Michael Noack
Michael Noack is the current Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Australian Vintage Limited. (formerly known as Mcguigan Simeon Wines Limited His role also extends to the Company Secretary position, which he has been completing since 24 November 2005. Serving as the companies Group Financial Controller, Mr. Noack was a vital part in the conduction of the merger between Simeon Wines and McGuigan Wines in 2002. He is a member of the ASCPA and the Chartered Secretaries Australia. He holds two degrees, a Bachelor of Accountancy from the University of South Australia and also has a graduate Diploma in Systems Analysis which he also undertook at the University of South Australia.
Michael Noack: Executive Profile & Bibliography- Business Week, (2010, 22 July). Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Exchange. Retrieved 7:00 am ET, 22 July 2010, from http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=12914810&ticker=AVG:AU
Michael Noack Australian Vintage Limited: Executive Profile, (2010). Infogroup OneSource. Retrieved 20:51 pm ET, 22 July 2010, from http://www.onesource.com/free/Michael-Noack/People/Profile/45965818-5Michael Noack: Executive Profile & Bibliography- Business Week, (2010, 22 July). Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Exchange. Retrieved 7:00 am ET, 22 July 2010, from http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=12914810&ticker=AVG:AU