Materials Test Reactor
A materials test reactor (MTR) is a high power research reactor. Examples are located at the Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho National Laboratory is an complex located in the high desert of eastern Idaho, between the town of Arco to the west and the cities of Idaho Falls and Blackfoot to the east. It lies within Butte, Bingham, Bonneville and Jefferson counties...

 in the United States, the PINSTECH National Laboratory (PNL) in Pakistan
Pakistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a sovereign state in South Asia. It has a coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman in the south and is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, India in the east and China in the far northeast. In the north, Tajikistan...

 and in Petten
Petten is a town in the Dutch province of North Holland. It is a part of the municipality of Zijpe, and lies about 15 km northwest of Alkmaar, on the North Sea. The population is ca. 1900....

 in the Netherlands. Another, the Jules Horowitz Reactor
Jules Horowitz Reactor
The Jules Horowitz Reactor is to be Europe's newest research reactor. The 100 MWt reactor is being built at Cadarache in southern France....

 is being built at the Cadarache
The CEA Cadarache facility is a French scientific research centre which specialises in nuclear energy research. It is located in the commune of Saint-Paul-lès-Durance, Bouches-du-Rhône, in the southern region of Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur...

 nuclear facility in southern France.

See also: List of nuclear reactors


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