Mike Feinstein

Green Party (United States)
The Green Party of the United States is a nationally recognized political party which officially formed in 1991. It is a voluntary association of state green parties. Prior to national formation, many state affiliates had already formed and were recognized by other state parties...
. Feinstein has been involved in political activism since 1988, after he attended a conference at the Findhorn community
Findhorn Foundation
The Findhorn Foundation is a Scottish charitable trust registered in 1972, formed by the spiritual community at the Findhorn Ecovillage, one of the largest intentional communities in Britain....
in Scotland entitled "The Individual and the Collective: Politics as If The Earth Mattered". He first became active with the Westside Greens in the Santa Monica/West Los Angeles area in November 1998 and then joined his neighborhood Ocean Park Community Organization in early 1989. Feinstein is one of many co-founders the Green Party of California
Green Party of California
The Green Party of California is the California affiliate of the Green Party. The party is a ballot-qualified in California, first established as such in 1991, using the petition method of gaining state recognition....
Municipal Government
Between 1996 and 2004 he was elected twice to the City CouncilCity council
A city council or town council is the legislative body that governs a city, town, municipality or local government area.-Australia & NZ:Because of the differences in legislation between the States, the exact definition of a City Council varies...
of Santa Monica, California
Santa Monica, California
Santa Monica is a beachfront city in western Los Angeles County, California, US. Situated on Santa Monica Bay, it is surrounded on three sides by the city of Los Angeles — Pacific Palisades on the northwest, Brentwood on the north, West Los Angeles on the northeast, Mar Vista on the east, and...
and was appointed as its mayor
In many countries, a Mayor is the highest ranking officer in the municipal government of a town or a large urban city....
from 2000-2002. Feinstein was first elected to the City Council in 1996 receiving 13,681 votes and finishing second amongst the thirteen candidates running for four seats. Feinstein was re-elected in 2000 with 21,084 votes, finishing first out of thirteen candidates for four seats. His vote total at the time being the second highest ever for any Santa Monica City Council candidate. In December 2000, Feinstein was appointed to a two-year term as mayor by a 7-0 vote of his colleagues. In 2004 Feinstein sought a third term but was unsuccessful, finishing 9th of 16.
Other governmental experience
Feinstein has also served on the Southern California Association of Government's Energy & Environment Committee (1997–2004), Growth Visioning Task Force (2001–2004), Regional Comprehensive Plan Task Force (2004–2008) and Integrated Policy Task Force (2009–present), as well as the Westside Council of Governments, Local Government Commission (California), California League of Cities, National League of Cities, U.S. Conference of Mayors and International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI).Green Party roles and responsibilities
Feinstein has served in a variety of positions in the Green Party, on the local, county, state, national, international and global level. He's been elected to eight two-year terms (in eight tries) on the County Council of the Green Party of Los Angeles County since 1992, and served as its Co-Coordinator from 2005 to 2006.Feinstein was the founding and managing editor (1997–2001) of the national Green newspaper Green Pages, has been a (GPCA) delegate to the National Committee of the Green Party since 2007 and was a (GPCA) delegate to the 2000, 2004 and 2008 Green Party Presidential Nominating Conventions. In 2009 he was elected to a two-year term as one of seven co-chairs of the Green party of the United States.
Internationally, Feinstein has twice served (2001, 2008) as a GPUS delegate to Congresses of the Global Greens
Global Greens
The Global Greens is a global network of Green parties and political movements. It was founded in 2001 in Canberra, Australia at the First Global Greens Congress, where the Global Green Charter was approved. The Second Global Greens Congress was held in 2008 in Sao Paolo, Brazil...
, the global network of Green parties and political movements. Currently he is the webmaster of the Global Greens website.