Marjeet Singh
Marjeet Singh was a Manipuri royal who fought for power during the internal power struggles in Manipur after the death of Ching-Thang Khomba
Ching-Thang Khomba
Ningthou Ching-Thang Khomba was a Manipuri monarch of the 18th century CE. The inventor of the Ras Lila dance, he is a legendary figure in Manipur, and much of his actions as King had been mythologized...

. He was King shortly before the advent of the Chahi-Taret Khuntakpa. He was the brother of Chourjit Singh
Chourjit Singh
Chourjit Singh was a Manipuri royal who fought for power during the internal power struggles in Manipur after the death of Ching-Thang Khomba.-References:Hodson, Thomas Callan.The Meitheis. Harvard University, 1908....

 and Chinglen Nongdrenkhomba
Chinglen Nongdrenkhomba
Chinglen Nongdrenkhomba , also known as Maharaja Gambhir Singh, was a son of Chingthang Khomba. He succeeded his nephew Yumjaotaba in April 1821 during the seven years devastation. He abdicated the throne with the arrival of a Burmese force under his cousin Prince Jai Singh,the firt puppet king...

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