with the title "History of Systems of Thought," and lectured at the University at Buffalo and the University of California, Berkeley
Foucault is best known for his critical studies
of social institutions, most notably psychiatry
, medicine, the human sciences and the prison system, as well as for his work
on the history of human sexuality
The soul is the prison of the body.
I'm very proud that some people think that I'm a danger for the intellectual health of students. When people start thinking of health in intellectual activities, I think there is something wrong. In their opinion I am a dangerous man, since I am a crypto-Marxist, an irrationalist, a nihilist.
Qui définit le moment où j'écris?
One can say that the author is an ideological product, since we represent him as the opposite of his historically real function. (When a historically given function is represented in a figure that inverts it, one has an ideological production.) The author is therefore the ideological figure by which one marks the manner in which we fear the proliferation of meaning.
There is object proof that homosexuality is more interesting than heterosexuality. It's that one knows a considerable number of heterosexuals who would wish to become homosexuals, whereas one knows very few homosexuals who would really like to become heterosexuals.