Megamaths is an Educational programme about Maths that originally aired on BBC2 between 1996 and 2001. Each episode was 20 minutes long and was written by Maths Television Presenter Simon Davies
Simon Davies
Simon Davies is a Welsh footballer who plays for Fulham. His favoured position is the right side of midfield.-Peterborough United:...

Other people that have been in the series are Liz Crowther
Liz Crowther
Elizabeth Ann 'Liz' Crowther is an English television actress. She is the daughter of comedian Leslie Crowther....

and Annee Blott. Between 1996 and 1999 it was presented in a castle where there were the four card suites and jokers. There were two gargoyles at the front of the castle who spoke in rhyme. After megamaths ran for 3 series they decided to stop the castle idea and two presenters presented in a studio.


Series One 1996
  1. Multiply by 1 3 March
  2. Multiply by 2 10 March
  3. Multiply by 3 17 March
  4. Multiply by 4 24 March
  5. Multiply by 5 31 March
  6. Multiply by 6 7 April
  7. Multiply by 7 14 April
  8. Multiply by 8 21 April
  9. Multiply by 9 28 April
  10. Multiply by 10 5 May

Series Two 1997
  1. Divide by 1 7 March
  2. Divide by 2 14 March
  3. Divide by 3 21 March
  4. Divide by 4 28 March
  5. Divide by 5 5 April
  6. Divide by 6 12 April

Series Three 1999
  1. Measuring 1 5 March
  2. Measuring 2 12 March
  3. Measuring 3 19 March
  4. Measuring 4 26 March
  5. Measuring 5 2 April
  6. Measuring 6 9 April

Series Four 2001
  1. Maths in Space 1 2 March
  2. Maths in Space 2 9 March
  3. Maths in Space 3 16 March
  4. Maths in Space 4 23 March
  5. Maths in Space 5 30 March
  6. Maths in Space 6 6 April
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