Martin Fowler
Online presentations
- Keynote at RailsConf 2006
- An Introduction to Language Oriented Programming at JAOO 2006
- The Yawning Crevasse of Doom at QCon London 2007 (with Dan North)
- Does My Bus Look Big In This? at QCon London 2008 (with Jim Webber)
- Forging a New Alliance at ThoughtWorks Quarterly Technology Briefing, October 2008 (with Scott Shaw)
- Agilists and Architects: Allies not Adversaries at QCon San Francisco 2008 (with Rebecca Parsons)
- Technology in the Obama Campaign at QCon London 2009 (with Zack ExleyZack ExleyZack Exley is a political and technology consultant, currently employed as the Chief Community Officer at the Wikimedia Foundation and previously from ThoughtWorks, a global IT consultancy...
) - Three Years of Real-World Ruby at QCon London 2009
External links
- Home Page of Martin Fowler
- A Conversation with Martin Fowler
- The New Methodology, a paper on lightweight software development methodology
- Dependency Injection