Michael Lally
Michael Lally author and historian.

A native of Fairhill in the Claddagh
Claddagh is an area close to the centre of Galway city, where the Corrib River meets Galway Bay. It was formerly a fishing village, just outside the old city walls. It is just across the river from the Spanish Arch, which was the location of regular fish markets where the locals supplied the city...

, Lally has been a seminarian, shopkeeper, publican, and a voluntary worker with the Brothers of Charity. He has published a book, 'The Tan War; Ballyovey, South Mayo’, the product of ten years' painstaking research instigated by the last wish of his father, Tom, that the events of the War of Independence and subsequent Civil War in South Mayo be recorded.

External links

  • http://www.galwayindependent.com/profiles/profiles/micheal-lally-%11-carefree-attitude/
  • http://www.emigrant.ie/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=67939&Itemid=378
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