Mike Rimbaud
Mike Rimbaud is an American guitarist, singer and painter.

Starting his career by performing in the cafes and clubs of New York City, Mike Rimbaud signed in 1990 with a French record label.
His debut album Mutiny in the Subway was recorded downtown at Baby Monster Studios with the help of Andrea Pennisi percussion, Lee Kostrinsky on bass.

Mike moved to Paris in 1991, he recorded his second album Funeral Lover in New York (Baby Monster Studios) and Paris (Mixit Studio).

In 1993, Elliott Murphy
Elliott Murphy
Elliott James Murphy is an American rock singer-songwriter, novelist, producer and journalist living in Paris.-Biography:Elliott James Murphy, Jr. was born in Rockville Centre, New York to a show business family...

produced the third CD, Red Light. The original songs include "Romantic Depressive" and "You Looked Good in Hell."

Returning to live in New York in 1994, Mike continues to write and perform with his band, The Subway Sun. Mike Rimbaud releases Graffiti Trees in 1997.

In 2002 Mike recorded an acoustic album, Beast of Broadway with some songs produced by Brian Ritchie of the Violent Femmes. It was written in Brazil and New York and recorded in lower Manhattan (Listen to "7-11 on September 11th.")

2003 sees the release of Light of Day a tribute to Bruce Springsteen, with Mike's rockabilly inspired rendition of Atlantic City. He also performed at the Stone Pony with other artists to help promote the CD. Between 2004-2008 Mike continues to record and perform with his band The Subway Sun, this coincides with shows of his paintings, a series of over 50 portraits of Lower East Siders, portraits of American, French and Haitian Revolutionaries and paintings from Brazil.

Mike Rimbaud regularly exhibits his paintings, which include cityscapes, dinosaurs, subway scenes and dancers.
In 2010 he releases a 16 track CD, What Was I Thinking? and music video for his song "Miami High".
In Summer 2011, Mike put's out his 7th album, "Coney Island Wave."


  1. Coney Island Wave, 2011
  2. What Was I Thinking, 2010
  3. Beast of Broadway , 2003
  4. Graffiti Trees, 1997
  5. DawnTown Project, 1995
  6. Red Light , 1993
  7. Funeral Lover , 1991
  8. Mutiny in the Subway , 1990

External links

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