macross series, with new animation...

). Serving on board an all-female ship in the Lap Lamiz fleet, she joined Commander Britai Kridanik's investigation of the "miclones" of Earth, and their spacecraft, the SDF-1 Macross
SDF-1 Macross
The SDF-1 Macross is a fictional interstellar transforming spacecraft from The Super Dimension Fortress Macross, an anime science fiction series that aired in Japan in 1982–1983, and its American adaptation Robotech...

. After being beaten in a pitched battle against the human pilot Maximilian Jenius
Maximilian Jenius
' is a fictional character in the science fiction television series Macross, voiced by Shō Hayami. In the new English adaptation by ADV Films, he is voiced by Chris Patton.-Macross:...

, she volunteered for micloning and, reduced to human size, infiltrated the Macross. Rather than espionage, her real aim was to find and kill the man who had humiliated her. At a video game arcade, she again finds herself unbeatable until she is challenged to a duel by Max, an incredibly skilled pilot and the pilot whom Milia had dueled against in real combat. Milia concludes (correctly) that Max must be the ace pilot which she faced in real combat. Max asks Milia out on a date, and Milia accepts although she secretly plots to kill him. Later, when Max meets with her in a park, Milia reveals that she is a Zentradi and tries to kill him with a knife. After a short fight, Max disarms her. Beaten for a third time, she falls to her knees, begins to cry and asks Max to kill her. Yet, despite everything that has occurred, Max puts his finger under her chin and the two look into each other's eyes for a long moment. It is then that Milia has a revelation: that the emotion Max had awoken in her was not hate, but love. The two seem to float towards each other and then passionately kiss. They are then quickly married and Milia puts her life as a Zentradi warrior behind her, choosing instead to live with Max.

After defecting to the Macross and marrying Max, Milia was allowed to become a member of the UN Spacy in her own right and piloted a red-painted VF-1J Valkyrie Fighter
VF-1 Valkyrie
This article is about a fictional vehicle; for the fighter squadron see VF-1.In the fictional Macross Japanese anime series and its English adaptation Robotech, the first mass-produced variable fighter or veritech fighter is called the VF-1 Valkyrie.-Background:The VF-1 was created by the...

 into battle thereafter as her husband's wingmate
A wingman is a pilot who supports another in a potentially dangerous flying environment. Wingman was originally a term referring to the plane flying beside and slightly behind the lead plane in an aircraft formation....

. However, caring for her own people, she convinced Max and the other pilots to capture, rather than kill, their Zentradi opponents. This deed actually saved the ship during an all out attack by her race to destroy the ship as it, among other events, led to mutiny in the Zentradi forces severe enough for Commander Vrlitwhai to call a cease fire.

After the Zentradi Fleet that nearly destroys the Earth
Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the densest and fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It is also the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets...

 is vanquished, Max and Milia settle down in the new city built around the SDF-1 Macross. In March 2011, Milia gives birth to a daughter (the first of seven) who is named Komilia Maria Fallyna Jenius. The name Komilia (which means "Little Milia") is chosen because, with her green hair and green eyes, she looks so much like her mother (although it has also been suggested that the "ko" simply refers to the Japanese kanji character "child" that is often used on the end of Japanese female personal names - a suggestion which is supported by the title of the episode 30: Viva Maria, as opposed to Viva Komilia) Komilia proves how related the Humans and Zentradi are as she is the "first stellar interracial child". She proves to be an unabashed baby who is tough enough to handle Milia's often inexperienced handling. Komilia is also very playful with Max's long hair, and pulls on it while giggling.

The birth of her first child was another profoundly moving event for Milia when the artificially gestated woman realized that she created life inside her own body. It takes time for Milia to learn about motherhood - when Misa Hayase
Misa Hayase
is one of the central fictional characters of the Macross Japanese anime series. Her voice actress was Mika Doi in the original Japanese TV version, in The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love? movie adaptation, and in The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Flash Back 2012 OVA...

 asks if she could hold Komilia, Milia initially refuses and tells Misa "If you want to hold a baby, why not make one of your own? I made this one." When Milia does agree, she throws Komilia to Misa, who barely manages to catch the baby in time. Komilia proves adorable to Misa Hayase
Misa Hayase
is one of the central fictional characters of the Macross Japanese anime series. Her voice actress was Mika Doi in the original Japanese TV version, in The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love? movie adaptation, and in The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Flash Back 2012 OVA...

 and Claudia LaSalle
Claudia LaSalle
is a fictional character in the Macross animated science fiction universe. She debuts in the first episode of the first series, The Super Dimension Fortress Macross...

, who are amazed that she doesn't appear to be shy at all, and envy Milia for having such a beautiful little girl. Misa is overjoyed when she gets the opportunity to hold Komilia while she and Claudia admire her, argue who should hold her, and make her laugh. Later, Komilia can be seen peacefully asleep in her mother's arms. Milia, despite her past as a ruthless Zentradi warrior, embraces her role as a mother and feels as much love for Komilia as any human mother could feel towards her child.

Komilia, along with her parents, plays an important role in the U.N.' capture of a factory satellite in November 2011. After blasting into the enemy command ship in their fighters, Max and Milia face the hostile Zentradi and Milia reaches into her fighter and lifts baby Komilia (in a tiny pink and white spacesuit) into view, causing the enemy Zentradi who have never seen a baby before to recoil in shock and fear. Komilia coos as she brings her hands to the faceshield of her helmet in an effort to rub her eyes, promoting the Zentradi to shout "It moves!"

Milia, smiling, states "This is called a baby. Her name is Komilia Maria Fallyna Jenius. She'll gradually grow bigger until she's the same size as us. She was created by the two of us," as she motions towards Max. Milia then raises Komilia high over her head, proudly proclaiming her birth to be a symbol of protoculture. The hostile Zentradi now filled with terror, abandon their posts, which causes disorder and allows the U.N. forces and the allied Zentradi to destroy the enemy fleet and seize the factory.


In the original Macross series, Milia is a very prolific mother, and she and Max together have seven natural daughters and adopt a Meltrandi girl over a period of twenty years from 2011 to 2031. The oldest is Komilia Maria Fallyna Jenius, who is the only one seen in the original series. The youngest is Mylene Flare
Mylene Flare Jenius
is a fictional character in the Macross universe. She first appears in Macross 7, and also appears in the movie Macross 7: The Galaxy Is Calling Me! and the OVAs Macross 7 Encore and Macross Dynamite 7. She is voiced by Tomo Sakurai...

, who becomes a major character in Macross 7
Macross 7
is an anime television series. It is a sequel to the show The Super Dimension Fortress Macross that takes place many years after the events of the first series following a cast of mostly new characters. The show ran from October 16, 1994 to September 24, 1995 at 11:00 AM, and 49 episodes were aired...

. Emilia Jenius is seen briefly in Macross 7 the Movie: The Galaxy's Calling Me!.

Milia's second pregnancy was seemingly very difficult and nearly killed her, which is apparently why the name Miracle was chosen for her second daughter.

Macross Do You Remember Love?

Just as in the original Super Dimension Fortress Macross, Milia is depicted as an ace pilot. Milia is first seen when the Meltrandi breached Vrlitwhai Kridanik
Vrlitwhai Kridanik
is a fictional character in the Macross universe. He first appears in the original Macross. He also appears in Macross: Do You Remember Love? and Macross: Flash Back 2012. The original Japanese romanization of the character's name according to Studio Nue is Vrlitwhai Kridanik...

's Nupetiet-Vergnitzs. As she entered the ship, Milia starts killing every Zentran she sees, and after executing her task, flees with gusto.

Milia's subsequent appearance in the movie is during the battle between the Macross
is a series of science fiction mecha anime, directed by Shōji Kawamori of Studio Nue in 1982. The franchise features a fictional history of Earth/Humanity after the year 1999. It consists of three TV series, four movies, six OVAs, one light novel and five manga series, all sponsored by Big West...

 fleet and the Meltrandi. In this battle, Milia entered into Lap Lamiz's ship with a tailing Maximilian Jenius
Maximilian Jenius
' is a fictional character in the science fiction television series Macross, voiced by Shō Hayami. In the new English adaptation by ADV Films, he is voiced by Chris Patton.-Macross:...

 behind her. She was shot down within the ship. Upon breaching the Queadluun-Rau armor, Max is enamored by Milia (as she is with him) and expresses his awe of the Meltran pilot. Milia and Max are finally seen battling together against Boddole Zer and his fleet, Max having been enlarged to Zentradi size.

Macross 7

In Macross 7
Macross 7
is an anime television series. It is a sequel to the show The Super Dimension Fortress Macross that takes place many years after the events of the first series following a cast of mostly new characters. The show ran from October 16, 1994 to September 24, 1995 at 11:00 AM, and 49 episodes were aired...

Milia sports a new short hairdo rather than her original long hair in Macross
is a series of science fiction mecha anime, directed by Shōji Kawamori of Studio Nue in 1982. The franchise features a fictional history of Earth/Humanity after the year 1999. It consists of three TV series, four movies, six OVAs, one light novel and five manga series, all sponsored by Big West...

. Like Max, she doesn't seem to have aged. However, she is sensitive whenever people, especially Basara Nekki
Basara Nekki
' is a fictional character in the Macross universe, the lead singer and guitarist of the band Fire Bomber. He first appears in Macross 7, and also appears in the movie Macross 7: The Galaxy is Calling Me and the OVAs Macross 7 Encore and Macross Dynamite 7. He is voiced by Nobutoshi Kanna...

 refer to her age.
Milia is elected overwhelmingly as the mayor of City 7, the largest and main ship of the Macross 7 colonization fleet. She is accompanied by Mylene, her daughter, who lives separately. Max is also present as commander of the Macross 7 fleet, although the couple are now separated
Legal separation
Legal separation is a legal process by which a married couple may formalize a de facto separation while remaining legally married. A legal separation is granted in the form of a court order, which can be in the form of a legally binding consent decree...

. It is also implied that she still may have feelings for her estranged husband.

As City 7's Mayor, Milia is determined not only to maintain law and order among her citizens, but to marry off the rebellious Mylene as well. In the series, Milia still possesses her red VF-1J Valkyrie, and like Max, she can still fly a Valkyrie exceptionally and as passionately as she did in the original Super Dimension Fortress Macross. Milia clearly shows signs of affection towards her antique red VF-1J when it was destroyed by Sivil while being piloted by Gamlin Kizaki
Gamlin Kizaki
Gamlin Kizaki is a fictional character in the Macross universe. He first appears in Macross 7, and later appeared in the movie Macross 7: The Galaxy Is Calling Me! and the OAVs Macross 7 Encore and Macross Dynamite 7. He is voiced by Takehito Koyasu.At the beginning of Macross 7, Gamlin is 19...


Later in the series, Milia, while serving as City 7's mayor, would from time-to-time pilot her Valkyrie - first piloting her VF-1J and gradually moving on to more advanced Valkyries, the VF-17D Nightmare
VF-17 Nightmare
The VF-17 Nightmare is a fictional variable fighter from the anime television series Macross 7 and Macross Frontier. This fictional variable fighter mecha was created by mechanical designer Shoji Kawamori.-Fictional History:...

 and VF-22S Sturmvogel II respectively, all of which are colored deep red - to assist the battle of the Macross 7 fleet against the Protodeviln
The ' are a fictional race of alien beings hailing from an adjoining sub-universe in the anime series Macross 7. Though some appear humanoid , and some bear resemblance of vampire-like elves, most are gigantic creatures with few human features, resembling devils...

 and their Varauta Army. In the final episode of Macross 7, Milia and Max fought side-by-side in their own custom colored VF-22 Sturmvogel variable fighters against Lord Geperunitch.

The Jenius Family

As previously stated Max and Milia have eight daughters (seven biological, one adopted). The names of the 8 children, and their birth dates, are:
  • Komilia Maria Fallyna Jenius - 2011 (first born human/zentran child)
  • Miracle Jenius - 2017
  • Muse Jenius - 2022
  • Therese Jenius - 2022
  • Emilia Jenius - 2024
  • Miranda Jenius - 2026
  • Mylene Flare Jenius
    Mylene Flare Jenius
    is a fictional character in the Macross universe. She first appears in Macross 7, and also appears in the movie Macross 7: The Galaxy Is Calling Me! and the OVAs Macross 7 Encore and Macross Dynamite 7. She is voiced by Tomo Sakurai...

     - 2031 (youngest daughter)
  • Moaramia Fallyna Jenius (adopted daughter)


  • In the sequel series Macross Frontier
    Macross Frontier
    is a Japanese animated science fiction space drama that aired in Japan on MBS from April 3, 2008 to September 25, 2008. It is the most recent Japanese anime television series set in the Macross universe. Animated by Satelight, premiered Japan on MBS on April 3, 2008...

    there is a Meltlan pilot called Klan Klang who dons a red Queadluun-Rea power armor (that looks very similar to Milia's own Queadluun-Rau) as the captain of the S.M.S Pixie Squadron. She has blue hair and like Milia, seems to be in love with a human pilot, Mikhail Blanc, who resembles Max. However, their relationship is a rocky one, and made difficult as Klan's adult body would revert to a child-like physical appearance upon micronization.

  • Klan's red Queadluun-Rea is a reference to Milia's red Queadluun-Rau, which appeared in The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love?
    The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love?
    , also known as The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love? or Super Spacefortress Macross , is a 1984 Japanese animated movie based around the Macross television series.The movie is a film adaptation of the original Macross series, with new animation...


External links

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