Michel Szulc-Krzyzanowski
Michel Szulc-Krzyzanowski (Oosterhout, The Netherlands, 23 April 1949) is a Dutch photographic artist. Beginning as a student, he has traveled all over the world in search of picturesque locations for his autonomous-conceptual photographs of special people or situations for his social-documentary projects. At the beginning of his career, he became famous for his photo-sequences, which have been exhibited and published widely since the early seventies. Besides his many exhibitions in the last forty years, Szulc-Krzyzanowski published 16 photo books and his pictures were published in magazines and newspapers all over the world. People are always the central theme in his work. Sometimes it is his own shadow or footprint that is the focus of the image, as in the case of many of his sequences, and sometimes it is another person somewhere on this planet, but he always approaches his subject with a good sense of curiosity and a positive perspective. Nowadays Szulc-Krzyzanowski lives and works in Mexico most of the time, in a camper designed by the artist, the "Fuso Szulc", focusing on his social-documentary projects.
After elementary school, Szulc-Krzyzanowski became a fickle child. After a year of College in Oosterhout he went to a boarding school: De Westerhelling in Nijmegen. Here he joined the photo club and learned how to make photo-prints. He became friends with fellow students who were also interested in photography. One of them was Teun Hocks, who likewise became a successful artist and has remained friends with Szulc-Krzyzanowski today. Life in boarding school didn't suited Szulc-Krzyzanowski, and after two years, during which several conflicts occurred, he was expelled. He returned to the College in Oosterhout where the head of the College, Charles Krijnen, knew the family situation of Szulc-Krzyzanowski and made it possible for him to study with freedom. For example, he was allowed to work on the school paper during classes. The illustrations for this paper were made by Teun Hocks, who was a student at the St. Joost Academy of Arts in Breda at that time. In 1966 Szulc-Krzyzanowski won first prize in a photo contest organized by his school. A year later he graduated as one of the best students of his year. He then became a photography student at the Academy of Arts in Breda, but because he refused to follow the lessons on optics and chemistry, he was expelled after one year. For the rest of that year, 1968, he did some small photographic assignments and hitchhiked with Hocks through France. After his registration and admission at the Royal Academy of Art and Design in 's-Hertogenbosch, he moved to 's-Hertogenbosch and began living on his own. The first months of his study, he worked at the graphic department with the teachers Dick Cassée and Rob Otten, where he learned etching. Later he photographed under the supervision of Wim Noordhoek and abandoned etching, concentrating completely on photography from then on. In 1969, he spent two months making a photographic tour of the Czech Republic and Poland, which served partly as his thesis, and on the 25th of May, 1970, he graduated from the Royal Academy of Art and Design and began his career as an artistic-conceptual photographer.
. His first sequences were a succession of pictures taken inside an isolated nature reserve showing a remarkable visual phenomenon. Szulc Krzyzanowski came up with this kind of narrative photography during a walk on the island. The horizon showed an object that he could not identify. By walking to the object it became clear what is was. He recorded this process of slow discovery by making a picture every ten meters or so. A new step in his development as a photographer was made. These first sequences were displayed later that year in the Noord-Brabants Museum in s'-Hertogenbosch. In this period, Szulc-Kryzanowski also became a member of the Dutch Association of Photographers, the GKF (in Dutch: de Beroepsvereniging van Fotografen).
In September 1972, Szulc-Kryzanowski bought his first car with funds received through a grant by the Dutch Department of Culture, Recreation and Social Work. This allowed him to travel to Portugal, accompanied by fellow-artist Jan Hendrix, where he continued taking photographs. It was a busy and exciting period for Szulc-Kryzanowski. He had exhibitions in the Van Abbemuseum
in Eindhoven, of his project "Camden Interiors" and the sequences in the Camden Arts Centre
in London, his first exhibition abroad. The Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris bought twenty pictures that same year and what followed was a non-stop period of exhibitions and publications in the Netherlands and abroad, while Szulc-Krzyzanowski continued to work on other projects.
Since 1968 Szulc-Krzyzanowski frequently visits Paris, where he became friends with the filmmaker Bernard Martino. Szulc-Krzyzanowski always brought his most recent pictures with him and in this way introduced his work to by people like Jean-Claude Lemagny of the Bibliothèque Nationale. What followed was a big publication of his portfolio (20 pages) in the French magazine ZOOM. In Paris Szulc-Krzyzanowski also met Virginia Zabriskie and Nicholas Callaway of the Zabriskie Gallery in New York, and Harry Lunn from Washington, an important photo-dealer at that time. Through these new contacts, Szulc-Krzyzanowski became well-known in the American art scene. Lunn bought several of his sequences and in July 1978, Szulc-Krzyzanowski signed a contract with the Zabriskie Gallery
in New York and Paris, which gave them exclusive rights to represent his works of Szulc-Krzyzanowski. They became his vast commercial agents and New York became his hometown. He bought a camper and traveled for months to several locations where he continued making his sequences. During the winter of 1979-1980, Szulc-Krzyzanowski found the perfect circumstances for new sequences in Mexico. Later he would also make several pictures for the VISTA series here. He returned to the west-coast of Mexico many times, where he worked in total isolation on his sequences.
A large photo book of the sequences of Szulc-Krzyzanowski was published in March 1984, with an introduction written by David Travis, the Conservator of Photography at the Art Institute in Chicago, where also a large solo exhibition of his sequences was established. The book resulted in many solo exhibitions in major galleries including the Arnhems Gemeentemuseum and the Laurence Miller Gallery in New York. It was in this period of the 80s that Szulc-Krzyzanowski concluded that he had exhausted the concept of the made all possible sequences and to continue would result only in repetition and variation. Several attempts by his American Gallery to influence on his work, cemented his decision to abandon the concept of the sequences. He officially stopped making sequences on the 30th of July in 1985, with a farewell-exhibition in the Olympus Gallery in Amsterdam. He also cancelled the business agreements he had with the various galleries. He sold his camper and stopped working in Mexico.
Szulc-Krzyzanowski's first photo book, "Neem nou Henny" (English "Henny, For Example"), was published in 1977. This book shows the life of an ordinary Dutch girl, working on a processing line in a cookie factory. Throughout the years Szulc-Krzyzanowski continued to visit Henny and in 1983 he published the photo book "Henny, een vrouw" ("Henny, a Woman"). In March 1988 the third book on Henny was launched "Henny, 10 jaar uit haar leven" ("Henny, Ten Years of Her Life"). Five years later Szulc-Krzyzanowski published "Henny, een nieuw leven" ("Henny, a New Life"). The first copy of this book was given to Henny by Hedy d'Ancona, at that time a Dutch Minister, during the exhibition of photos of Henny in the Amsterdam Historical Museum. Henny was also interviewed by Sonja Barend, a famous Dutch TV-host. On the 17th of November 2001, the opening of the exhibition "Henny zelf" ("Henny Herself") and the presentation of the book with the same title took place in Gallery De Melkweg in Amsterdam. With this book, Szulc-Krzyzanowski documented in total 24 years of Henny's life. Again Henny became the focus of much attention by the media; she was the subject of several interviews and publications in different magazines and in newspapers, and a portfolio publication appeared in Vrij Nederland, a well-known Dutch magazine.
From 1978 through 1984, Szulc-Krzyzanowski made several photo-documentaries for the magazine Nieuwe Revu outside the Netherlands, including life in the Jewish settlement Ofra, located in the occupied territories at the West Bank. Other subjects were the profiteers of the dictatorship of Pinochet in Chili, the Sharia as applied in Soedan, and witnesses of political actions in Indonesia. In line with his social character, Szulc-Krzyzanowski spent some time in the ashram of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in Poona, India, where he studied Tantra
Yoga and the philosophy of Osho.
During the winter of 1992-1993 Szulc-Krzyzanowski was working and living in the mission post Elim Mission in northeast Zimbabwe. Because of long term drought, this area was facing a famine. Szulc-Krzyzanowski financed a rescue campaign organized by the English doctor Roger Drew, from money he collected in the Netherlands. For 3 months he drove through affected areas to give food to the starving people. Two photo projects resulted, one on the famine and one on AIDS. In the fall of 1993, as a result of his witnessing of such suffering and horror, Szulc-Krzyzanowski feel into a deep clinical depression. He created the project "World of Love" (in Dutch "Wereld van liefde") as a way to emerge from this depression. Different families were photographed on four locations around the world, to show how people care for and love one another. During this period, Szulc-Krzyzanowski spent time in a small village in the Sahara Desert in Senegal, and photographed the love and caring within the Wolof-family. He organized an exhibition that took place on October 6, 1994 at the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam called "World of Love", which included work by three other photographers: Koen Wessing in Colombia, Corinne Noordenbosch in Nederland and Catrien Ariëns in Bangladesh. Select photos from the project were published in the magazines Vrij Nederland, Marie-Claire and Foto and "World of Love" was featured on Dutch national television.
Until 1985 Szulc-Krzyzanowski lived abroad most of the time, staying with friends or in modest hotels. However in September 1985 he decided to stay in the Netherlands and he bought a house in Amsterdam. In his studio he made several portraits of well-known Dutch people, on which the faces were obscured. These portraits were exhibited in different locations around the Netherlands and published on more than one occasion. In 1986 Szulc-Krzyzanowski won a prestigious Dutch photography prize, the Zilveren Camera, for these portraits. For more than a year he made a portrait of a Dutch artist who recently appeared in the news, commissioned by the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant
. In March 1995, Szulc-Krzyzanowski won the Zilveren Camera prize again, now for his project "World of Love".
In September 2000, Szulc-Krzyzanowski left the Netherlands for good. His direct motive was the contractual agreement he made with Gallery Baudion Lebon in Paris, which provided him a new entry into the international art-market. As an indirect motive for his departure, Szulc-Krzyzanowski explains that he had become disenchanted with the Dutch photographic scene. He doubted if the Netherlands were fertile enough ground to work and continue to grow creatively as a photographer. His departure was definitive. His new base became Cadaqués, Spain. From 2000 to 2005, Szulc-Krzyzanowski lived and worked there most of the time. When he left this Spanish village in 2005 it was because he had decided he needed to detach and live a life with as few possessions as possible. He gave everything away, and his voluminous archive went to the Photographic Department (Prentenkabinet) of the Leiden University
in the Netherlands. His negatives were stored by family in Poland. Since then, Szulc-Krzyzanowski spends most of his time living in a camper in the USA and Mexico. This self-designed and specially built recreational vehicle (dubbed "The Fuso Szulc" by SK) has an internet system and is solar-powered.
Following five intense months of work, the VISTA project was exhibited for the first time in an exhibition at Gallery Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. VISTA was published as a book in 1998.
His latest photo book, "The Most Beautiful People in the World", had beginnings as a smaller project completed in 1988. Szulc-Krzyzanowski was in search for 'the most beautiful people in the Netherlands', through adds in newspapers. The people who responded to this request where visited at home and documented. The results were published in the magazine Panorama and in a photo book by Szulc-Krzyzanowski entitled "The First Twenty Years." In the spring of 2004, he decided to expand this project worldwide, calling it "The Most Beautiful People in the World." These "most beautiful people" were found using the same method of posting an advertisement in local newspapers and then photographed in Brazil, Mexico, the USA, France, Spain, Poland, Iran, China, Namibia and India. The results have been exhibited around the world ?? times and in the autumn of 2010 have been published in a photo book that includes more than 240 photos. In keeping with his philosophy of non-commercialism, the artist has made copies of this book available for free on the website dedicated to the project www.themostbeautifulpeople.org. For the collectors and fans, there is also a luxury edition of this book, the sale of which supports production of the free copies.
Michel Szulc-Krzyzanowski's focus in the future will be on new, cutting-edge documentary photo projects, as it is from these that he derives the most joy.
16-06-1972 — 17-07-1972: Exhibition in De Doelen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
13-10-1972 — 03-12-1972: Triënnale, group exhibition Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
14-12-1972 — 21-01-1973: Exhibition in the Camden Arts Centre, London
12-01-1973 — 14-02-1973: Triënnale, group exhibition International Cultural Centre, Antwerp, Belgium
18-02-1973 — 25-03-1973: Exhibition in De Moriaan, Den Bosch, The Netherlands
19-05-1973 — 10-06-1973: Exhibition in 't Hoogt, Utrecht, The Netherlands
23-09-1973 — 21-10-1973: Exhibition in the Lijnbaancentrum, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
01-10-1973 — 15-11-1973: Exhibition in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris
26-10-1973 — 16-11-1973: Exhibition of the GKf in the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
04-03-1974 — 24-03-1974: Exhibition in the Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, The Netherlands
16-07-1974 — 28-07-1974: Exhibition on the Festival of Arles, France
01-06-1975 — 30-06-1975: Exhibition Triënnale Musée d'Art Moderne, Fribourg, Switzerland
13-09-1975 — 30-11-1975: Exhibition photography "Amsterdamse School" Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
08-11-1975 — 16-11-1975: Exhibition Salon de la Photographie, Paris
20-01-1976 — 08-02-1976: Exhibition in Galérie Nicéphore, Nancy, France
04-06-1976 — 30-06-1976: Exhibition in Gallery de Appel, Amsterdam
07-07-1976 — 14-08-1976: Exhibition in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris
10-09-1976 — 26-09-1976: Exhibition on Photokina, Keulen, Germany
02-10-1976 — 31-10-1976: Exhibition Brabant Biënnale Museum Het Kruithuis, Den Bosch, The Netherlands
01-11-1976 — 30-11-1976: Exhibition in the City Theatre, Cuyck, The Netherlands
17-12-1976 — 30-01-1976: Exhibition in the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
15-02-1977 — 26-02-1977: Exhibition in the C.A.P.C, Bordeaux, France
01-02-1977 — 15-03-1977: Exhibition in Centre Beaubourg, Paris
17-02-1977 — 21-02-1977: Exhibition K 45, internationale Kunstmesse Kunstlerhaus, Vienna
07-01-1978 — 05-02-1978: Exhibition in Museum Het Kruithuis, Den Bosch, The Netherlands
03-03-1978 — 24-03-1978: Exhibition in the Canon Photo Gallery, Amsterdam
04-03-1978 — 02-04-1978: Exhibition in De Moriaan, Den Bosch, The Netherlands
19-05-1978 — 28-05-1978: Exhibition Rencontres Photographiques Soisy, France
01-05-1978 — 20-06-1978: Exhibition "Photography since 1955″ Arte Fiera, Bologna, Italy
21-12-1978 — 04-02-1979: Photography in the Netherlands .40 - .75 Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
27-02-1979 — 07-04-1979: Exhibition in Gallery Zabriskie, Paris
13-04-1979 — 05-05-1979: Exhibition in Gallery Zabriskie, New York
19-04-1979 — 04-06-1979: Exhibition in het Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
04-05-1979 — 05-06-1979: Exhibition in the Canon Photo Gallery, Genève, Switzerland
11-07-1979 — 03-08-1979: Exhibition in the Canon Photo Gallery, Amsterdam
21-05-1980 — 15-06-1980: Exhibition in the Institut Néerlandais, Paris
31-05-1980 — 29-06-1980: Exhibition in Museum Het Kruithuis, Den Bosch, The Netherlands
05-07-1980 — 01-08-1980: Exhibition in the Canon Photo Gallery, Amsterdam
23-08-1980 — 21-09-1980: Exhibition in de Librije, Zwolle, The Netherlands
30-05-1981 — 02-07-1981: Exhibition in Gallery Perspektief, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
24-04-1981 — 14-06-1981: Exhibition "Three Europeans" San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA
01-08-1981 — 05-09-1981: Exhibition "Autoportrait" Centre Pompidou, Paris
09-10-1981 — 30-10-1981: Exhibition in the Exposorium Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
01-04-1982 — 06-06-1982: Exhibition "Photography in Chicago-collections" The Art Institute of Chicago, USA
11-09-1982 — 10-10-1982: Exhibition in Museum Het Kruithuis, Den Bosch, The Netherlands
12-09-1982 — 10-10-1982: Exhibition in Gallery Fiolet, Amsterdam
02-10-1982 — 19-10-1982: Exhibition "20th Century photographs from the Museum of Modern Art", Seibu Museum, Tokyo, Japan
17-10-1982 — 20-10-1982: Exhibition in the Dalsheimer Gallery, Baltimore, USA
16-01-1983 — 18-02-1983: Exhibition "Museum of Modern Art collection" University of Hawaï Art Gallery, Honolulu, USA
01-01-1983 — 16-02-1983: Exhibition in the Oosterpoort, Groningen, The Netherlands
27-01-1983 — 27-02-1983: Exhibition in Kultureel Centrum, Tilburg, The Netherlands
11-02-1983 — 14-03-1983: Exhibition in Gallery Westersingel, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
01-03-1983 — 20-04-1983: Exhibition in Gallery Vanille, Emmerich, Germany
01-03-1983 — 20-04-1983: Exhibition in Gallery Vanille, Emmerich, Germany
30-07-1983 — 04-09-1983: Exhibition in Gallery de Vaart, Hilversum, The Netherlands
13-08-1983 — 14-09-1983: Exhibition in Gallery Camera Obscura, Stockholm
09-10-1983 — 05-11-1983: Exhibition in SBK-artoteek, Amsterdam
29-09-1983 — 12-10-1983: Exhibition in Gallery Fiolet, Amsterdam
03-12-1983 — 15-01-1984: Exhibition in Museum de Commanderie, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
07-12-1983 — 29-01-1984: Exhibition "Acquisitions Récentes" Centre Pompidou, Paris
09-01-1984 — 27-01-1984: Exhibition Bouwfonds Nederlandse Gemeentes, Hoevelaken, The Netherlands
03-03-1984 — 29-04-1984: Exhibition in het Gemeentemuseum, Arnhem, The Netherlands
04-03-1984 — 31-03-1984: Exhibition in the Olympus Gallery, Amsterdam
15-03-1984 — 06-05-1984: Exhibition in the Art Institute, Chicago, USA
01-09-1984 — 13-10-1984: Exhibition in the Laurence Miller Gallery, New York, USA
24-11-1984 — 20-01-1985: Exhibition "La photographie créative" Pavillon des Arts, Paris
19-11-1984 — 30-12-1984: Exhibition in the Olympus Gallery, Amsterdam
05-10-1984 — 17-11-1984: Exhibition "Construire les paysages de la photographie" Caves Sainte-Croix, Metz, France
20-04-1985 — 16-06-1985: Exhibition in the Musée des Beaux Arts, Tours, France
23-04-1985 — 16-06-1985: Exhibition in the Museum of Photographic Arts San Diego, USA
10-05-1985 — 14-07-1985: Exhibition "Signs of the times" San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA
02-08-1985 — 06-10-1985: Exhibition "Extending the perimeters of 20th century photography", San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA
21-06-1985 — 17-07-1985: Exhibition in the Ginny Williams Gallery Denver, USA
03-09-1985 — 14-10-1985: Exhibition in the Olympus Gallery, Hamburg, Germany
18-01-1986 — 08-02-1986: Exhibition at the Art Academy Minerva, Groningen, The Netherlands
06-04-1986 — 27-04-1986: Exhibition in Cultural Centre de Roestbak, Almere, The Netherlands
01-12-1986 — 07-01-1987: Exhibition in Cultural Centre De Vaart, Alkmaar, The Netherlands
05-12-1986 — 15-03-1987: Exhibition "A facet of modernism" San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA
14-12-1986 — 16-01-1987: Exhibition in the Olympus Gallery, Amsterdam
16-03-1987 — 23-04-1987: Exhibition in galerie Hollandse Hoogte, Amsterdam
20-03-1987 — 28-06-1987: Exhibition "Facets of the collection" San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA
24-01-1988 — 03-04-1988: Exhibition in the Van Reekummuseum, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
18-02-1988 — 09-03-1988: Exhibition in the Canon Image Centre, Amsterdam
26-02-1988 — 25-03-1988: Exhibition "Roots and turns" Blaffer Gallery, Houston, USA
15-04-1988 — 16-05-1988: Exhibition in the City Theatre, Tilburg, The Netherlands
24-04-1988 — 22-05-1988: Exhibition in Foco Circulo de Bellas Artes Madrid
16-05-1988 — 31-05-1988: Exhibition Journées Internationales de la Photographie Montpellier, France
01-07-1988 — 29-07-1988: Exhibition in het Provinciehuis, Maastricht, The Netherlands
30-08-1988 — 24-09-1988: Exhibition in Gallery Pantafos, Utrecht, The Netherlands
12-01-1989 — 12-02-1989: Exhibition in Cultural Centre De Veste, Alkmaar, The Netherlands
20-02-1989 — 17-03-1989: Exhibition in Cultural Centre de Mariënburg, Arnhem, The Netherlands
01-06-1989 — 01-07-1989: Sequences-exhibition in Musée Fabre in Montpellier, France
09-09-1989 — 29-10-1989: Opening retrospective in De Beyerd, Breda, The Netherlands
14-02-1990 — 29-04-1990: Exhibition "Gewoon Afrika", pictures from Zimbabwe, Tropenmuseum Amsterdam
00-07-1990 — 00-09-1990: Exhibition "Gewoon Afrika", pictures from Zimbabwe. Afrika Museum, Berg en Dal, The Netherlands
24-09-1991 — 05-10-1991: Exhibition of 55 sequences in the Escuela de Arte Applicados te Almeria, Spain, part of "Imagina" of Almediterranea '92
09-11-1991 — 30-11-1991: Group exhibition "Het beslissende beeld", highlights from the Dutch photography of the 20th century, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam
11-04-1992 — 03-05-1992: Fotowerk, fotografie in opdracht 1986-1992. Exhibition of the "Henny"-project with catalogue, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam
26-06-1992 — 16-07-1992: Group exhibition Imagina with "Transformation" - collage in Salas del Arenal, Seccion Espanola para la Exposicion Universal de Sevilla, 1992, Spain
16-07-1992: Billboard "Transformation"-collage Canon Image Centre, Leidsestraat, Amsterdam
01-08-1992 — 01-09-1992: Group exhibition Imagina met "Transformation"- collage in Escuela de Artes Applicadas y Oficios Artisticos in Almeria, Spain
10-09-1992 — 07-10-1992: Exhibition in the Canon Image Centre of pictures of the book "Woorden die diep wortelen - 10 schrijvers en vertellers uit Suriname", Amsterdam
17-12-1992: Group exhibition Imagina with Transformation-collage in Edificio Museo Espanol de Arte Contemporaneo, Madrid
12-06-1993 — 08-08-1993: Exhibition of the Henny pictures in the Amsterdams Historical Museum
30-06-1993 — 04-09-1993: Group exhibition Imagina with Transformation- collage in l'Espace Photo Angle et au Corum in Montpellier, France
24-09-1993 — 24-10-1993: Photo Event Noorderlicht 1993, exhibition of the Henny pictures, Groningen, The Netherlands
10-11-1993: Exhibition of the pictures of writers and storytellers from Surinam in the Surinam Museum, Paramaribo, Suriname
18-02-1994 — 16-03-1994: Group exhibition "Mijn belangrijkste foto van 1993″, De Moor, Amsterdam
30-03-1994 — 01-05-1994: "Hallo Rotterdam", group exhibition on billboards for the opening of the NFI in Witte de Withstraat, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
11-04-1994 — 03-05-1994: "De eerste de beste", group exhibition in Fotogram, Amsterdam
21-05-1994 — 03-07-1994: Group exhibition "Rock around the camera: 40 jaar popfotografie in Nederland". De Kunsthal, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
27-05-1994 — 10-07-1994: Exhibition en book presentation of "Woorden op de Westenwind" in het Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam
03-07-1994 — 02-09-1994: Group exhibition "De eerste de beste" Theater aan het Vrijthof, Maastricht, The Netherlands
01-09-1994 — 26-09-1994: Permanent presentation of the dia's of "AIDS in Afrika" on the department of Africa of het Tropenmuseum, and presentation of the dia's "AIDS in Afrika" in the Soeterijn-theater, Amsterdam
29-09-1994 — 30-10-1994: Group exhibition "Picture me blue": Toto Frima en haar hond door een groot aantal fotografen geportretteerd, De Melkweg Gallery, Amsterdam
30-09-1994 — 06-11-1994: Group exhibition "Binnestebuiten", commissioned by Nederlands Foto Instituut, residents of the Witte de Withstraat, photographed in their interior, exhibited in front of their window, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
06-10-1994 — 29-04-1995: "World of Love": one world, four families. Exhibition in het Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam
01-02-1995 — 28-02-1995: Group exhibition "De eerste de beste", Provinciehuis, Haarlem, The Netherlands
01-04-1995 — 30-04-1995: Group exhibition "De eerste de beste" De Grote Kerk, Veere, The Netherlands
15-05-1995 — 15-06-1995: Group exhibition "De eerste de beste" Museum Willem van Haren, Heerenveen
12-05-1995 — 31-05-1995: Group exhibition "Ego Document" Fotofestival Naarden, The Netherlands
24-05-1995 — 18-06-1995: "African Harmonies" Solo exhibition in de Melkweg Gallery, Amsterdam
01-06-1995 — 14-07-1995: Solo exhibition sequences in Sint-Lukas Gallery, Brussels
08-09-1996 — 10-11-1996: Group exhibition "Body electric" Winnipeg Art Gallery, Canada
03-10-1995 — 28-10-1995: 25 years jubilee exhibition in Gallery 2,5 x 4,5, Amsterdam
06-10-1995 — 05-11-1995: Exhibition "African harmonies" on fotofestival Noorderlicht, Groningen, The Netherlands
28-10-1995 — 25-11-1995: Exhibition "Vertellers en schrijvers uit Suriname en Surinaamse schrijvers buiten hun land" in the City Public Library, De Biekorf, Kuipersstraat 3, Brugge, Belgium
18-11-1995 — 04-12-1995: Exhibition "African harmonies" in Theater aan het Vrijthof, Maastricht, The Netherlands
20-03-1996 — 12-06-1996: Exhibition African Harmonies in Zebra African Art Gallery, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
23-03-1996 — 20-04-1996: Group exhibition "Zeventien Amsterdamse fotografen fotograferen zeventien Amsterdamse zeventienjarigen." In Amsterdam Centre for Photography
04-03-1997 — 01-06-1997: Group exhibition "Body in the lens" Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Canada
09-06-1997 — 31-08-1997: Group exhibition "Photographie au présent; l"année 1996 dans les collections de la Bibliothèque nationale de France", Bibliothèque nationale de France: Francois Mitterrand- Tolbiac, Quai Francois Mauriac, Paris
28-06-1997 — 06-07-1997: "Kunstschatten van Bossche bodem". Selection of BKR-art of 6 artists from Den Bosch, Museum Het Kruithuis, Den Bosch. Sequences were bought by the Noord-Brabants Museum en the Van Reekummuseum, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
13-09-1997 — 12-10-1997: Noorderlicht Festival, book and exhibition "De Ketting", Groningen, The Netherlands
21-02-1998 — 19-04-1998: Exhibition "VISTA" in De Beyerd, Breda, The Netherlands
30-05-1998 — 06-09-1998: Group exhibition composed images, stories and constructions, Van Reekummuseum, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
13-11-1998 — 18-12-1998: Group exhibitions sequences. Provinciaal Museum Van Humbeeck-Piron, Leuven, Belgium
20-01-1999 — 14-02-1999: VISTA-exhibition in de Melkweg Gallery, Amsterdam
12-03-1999 — 02-05-1999: Exhibition of sequences and VISTA-pictures in het Noord-Brabants Museum, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
13-04-1999 — 02-05-1999: Exhibition of sequences and VISTA-pictures in Gallery Arti Capelli, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
13-04-1999 — 16-05-1999: Group exhibition "Sprekende dingen, objecten en hun verhaal" in het Van Reekum Museum, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
01-06-1999 — 01-09-1999: Group exhibition "Beyond the photographic frame" in het Art Institute, Chicago, USA
04-03-2000 — 24-04-2000: Group exhibition "Een strikt emotionele aangelegenheid", selection of the second photo-collection of Bert Hartkamp in the Museum for Photography, Antwerp, Belgium
15-03-2000 — 13-04-2000: Exhibition of the VISTA-pictures in VNU-building in Hoofddorp, The Netherlands
13-06-2000 — 17-09-2000: Exhibition of the project "Wereld van Energie" in Museon, The Hague, The Netherlands
12-07-2000 — 10-09-2000: Group exhibition about Japan in Gallery de Melkweg, Amsterdam
15-08-2000 — 15-10-2000: Group exhibition "Optical delusions" in the Art Institute, Chicago, USA
02-10-2000 — 02-11-2000: Exhibition of the project "Wereld van Energie" in het Provinciehuis, Utrecht, The Netherlands
04-11-2000 — 29-11-2000: Group exhibition "Objectif Paris". Mois de la Photo. Espace Commines, Paris
20-06-2001 — 30-07-2001: Group exhibition "De natura rerum" in Gallery Baudoin Lebon, Paris
08-09-2001 — 30-09-2001: Group exhibition Fotofestival of Bienne, Switzerland
08-11-2001 — 02-12-2001: Exhibition of the fifth part of the "Henny"-projekt, "Henny zelf" in Gallery de Melkweg, Amsterdam
16-01-2002 — 02-03-2002: Exhibition in Gallery Baudoin Lebon, Paris
23-03-2002 — 02-04-2002: Group exhibition .Col-lectiva Cadaques. in Galerie Casino, Cadaques, Spain
13-06-2002 — 15-07-2002: Group exhibition .Col-lectiva Cadaques. African Cultural Centre Ecafrica, Barcelona, Spain
01-07-2002 — 31-08-2002: VISTA-pictures in Galeria d.Art Portdoguer, Cadaques, Spain
01-08-2002 — 31-08-2002: Group exhibition "Now, what is photo ?" with VISTA-pictures in Gana Art Center, Seoul
14-11-2002 — 17-11-2002: Presentation of sequences by Gallery Baudoin Lebon on Paris Photo, Paris
20-12-2002 — 05-01-2003: Group exhibition of artists from Cadaques in the Casino, Cadaques, Spain
12-04-2003 — 05-05-2003: Group exhibition of artists from Cadaques in het Casino, Cadaques, Spain
19-05-2003 — 14-06-2003: Group exhibition "Perception destabilisée" in Gallery du Cloître, Rennes, France
23-08-2003 — 04-09-2003: Group exhibition "4 artistes de Cadaques" in Casino exhibition room in Cadaques, Spain
03-03-2004 — 15-05-2004: Group exhibition "Transparences" in Gallery Le Reverbère, Lyon, France
08-06-2004 — 31-07-2004: Exhibition of the project "World of little heroes" in Gallery Fait et Cause in Paris, France
28-08-2004 — 12-09-2004: Exhibition of the project "World of little heroes" on the Fotofestival "Visa pour l'image" in Perpignan, France
14-12-2004 — 23-12-2004: Exhibition of the project "World of little heroes" on the Fotofestival Chobi Mela III in Dhakar, Bangladesh
28-01-2006 — 09-04-2006: Exhibition of the project "The most beautiful people in the world "in het Noordbrabants Museum, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
01-04-2006 — 31-06-2006: Exhibition of the project "Imagina "in the Conjunto Monumental Alcazaba in Almeria, Spain
27-06-2006 — 31-07-2006: Exhibition of the project "The most beautiful people in the world ", plaza of the Palace for Culture and Science in Warschau, Poland
16-04-2007 — 26-08-2007: Group exhibition "Dutch Eyes: a new history of photography in the Netherlands" in het Nederlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
03-09-2008 — 18-10-2008: Exhibition of sequences in the Robert Mann Gallery in New York, USA
29-11-2009 — 16-10-2010: Exhibition of sequences in Gallery Baudelaire, Antwerp, Belgium
24-1-2010 — 18-4-2010: Exhibition "Fotografie ! Een bijzondere collectie van de Universiteit Leiden" in het Fotomuseum, The Hague, The Netherlands
21-2-2010 — 14-3-2010: Exhibition of sequences in Gallery Harrie Pennings, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
30-4-2010 — 30-12-2010: Group exhibition "Exposure: Photos from the Vault" in the Denver Art Museum, Denver, USA
18-6-2010 — 16-7-2010: Exhibition of sequences in Lux Photo Gallery, Amsterdam
10-7-2010 — 3-10-2010: Group exhibition "L'Océan" in the Palais Bellevue in Biarritz, France
17-7-2010 — 30-12-2010: Group exhibition "Cruce de Caminos: Europa en México " in Guanajuato, Mexico
Michel Szulc-Krzyzanowski was born in 1949 in Oosterhout, The Netherlands. His father, Zbigniew Szulc-Krzyzanowski, was an engineer from Poland who was a tank commander during World War II in the Netherlands, where he stayed after the war and married Clotilde Laurijssen in 1946. In that same year they built a house in Oosterhout where they raised their four children. The situation at home, which was far from peaceful, was crucial for Szulc-Krzyzanowski's personal growth and education. There were a lot of tensions between Szulc-Krzyzanowski's parents. His father spoke Dutch poorly, and his wife and children didn't speak Polish. This combined with significant cultural differences between his parents created unbridgeable problems in the home. Besides that, his father was deeply affected by the war with the horrible experiences making him an unpredictable man with unexpected emotions. Nevertheless, he was actively involved with his children. When Szulc-Krzyzanowski was six years old, his father, at the time an enthusiastic photographer, gave him his first camera. A year later his father left his family for the first time. He would come back and leave again twice more.After elementary school, Szulc-Krzyzanowski became a fickle child. After a year of College in Oosterhout he went to a boarding school: De Westerhelling in Nijmegen. Here he joined the photo club and learned how to make photo-prints. He became friends with fellow students who were also interested in photography. One of them was Teun Hocks, who likewise became a successful artist and has remained friends with Szulc-Krzyzanowski today. Life in boarding school didn't suited Szulc-Krzyzanowski, and after two years, during which several conflicts occurred, he was expelled. He returned to the College in Oosterhout where the head of the College, Charles Krijnen, knew the family situation of Szulc-Krzyzanowski and made it possible for him to study with freedom. For example, he was allowed to work on the school paper during classes. The illustrations for this paper were made by Teun Hocks, who was a student at the St. Joost Academy of Arts in Breda at that time. In 1966 Szulc-Krzyzanowski won first prize in a photo contest organized by his school. A year later he graduated as one of the best students of his year. He then became a photography student at the Academy of Arts in Breda, but because he refused to follow the lessons on optics and chemistry, he was expelled after one year. For the rest of that year, 1968, he did some small photographic assignments and hitchhiked with Hocks through France. After his registration and admission at the Royal Academy of Art and Design in 's-Hertogenbosch, he moved to 's-Hertogenbosch and began living on his own. The first months of his study, he worked at the graphic department with the teachers Dick Cassée and Rob Otten, where he learned etching. Later he photographed under the supervision of Wim Noordhoek and abandoned etching, concentrating completely on photography from then on. In 1969, he spent two months making a photographic tour of the Czech Republic and Poland, which served partly as his thesis, and on the 25th of May, 1970, he graduated from the Royal Academy of Art and Design and began his career as an artistic-conceptual photographer.
Artistic Conceptual Photography
Early in his career, Szulc-Krzyzanowski became world-known for his photo-sequences. The concept of the photo-sequence by Szulc-Krzyzanowski was formed in 1971, on the small Dutch island SchiermonnikoogSchiermonnikoog
Schiermonnikoog is an island, a municipality, and a national park in the northern Netherlands. Schiermonnikoog is one of the West Frisian Islands, and is part of the province of Friesland....
. His first sequences were a succession of pictures taken inside an isolated nature reserve showing a remarkable visual phenomenon. Szulc Krzyzanowski came up with this kind of narrative photography during a walk on the island. The horizon showed an object that he could not identify. By walking to the object it became clear what is was. He recorded this process of slow discovery by making a picture every ten meters or so. A new step in his development as a photographer was made. These first sequences were displayed later that year in the Noord-Brabants Museum in s'-Hertogenbosch. In this period, Szulc-Kryzanowski also became a member of the Dutch Association of Photographers, the GKF (in Dutch: de Beroepsvereniging van Fotografen).
In September 1972, Szulc-Kryzanowski bought his first car with funds received through a grant by the Dutch Department of Culture, Recreation and Social Work. This allowed him to travel to Portugal, accompanied by fellow-artist Jan Hendrix, where he continued taking photographs. It was a busy and exciting period for Szulc-Kryzanowski. He had exhibitions in the Van Abbemuseum
Van Abbemuseum
Van Abbemuseum is a museum of modern and contemporary art located in central Eindhoven, Netherlands, on the east bank of the Dommel river. Established in 1936, the Abbe Museum is named after its founder, Abbe Henri. Abbe was a lover of modern art and wanted to enjoy it there from Eindhoven...
in Eindhoven, of his project "Camden Interiors" and the sequences in the Camden Arts Centre
Camden Arts Centre
Camden Arts Centre is a contemporary visual art gallery, dedicated to engaging living artists from across the world. Positioning the artist at the centre of the programme, Camden Arts Centre strives to involve the public in the ideas and work of today's artists.The exhibition and education...
in London, his first exhibition abroad. The Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris bought twenty pictures that same year and what followed was a non-stop period of exhibitions and publications in the Netherlands and abroad, while Szulc-Krzyzanowski continued to work on other projects.
Since 1968 Szulc-Krzyzanowski frequently visits Paris, where he became friends with the filmmaker Bernard Martino. Szulc-Krzyzanowski always brought his most recent pictures with him and in this way introduced his work to by people like Jean-Claude Lemagny of the Bibliothèque Nationale. What followed was a big publication of his portfolio (20 pages) in the French magazine ZOOM. In Paris Szulc-Krzyzanowski also met Virginia Zabriskie and Nicholas Callaway of the Zabriskie Gallery in New York, and Harry Lunn from Washington, an important photo-dealer at that time. Through these new contacts, Szulc-Krzyzanowski became well-known in the American art scene. Lunn bought several of his sequences and in July 1978, Szulc-Krzyzanowski signed a contract with the Zabriskie Gallery
Zabriskie Gallery
-Early years:Virginia Zabriskie took over the art gallery with a one-dollar down payment. It had been the Korman Gallery, a cooperative that included the painters Pat Adams and Clinton Hill .-Zabriskie Gallery, France:...
in New York and Paris, which gave them exclusive rights to represent his works of Szulc-Krzyzanowski. They became his vast commercial agents and New York became his hometown. He bought a camper and traveled for months to several locations where he continued making his sequences. During the winter of 1979-1980, Szulc-Krzyzanowski found the perfect circumstances for new sequences in Mexico. Later he would also make several pictures for the VISTA series here. He returned to the west-coast of Mexico many times, where he worked in total isolation on his sequences.
A large photo book of the sequences of Szulc-Krzyzanowski was published in March 1984, with an introduction written by David Travis, the Conservator of Photography at the Art Institute in Chicago, where also a large solo exhibition of his sequences was established. The book resulted in many solo exhibitions in major galleries including the Arnhems Gemeentemuseum and the Laurence Miller Gallery in New York. It was in this period of the 80s that Szulc-Krzyzanowski concluded that he had exhausted the concept of the made all possible sequences and to continue would result only in repetition and variation. Several attempts by his American Gallery to influence on his work, cemented his decision to abandon the concept of the sequences. He officially stopped making sequences on the 30th of July in 1985, with a farewell-exhibition in the Olympus Gallery in Amsterdam. He also cancelled the business agreements he had with the various galleries. He sold his camper and stopped working in Mexico.
Social Documentary
Szulc-Krzyzanowski always worked on myriad photography projects. A deep sense of social responsibility combined with his interest in people, led him to produce social-documentaries. One of first was a series of photographs of families in their living rooms in Arles, France, which was initiated by Lucien Clergue in 1974. Szulc-Krzyzanowski photographed different families in their living room. This pictures were shown on the Photo Festival of Arles.Szulc-Krzyzanowski's first photo book, "Neem nou Henny" (English "Henny, For Example"), was published in 1977. This book shows the life of an ordinary Dutch girl, working on a processing line in a cookie factory. Throughout the years Szulc-Krzyzanowski continued to visit Henny and in 1983 he published the photo book "Henny, een vrouw" ("Henny, a Woman"). In March 1988 the third book on Henny was launched "Henny, 10 jaar uit haar leven" ("Henny, Ten Years of Her Life"). Five years later Szulc-Krzyzanowski published "Henny, een nieuw leven" ("Henny, a New Life"). The first copy of this book was given to Henny by Hedy d'Ancona, at that time a Dutch Minister, during the exhibition of photos of Henny in the Amsterdam Historical Museum. Henny was also interviewed by Sonja Barend, a famous Dutch TV-host. On the 17th of November 2001, the opening of the exhibition "Henny zelf" ("Henny Herself") and the presentation of the book with the same title took place in Gallery De Melkweg in Amsterdam. With this book, Szulc-Krzyzanowski documented in total 24 years of Henny's life. Again Henny became the focus of much attention by the media; she was the subject of several interviews and publications in different magazines and in newspapers, and a portfolio publication appeared in Vrij Nederland, a well-known Dutch magazine.
From 1978 through 1984, Szulc-Krzyzanowski made several photo-documentaries for the magazine Nieuwe Revu outside the Netherlands, including life in the Jewish settlement Ofra, located in the occupied territories at the West Bank. Other subjects were the profiteers of the dictatorship of Pinochet in Chili, the Sharia as applied in Soedan, and witnesses of political actions in Indonesia. In line with his social character, Szulc-Krzyzanowski spent some time in the ashram of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in Poona, India, where he studied Tantra
Tantra , anglicised tantricism or tantrism or tantram, is the name scholars give to an inter-religious spiritual movement that arose in medieval India, expressed in scriptures ....
Yoga and the philosophy of Osho.
During the winter of 1992-1993 Szulc-Krzyzanowski was working and living in the mission post Elim Mission in northeast Zimbabwe. Because of long term drought, this area was facing a famine. Szulc-Krzyzanowski financed a rescue campaign organized by the English doctor Roger Drew, from money he collected in the Netherlands. For 3 months he drove through affected areas to give food to the starving people. Two photo projects resulted, one on the famine and one on AIDS. In the fall of 1993, as a result of his witnessing of such suffering and horror, Szulc-Krzyzanowski feel into a deep clinical depression. He created the project "World of Love" (in Dutch "Wereld van liefde") as a way to emerge from this depression. Different families were photographed on four locations around the world, to show how people care for and love one another. During this period, Szulc-Krzyzanowski spent time in a small village in the Sahara Desert in Senegal, and photographed the love and caring within the Wolof-family. He organized an exhibition that took place on October 6, 1994 at the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam called "World of Love", which included work by three other photographers: Koen Wessing in Colombia, Corinne Noordenbosch in Nederland and Catrien Ariëns in Bangladesh. Select photos from the project were published in the magazines Vrij Nederland, Marie-Claire and Foto and "World of Love" was featured on Dutch national television.
Until 1985 Szulc-Krzyzanowski lived abroad most of the time, staying with friends or in modest hotels. However in September 1985 he decided to stay in the Netherlands and he bought a house in Amsterdam. In his studio he made several portraits of well-known Dutch people, on which the faces were obscured. These portraits were exhibited in different locations around the Netherlands and published on more than one occasion. In 1986 Szulc-Krzyzanowski won a prestigious Dutch photography prize, the Zilveren Camera, for these portraits. For more than a year he made a portrait of a Dutch artist who recently appeared in the news, commissioned by the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant
De Volkskrant
de Volkskrant is a national daily Dutch morning newspaper, the leading centre-left broadsheet, although now in tabloid size.-History:...
. In March 1995, Szulc-Krzyzanowski won the Zilveren Camera prize again, now for his project "World of Love".
The Nomad Way of Living
Immediately following his graduation at the Royal Academy of Art and Design Szulc-Kryzanowski began passing a great deal of time, particularly winters, in southern Europe or Morocco. Here, in addition to his famous sequences, he made landscape photos, stock photos and portraits. In the early years, traveling was done on a low budget. Szulc-Kryzanowski often stayed in cheap rented rooms. After that he traveled more often with a car and a tent. In 1977, he bought his first camper where he could live for months while he was on location. When in 1989 Szulc-Krzyzanowski and his partner, the journalist Angeline van den Berg, broke up after seventeen years, he went to Salvador Dalí's village of Cadaqués to stay there for a year and find some peace of mind. When he returned to the Netherlands in 1990 he continued to travel a great deal, including trips to Malawi and Mozambique for an article on refugees for the Dutch magazine Panorama. After this trip, in 1991, he left the Netherlands again. Together with writer? Michiel van Kempen he visited Suriname where he stayed for four months to work on the photo book "Woorden die diep wortelen" (Eng. ????). For this book he visited the rebelling Tucayana-Indians. After a turbulent journey with journalist Adelheid Kapteyn in Guyana, South-America, Szulc-Krzyzanowski came back to the Netherlands in June 1992. Here he began working on a new Henny book. A short time after his arrival, the book "Woorden die diep wortelen" was published in the Netherlands.In September 2000, Szulc-Krzyzanowski left the Netherlands for good. His direct motive was the contractual agreement he made with Gallery Baudion Lebon in Paris, which provided him a new entry into the international art-market. As an indirect motive for his departure, Szulc-Krzyzanowski explains that he had become disenchanted with the Dutch photographic scene. He doubted if the Netherlands were fertile enough ground to work and continue to grow creatively as a photographer. His departure was definitive. His new base became Cadaqués, Spain. From 2000 to 2005, Szulc-Krzyzanowski lived and worked there most of the time. When he left this Spanish village in 2005 it was because he had decided he needed to detach and live a life with as few possessions as possible. He gave everything away, and his voluminous archive went to the Photographic Department (Prentenkabinet) of the Leiden University
Leiden University
Leiden University , located in the city of Leiden, is the oldest university in the Netherlands. The university was founded in 1575 by William, Prince of Orange, leader of the Dutch Revolt in the Eighty Years' War. The royal Dutch House of Orange-Nassau and Leiden University still have a close...
in the Netherlands. His negatives were stored by family in Poland. Since then, Szulc-Krzyzanowski spends most of his time living in a camper in the USA and Mexico. This self-designed and specially built recreational vehicle (dubbed "The Fuso Szulc" by SK) has an internet system and is solar-powered.
VISTA and Mexico
At the end of 1994 Szulc-Krzyzanowski returned to the beaches of Baja California in Mexico. He was curious what would happen there in his photographic work after ten years of growth and after discontinuing his sequences. He travelled to the same isolated location on the southwest coast of the Baja peninsula where he'd produced the Sequences between 1979 and 1985, a spot not marked on many maps known as El Triple located on the shores of a vast bay. Storms had changed the landscape. Experiencing the infinity of the desert and the ocean was overwhelming to Szulc-Krzyzanowski. He established his camp on Punta Conejo and began working on the VISTA project. In June 1995 Szulc-Krzyzanowski returned to Mexico and continued working on VISTA with large format color negatives.Following five intense months of work, the VISTA project was exhibited for the first time in an exhibition at Gallery Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. VISTA was published as a book in 1998.
World projects
A short while after "World of Love" in 1994, Szulc-Krzyzanowski came up with the sequel: "World of Energy". The theme of this photographic project was production and consumption in energy on twenty locations around the world. He established a foundation for this project, and he formed a Committee of Recommendation and invited photographer Taco Anema to participate in the project. "World of Energy" became the largest photographic project in Dutch history (in size and with a budget of 800.000 Dutch guilders). The first destination for the project, Uganda, was visited by Szulc-Krzyzanowski in April 1998. After that he photographed in Namibia, China, Nepal, Peru, Brazil, The Philippines, Bangladesh, Japan and Bolivia. A trip to Manilla (The Philippines) in October 1999 was the final trip for this project. In May 2000 the photo book "World of Energy" was published and on June 13, 2000, the project's exhibition opened in Museon, The Hague, where the former Dutch Minister of Economics, Annemarie Jorritsma, handed over the first copies of the photo book to participants from Kuwait and Nepal.From 2000 to the present
As a sequel to the project "World of Energy" Szulc-Krzyzanowski came up with the project "World of little heroes; physically challenged children worldwide" in March 2001. His main concern was to create more awareness for these children. In October 2008 he started another new project, called "How the world loves," a website on which visitors were invited to contribute by posting a photograph in which they illustrate how they love each-other. A year later the photo book "Sequences: The Ultimate Selection" was published, a sizable book on which Szulc-Krzyzanowski worked for over a year to make a deliberate selections from among the sequences that he made .His latest photo book, "The Most Beautiful People in the World", had beginnings as a smaller project completed in 1988. Szulc-Krzyzanowski was in search for 'the most beautiful people in the Netherlands', through adds in newspapers. The people who responded to this request where visited at home and documented. The results were published in the magazine Panorama and in a photo book by Szulc-Krzyzanowski entitled "The First Twenty Years." In the spring of 2004, he decided to expand this project worldwide, calling it "The Most Beautiful People in the World." These "most beautiful people" were found using the same method of posting an advertisement in local newspapers and then photographed in Brazil, Mexico, the USA, France, Spain, Poland, Iran, China, Namibia and India. The results have been exhibited around the world ?? times and in the autumn of 2010 have been published in a photo book that includes more than 240 photos. In keeping with his philosophy of non-commercialism, the artist has made copies of this book available for free on the website dedicated to the project www.themostbeautifulpeople.org. For the collectors and fans, there is also a luxury edition of this book, the sale of which supports production of the free copies.
Michel Szulc-Krzyzanowski's focus in the future will be on new, cutting-edge documentary photo projects, as it is from these that he derives the most joy.
21-11-1971 — 19-12-1971: Exhibition Noord-Brabants Museum, Den Bosch, The Netherlands16-06-1972 — 17-07-1972: Exhibition in De Doelen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
13-10-1972 — 03-12-1972: Triënnale, group exhibition Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
14-12-1972 — 21-01-1973: Exhibition in the Camden Arts Centre, London
12-01-1973 — 14-02-1973: Triënnale, group exhibition International Cultural Centre, Antwerp, Belgium
18-02-1973 — 25-03-1973: Exhibition in De Moriaan, Den Bosch, The Netherlands
19-05-1973 — 10-06-1973: Exhibition in 't Hoogt, Utrecht, The Netherlands
23-09-1973 — 21-10-1973: Exhibition in the Lijnbaancentrum, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
01-10-1973 — 15-11-1973: Exhibition in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris
26-10-1973 — 16-11-1973: Exhibition of the GKf in the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
04-03-1974 — 24-03-1974: Exhibition in the Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, The Netherlands
16-07-1974 — 28-07-1974: Exhibition on the Festival of Arles, France
01-06-1975 — 30-06-1975: Exhibition Triënnale Musée d'Art Moderne, Fribourg, Switzerland
13-09-1975 — 30-11-1975: Exhibition photography "Amsterdamse School" Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
08-11-1975 — 16-11-1975: Exhibition Salon de la Photographie, Paris
20-01-1976 — 08-02-1976: Exhibition in Galérie Nicéphore, Nancy, France
04-06-1976 — 30-06-1976: Exhibition in Gallery de Appel, Amsterdam
07-07-1976 — 14-08-1976: Exhibition in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris
10-09-1976 — 26-09-1976: Exhibition on Photokina, Keulen, Germany
02-10-1976 — 31-10-1976: Exhibition Brabant Biënnale Museum Het Kruithuis, Den Bosch, The Netherlands
01-11-1976 — 30-11-1976: Exhibition in the City Theatre, Cuyck, The Netherlands
17-12-1976 — 30-01-1976: Exhibition in the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
15-02-1977 — 26-02-1977: Exhibition in the C.A.P.C, Bordeaux, France
01-02-1977 — 15-03-1977: Exhibition in Centre Beaubourg, Paris
17-02-1977 — 21-02-1977: Exhibition K 45, internationale Kunstmesse Kunstlerhaus, Vienna
07-01-1978 — 05-02-1978: Exhibition in Museum Het Kruithuis, Den Bosch, The Netherlands
03-03-1978 — 24-03-1978: Exhibition in the Canon Photo Gallery, Amsterdam
04-03-1978 — 02-04-1978: Exhibition in De Moriaan, Den Bosch, The Netherlands
19-05-1978 — 28-05-1978: Exhibition Rencontres Photographiques Soisy, France
01-05-1978 — 20-06-1978: Exhibition "Photography since 1955″ Arte Fiera, Bologna, Italy
21-12-1978 — 04-02-1979: Photography in the Netherlands .40 - .75 Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
27-02-1979 — 07-04-1979: Exhibition in Gallery Zabriskie, Paris
13-04-1979 — 05-05-1979: Exhibition in Gallery Zabriskie, New York
19-04-1979 — 04-06-1979: Exhibition in het Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
04-05-1979 — 05-06-1979: Exhibition in the Canon Photo Gallery, Genève, Switzerland
11-07-1979 — 03-08-1979: Exhibition in the Canon Photo Gallery, Amsterdam
21-05-1980 — 15-06-1980: Exhibition in the Institut Néerlandais, Paris
31-05-1980 — 29-06-1980: Exhibition in Museum Het Kruithuis, Den Bosch, The Netherlands
05-07-1980 — 01-08-1980: Exhibition in the Canon Photo Gallery, Amsterdam
23-08-1980 — 21-09-1980: Exhibition in de Librije, Zwolle, The Netherlands
30-05-1981 — 02-07-1981: Exhibition in Gallery Perspektief, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
24-04-1981 — 14-06-1981: Exhibition "Three Europeans" San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA
01-08-1981 — 05-09-1981: Exhibition "Autoportrait" Centre Pompidou, Paris
09-10-1981 — 30-10-1981: Exhibition in the Exposorium Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
01-04-1982 — 06-06-1982: Exhibition "Photography in Chicago-collections" The Art Institute of Chicago, USA
11-09-1982 — 10-10-1982: Exhibition in Museum Het Kruithuis, Den Bosch, The Netherlands
12-09-1982 — 10-10-1982: Exhibition in Gallery Fiolet, Amsterdam
02-10-1982 — 19-10-1982: Exhibition "20th Century photographs from the Museum of Modern Art", Seibu Museum, Tokyo, Japan
17-10-1982 — 20-10-1982: Exhibition in the Dalsheimer Gallery, Baltimore, USA
16-01-1983 — 18-02-1983: Exhibition "Museum of Modern Art collection" University of Hawaï Art Gallery, Honolulu, USA
01-01-1983 — 16-02-1983: Exhibition in the Oosterpoort, Groningen, The Netherlands
27-01-1983 — 27-02-1983: Exhibition in Kultureel Centrum, Tilburg, The Netherlands
11-02-1983 — 14-03-1983: Exhibition in Gallery Westersingel, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
01-03-1983 — 20-04-1983: Exhibition in Gallery Vanille, Emmerich, Germany
01-03-1983 — 20-04-1983: Exhibition in Gallery Vanille, Emmerich, Germany
30-07-1983 — 04-09-1983: Exhibition in Gallery de Vaart, Hilversum, The Netherlands
13-08-1983 — 14-09-1983: Exhibition in Gallery Camera Obscura, Stockholm
09-10-1983 — 05-11-1983: Exhibition in SBK-artoteek, Amsterdam
29-09-1983 — 12-10-1983: Exhibition in Gallery Fiolet, Amsterdam
03-12-1983 — 15-01-1984: Exhibition in Museum de Commanderie, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
07-12-1983 — 29-01-1984: Exhibition "Acquisitions Récentes" Centre Pompidou, Paris
09-01-1984 — 27-01-1984: Exhibition Bouwfonds Nederlandse Gemeentes, Hoevelaken, The Netherlands
03-03-1984 — 29-04-1984: Exhibition in het Gemeentemuseum, Arnhem, The Netherlands
04-03-1984 — 31-03-1984: Exhibition in the Olympus Gallery, Amsterdam
15-03-1984 — 06-05-1984: Exhibition in the Art Institute, Chicago, USA
01-09-1984 — 13-10-1984: Exhibition in the Laurence Miller Gallery, New York, USA
24-11-1984 — 20-01-1985: Exhibition "La photographie créative" Pavillon des Arts, Paris
19-11-1984 — 30-12-1984: Exhibition in the Olympus Gallery, Amsterdam
05-10-1984 — 17-11-1984: Exhibition "Construire les paysages de la photographie" Caves Sainte-Croix, Metz, France
20-04-1985 — 16-06-1985: Exhibition in the Musée des Beaux Arts, Tours, France
23-04-1985 — 16-06-1985: Exhibition in the Museum of Photographic Arts San Diego, USA
10-05-1985 — 14-07-1985: Exhibition "Signs of the times" San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA
02-08-1985 — 06-10-1985: Exhibition "Extending the perimeters of 20th century photography", San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA
21-06-1985 — 17-07-1985: Exhibition in the Ginny Williams Gallery Denver, USA
03-09-1985 — 14-10-1985: Exhibition in the Olympus Gallery, Hamburg, Germany
18-01-1986 — 08-02-1986: Exhibition at the Art Academy Minerva, Groningen, The Netherlands
06-04-1986 — 27-04-1986: Exhibition in Cultural Centre de Roestbak, Almere, The Netherlands
01-12-1986 — 07-01-1987: Exhibition in Cultural Centre De Vaart, Alkmaar, The Netherlands
05-12-1986 — 15-03-1987: Exhibition "A facet of modernism" San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA
14-12-1986 — 16-01-1987: Exhibition in the Olympus Gallery, Amsterdam
16-03-1987 — 23-04-1987: Exhibition in galerie Hollandse Hoogte, Amsterdam
20-03-1987 — 28-06-1987: Exhibition "Facets of the collection" San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA
24-01-1988 — 03-04-1988: Exhibition in the Van Reekummuseum, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
18-02-1988 — 09-03-1988: Exhibition in the Canon Image Centre, Amsterdam
26-02-1988 — 25-03-1988: Exhibition "Roots and turns" Blaffer Gallery, Houston, USA
15-04-1988 — 16-05-1988: Exhibition in the City Theatre, Tilburg, The Netherlands
24-04-1988 — 22-05-1988: Exhibition in Foco Circulo de Bellas Artes Madrid
16-05-1988 — 31-05-1988: Exhibition Journées Internationales de la Photographie Montpellier, France
01-07-1988 — 29-07-1988: Exhibition in het Provinciehuis, Maastricht, The Netherlands
30-08-1988 — 24-09-1988: Exhibition in Gallery Pantafos, Utrecht, The Netherlands
12-01-1989 — 12-02-1989: Exhibition in Cultural Centre De Veste, Alkmaar, The Netherlands
20-02-1989 — 17-03-1989: Exhibition in Cultural Centre de Mariënburg, Arnhem, The Netherlands
01-06-1989 — 01-07-1989: Sequences-exhibition in Musée Fabre in Montpellier, France
09-09-1989 — 29-10-1989: Opening retrospective in De Beyerd, Breda, The Netherlands
14-02-1990 — 29-04-1990: Exhibition "Gewoon Afrika", pictures from Zimbabwe, Tropenmuseum Amsterdam
00-07-1990 — 00-09-1990: Exhibition "Gewoon Afrika", pictures from Zimbabwe. Afrika Museum, Berg en Dal, The Netherlands
24-09-1991 — 05-10-1991: Exhibition of 55 sequences in the Escuela de Arte Applicados te Almeria, Spain, part of "Imagina" of Almediterranea '92
09-11-1991 — 30-11-1991: Group exhibition "Het beslissende beeld", highlights from the Dutch photography of the 20th century, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam
11-04-1992 — 03-05-1992: Fotowerk, fotografie in opdracht 1986-1992. Exhibition of the "Henny"-project with catalogue, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam
26-06-1992 — 16-07-1992: Group exhibition Imagina with "Transformation" - collage in Salas del Arenal, Seccion Espanola para la Exposicion Universal de Sevilla, 1992, Spain
16-07-1992: Billboard "Transformation"-collage Canon Image Centre, Leidsestraat, Amsterdam
01-08-1992 — 01-09-1992: Group exhibition Imagina met "Transformation"- collage in Escuela de Artes Applicadas y Oficios Artisticos in Almeria, Spain
10-09-1992 — 07-10-1992: Exhibition in the Canon Image Centre of pictures of the book "Woorden die diep wortelen - 10 schrijvers en vertellers uit Suriname", Amsterdam
17-12-1992: Group exhibition Imagina with Transformation-collage in Edificio Museo Espanol de Arte Contemporaneo, Madrid
12-06-1993 — 08-08-1993: Exhibition of the Henny pictures in the Amsterdams Historical Museum
30-06-1993 — 04-09-1993: Group exhibition Imagina with Transformation- collage in l'Espace Photo Angle et au Corum in Montpellier, France
24-09-1993 — 24-10-1993: Photo Event Noorderlicht 1993, exhibition of the Henny pictures, Groningen, The Netherlands
10-11-1993: Exhibition of the pictures of writers and storytellers from Surinam in the Surinam Museum, Paramaribo, Suriname
18-02-1994 — 16-03-1994: Group exhibition "Mijn belangrijkste foto van 1993″, De Moor, Amsterdam
30-03-1994 — 01-05-1994: "Hallo Rotterdam", group exhibition on billboards for the opening of the NFI in Witte de Withstraat, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
11-04-1994 — 03-05-1994: "De eerste de beste", group exhibition in Fotogram, Amsterdam
21-05-1994 — 03-07-1994: Group exhibition "Rock around the camera: 40 jaar popfotografie in Nederland". De Kunsthal, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
27-05-1994 — 10-07-1994: Exhibition en book presentation of "Woorden op de Westenwind" in het Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam
03-07-1994 — 02-09-1994: Group exhibition "De eerste de beste" Theater aan het Vrijthof, Maastricht, The Netherlands
01-09-1994 — 26-09-1994: Permanent presentation of the dia's of "AIDS in Afrika" on the department of Africa of het Tropenmuseum, and presentation of the dia's "AIDS in Afrika" in the Soeterijn-theater, Amsterdam
29-09-1994 — 30-10-1994: Group exhibition "Picture me blue": Toto Frima en haar hond door een groot aantal fotografen geportretteerd, De Melkweg Gallery, Amsterdam
30-09-1994 — 06-11-1994: Group exhibition "Binnestebuiten", commissioned by Nederlands Foto Instituut, residents of the Witte de Withstraat, photographed in their interior, exhibited in front of their window, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
06-10-1994 — 29-04-1995: "World of Love": one world, four families. Exhibition in het Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam
01-02-1995 — 28-02-1995: Group exhibition "De eerste de beste", Provinciehuis, Haarlem, The Netherlands
01-04-1995 — 30-04-1995: Group exhibition "De eerste de beste" De Grote Kerk, Veere, The Netherlands
15-05-1995 — 15-06-1995: Group exhibition "De eerste de beste" Museum Willem van Haren, Heerenveen
12-05-1995 — 31-05-1995: Group exhibition "Ego Document" Fotofestival Naarden, The Netherlands
24-05-1995 — 18-06-1995: "African Harmonies" Solo exhibition in de Melkweg Gallery, Amsterdam
01-06-1995 — 14-07-1995: Solo exhibition sequences in Sint-Lukas Gallery, Brussels
08-09-1996 — 10-11-1996: Group exhibition "Body electric" Winnipeg Art Gallery, Canada
03-10-1995 — 28-10-1995: 25 years jubilee exhibition in Gallery 2,5 x 4,5, Amsterdam
06-10-1995 — 05-11-1995: Exhibition "African harmonies" on fotofestival Noorderlicht, Groningen, The Netherlands
28-10-1995 — 25-11-1995: Exhibition "Vertellers en schrijvers uit Suriname en Surinaamse schrijvers buiten hun land" in the City Public Library, De Biekorf, Kuipersstraat 3, Brugge, Belgium
18-11-1995 — 04-12-1995: Exhibition "African harmonies" in Theater aan het Vrijthof, Maastricht, The Netherlands
20-03-1996 — 12-06-1996: Exhibition African Harmonies in Zebra African Art Gallery, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
23-03-1996 — 20-04-1996: Group exhibition "Zeventien Amsterdamse fotografen fotograferen zeventien Amsterdamse zeventienjarigen." In Amsterdam Centre for Photography
04-03-1997 — 01-06-1997: Group exhibition "Body in the lens" Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Canada
09-06-1997 — 31-08-1997: Group exhibition "Photographie au présent; l"année 1996 dans les collections de la Bibliothèque nationale de France", Bibliothèque nationale de France: Francois Mitterrand- Tolbiac, Quai Francois Mauriac, Paris
28-06-1997 — 06-07-1997: "Kunstschatten van Bossche bodem". Selection of BKR-art of 6 artists from Den Bosch, Museum Het Kruithuis, Den Bosch. Sequences were bought by the Noord-Brabants Museum en the Van Reekummuseum, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
13-09-1997 — 12-10-1997: Noorderlicht Festival, book and exhibition "De Ketting", Groningen, The Netherlands
21-02-1998 — 19-04-1998: Exhibition "VISTA" in De Beyerd, Breda, The Netherlands
30-05-1998 — 06-09-1998: Group exhibition composed images, stories and constructions, Van Reekummuseum, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
13-11-1998 — 18-12-1998: Group exhibitions sequences. Provinciaal Museum Van Humbeeck-Piron, Leuven, Belgium
20-01-1999 — 14-02-1999: VISTA-exhibition in de Melkweg Gallery, Amsterdam
12-03-1999 — 02-05-1999: Exhibition of sequences and VISTA-pictures in het Noord-Brabants Museum, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
13-04-1999 — 02-05-1999: Exhibition of sequences and VISTA-pictures in Gallery Arti Capelli, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
13-04-1999 — 16-05-1999: Group exhibition "Sprekende dingen, objecten en hun verhaal" in het Van Reekum Museum, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
01-06-1999 — 01-09-1999: Group exhibition "Beyond the photographic frame" in het Art Institute, Chicago, USA
04-03-2000 — 24-04-2000: Group exhibition "Een strikt emotionele aangelegenheid", selection of the second photo-collection of Bert Hartkamp in the Museum for Photography, Antwerp, Belgium
15-03-2000 — 13-04-2000: Exhibition of the VISTA-pictures in VNU-building in Hoofddorp, The Netherlands
13-06-2000 — 17-09-2000: Exhibition of the project "Wereld van Energie" in Museon, The Hague, The Netherlands
12-07-2000 — 10-09-2000: Group exhibition about Japan in Gallery de Melkweg, Amsterdam
15-08-2000 — 15-10-2000: Group exhibition "Optical delusions" in the Art Institute, Chicago, USA
02-10-2000 — 02-11-2000: Exhibition of the project "Wereld van Energie" in het Provinciehuis, Utrecht, The Netherlands
04-11-2000 — 29-11-2000: Group exhibition "Objectif Paris". Mois de la Photo. Espace Commines, Paris
20-06-2001 — 30-07-2001: Group exhibition "De natura rerum" in Gallery Baudoin Lebon, Paris
08-09-2001 — 30-09-2001: Group exhibition Fotofestival of Bienne, Switzerland
08-11-2001 — 02-12-2001: Exhibition of the fifth part of the "Henny"-projekt, "Henny zelf" in Gallery de Melkweg, Amsterdam
16-01-2002 — 02-03-2002: Exhibition in Gallery Baudoin Lebon, Paris
23-03-2002 — 02-04-2002: Group exhibition .Col-lectiva Cadaques. in Galerie Casino, Cadaques, Spain
13-06-2002 — 15-07-2002: Group exhibition .Col-lectiva Cadaques. African Cultural Centre Ecafrica, Barcelona, Spain
01-07-2002 — 31-08-2002: VISTA-pictures in Galeria d.Art Portdoguer, Cadaques, Spain
01-08-2002 — 31-08-2002: Group exhibition "Now, what is photo ?" with VISTA-pictures in Gana Art Center, Seoul
14-11-2002 — 17-11-2002: Presentation of sequences by Gallery Baudoin Lebon on Paris Photo, Paris
20-12-2002 — 05-01-2003: Group exhibition of artists from Cadaques in the Casino, Cadaques, Spain
12-04-2003 — 05-05-2003: Group exhibition of artists from Cadaques in het Casino, Cadaques, Spain
19-05-2003 — 14-06-2003: Group exhibition "Perception destabilisée" in Gallery du Cloître, Rennes, France
23-08-2003 — 04-09-2003: Group exhibition "4 artistes de Cadaques" in Casino exhibition room in Cadaques, Spain
03-03-2004 — 15-05-2004: Group exhibition "Transparences" in Gallery Le Reverbère, Lyon, France
08-06-2004 — 31-07-2004: Exhibition of the project "World of little heroes" in Gallery Fait et Cause in Paris, France
28-08-2004 — 12-09-2004: Exhibition of the project "World of little heroes" on the Fotofestival "Visa pour l'image" in Perpignan, France
14-12-2004 — 23-12-2004: Exhibition of the project "World of little heroes" on the Fotofestival Chobi Mela III in Dhakar, Bangladesh
28-01-2006 — 09-04-2006: Exhibition of the project "The most beautiful people in the world "in het Noordbrabants Museum, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
01-04-2006 — 31-06-2006: Exhibition of the project "Imagina "in the Conjunto Monumental Alcazaba in Almeria, Spain
27-06-2006 — 31-07-2006: Exhibition of the project "The most beautiful people in the world ", plaza of the Palace for Culture and Science in Warschau, Poland
16-04-2007 — 26-08-2007: Group exhibition "Dutch Eyes: a new history of photography in the Netherlands" in het Nederlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
03-09-2008 — 18-10-2008: Exhibition of sequences in the Robert Mann Gallery in New York, USA
29-11-2009 — 16-10-2010: Exhibition of sequences in Gallery Baudelaire, Antwerp, Belgium
24-1-2010 — 18-4-2010: Exhibition "Fotografie ! Een bijzondere collectie van de Universiteit Leiden" in het Fotomuseum, The Hague, The Netherlands
21-2-2010 — 14-3-2010: Exhibition of sequences in Gallery Harrie Pennings, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
30-4-2010 — 30-12-2010: Group exhibition "Exposure: Photos from the Vault" in the Denver Art Museum, Denver, USA
18-6-2010 — 16-7-2010: Exhibition of sequences in Lux Photo Gallery, Amsterdam
10-7-2010 — 3-10-2010: Group exhibition "L'Océan" in the Palais Bellevue in Biarritz, France
17-7-2010 — 30-12-2010: Group exhibition "Cruce de Caminos: Europa en México " in Guanajuato, Mexico
- Neem nou Henny, 1977
- Henny, een vrouw, 1983
- Sequenties, 1984
- Henny, 10 jaar uit haar leven, 1988
- The first twenty years, 1989
- Kammen, 1989
- Anders, 1989
- Woorden die diep wortelen, 1992
- Henny, een nieuw leven, 1993
- Woorden op de Westenwind, 1994
- VISTA, 1998
- World of Energy, 2000
- Henny zelf, 2001
- The PS-series, 2008
- Sequences: the ultimate selection, 2009
- The most beautiful people in the world, 2010