Martti Vainaa & Sallitut aineet
Martti Vainaa & Sallitut aineet is a Finnish
Finland , officially the Republic of Finland, is a Nordic country situated in the Fennoscandian region of Northern Europe. It is bordered by Sweden in the west, Norway in the north and Russia in the east, while Estonia lies to its south across the Gulf of Finland.Around 5.4 million people reside...

Pop music
Pop music is usually understood to be commercially recorded music, often oriented toward a youth market, usually consisting of relatively short, simple songs utilizing technological innovations to produce new variations on existing themes.- Definitions :David Hatch and Stephen Millward define pop...

-group that was formed in 2001. It was started as a trio
Trio (music)
Trio is generally used in any of the following ways:* A group of three musicians playing the same or different musical instrument.* The performance of a piece of music by three people.* The contrasting section of a piece in ternary form...

, but in 2005 it had five members. In beginning of the carrier the band made covers
Cover version
In popular music, a cover version or cover song, or simply cover, is a new performance or recording of a contemporary or previously recorded, commercially released song or popular song...

, but made own lyrics to them and some adjustments. In its actual format, the group started to make own songs. In 2005 the band made success with its song "Pelimies" (Player) and reached the first place at the Finnish single list during the summer of 2005. The song became a summer hit
Summer hit
A summer hit is a term in entertainment industry which refers to a title released and peaked in its popularity during summer and often later quickly faded away..Rick Lyman, a culture reporter for The New York Times, wrote:...

 in Finland in 2005. The song was originally made as a supporter song for the Floorball
Floorball, a type of floor hockey, is an indoor team sport which was developed in the 1970s in Sweden. Floorball is most popular in areas where the sport has developed the longest, such as the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. The game is played...

 team Happee and has since appeared in several videos involving Janne Pesonen
Janne Pesonen
Janne Pesonen is a Finnish professional ice hockey winger currently an unrestricted free agent .- Career :...



  • Max Poster (song/guitar)
  • Dan Suker (quitar/background singer)
  • Wolf Gustav (basses/background singer)
  • Dick Burner (keyboard/background singer)
  • Lazy Diamond (drums/background singer)


  • Pakko piikittää (demo, 2002)
  • Pelimies / Toyotan takana (single, 6 July 2005)
  • Playboy-Hanna (radio-/promosingle, 19 October 2005)
  • Onnellinen nyt (album, 2 November 2005)
  • Playboy-Hanna / Pelimies 2006 Dance Remix (single, 11 January 2006)
  • Toinen nainen / Älä anna rakkaallesi turpaan (single, May 2007)

See also

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