Martin Font
Martin Font, 35th Mayor of Galway
Mayor of Galway
The office of Mayor of Galway is an honorific title used by the of Galway City Council. The Council has jurisdiction throughout its administrative area which is the city of Galway – the largest city in the province of Connacht, in the Republic of Ireland. The office was originally established by a...

, 1520-1522.

Font was a member of one of The Tribes of Galway, and one of only three members of his family to serve as Mayor. He had been bailiff
A bailiff is a governor or custodian ; a legal officer to whom some degree of authority, care or jurisdiction is committed...

 in 1498 and was one of the few mayors who served successive terms. Adam Font was elected Mayor in 1524, as was Givane Font in 1569. The last known member of the family was Geoffrey Font
Geoffrey Font
Geoffrey Font, Irish centenarian, According to James Hardiman, Font's family - one of the Tribes of Galway - "settled in Galway in the beginning of the fifteenth century, they sprung fron an ancient English family of Leicestershire"...

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